I am
Reading... Book One in the Dream Harbor series by Laurie Gilmore. I stumbled across the first two books at Walmart. So far I am loving the story and the funny characters. I will be hunting up any other books in the series.
Watching... Cities of the Underworld, a Travel Channel show about secret tunnels, catacombs, and the like under the cities of the United States. I do love the weird stuff.
Listening... to Tim's snores from the bedroom.
Loving... our granddaughter's feisty spirit. This girl is going to take the world by storm.
Thinking... about the conversations I have every Tuesday with a coworker. He is young enough to be my son and he is a gay man. On the surface we don't have a lot in common, but as we spend more time together we've begun to have these deeper conversations. It's been really interesting (and often surprising) to learn his views on things. He's far more conservative that I ever would have thought and he is truly interested in my take on politics and religion. Do I see myself leading him to Christ? No, but he does listen and ask questions so seeds are being planted.
Feeling... pretty good. The major flare up of inflammation I'd been experiencing finally passed so I'm only dealing with the aches of arthritis at the moment. Plus, life is pretty good and I am content.
Celebrating... Tim saw the doctor again yesterday about being tired and out of breath. Chest x-rays ruled out pneumonia so he is being treated for bronchitis. Hopefully, this will finally kick the bug he's been fighting for weeks.
Grateful... our grandson is doing so well with his new meds and the anxiety and behaviors that had been making life miserable are very much reduced. Him being calmer and happier has made everyone else calmer and happier. Our daughter is also doing really well on her adjusted meds and with her focus on the beading projects and jigsaw puzzles rather than dwelling on the negative things in life.
Enjoying... the little bits and pieces of spring that are starting to show through the winter weather.
Looking forward... to going to the high school's production of Grease on Saturday.
The weather... is cloudy and 39 degrees. Tomorrow we will see mid-50's!
Giggling at...