Sunday, April 14, 2024


I'm feeling the need to check in and let you know what's up in my corner of the world. I am still not back in a regular way and remain undecided if I ever will.

The weather... is a warm 67 degrees at 9:00 p.m. We are under a storm watch and as I sit here I think I am seeing flashes of lightening off to the north of us. We are expecting rain off and on through the week with temperatures staying in the upper 60s and lower 70s before cooling back into the 50s for the weekend.

My health... is a real roller coaster ride these days. The knee that has been giving me trouble since November has gotten bad enough that I've had Tim put up a temporary railing for me to cling to getting down off the stoop going out the backdoor. Most of the time I am okay on flat surfaces as long as I wear my Brooks sneakers, but steps are a killer. I am thinking of asking at work if I may park in the "bosses" lot so I don't have to deal with them for now. 

As for what I'm doing about the knee, I saw an orthopedic doctor at the end of March. New x-rays taken at her office show BOTH of my knees have severe arthritis and are bone on bone. She can't understand why the left one isn't painful, too. She prescribed physical therapy. Unfortunately, this coming Thursday is the earliest I was able to get an appointment. I see her again on the 29th, I believe to decide what we will try first. She does not want to do surgery. So I have info to consider on sodium hyaluronate injections and also on platelet infused plasma injections. I don't know if she will begin injections that day or not. Both options are a bit of a process.

Just to make life more fun...this weekend I found myself having a cold or something. Yesterday I felt achy all over, my back hurt a lot, and my throat was sore. Today I feel a bit better. No all-over achiness and the throat is a good bit less sore, but the back still hurts and I've done a lot of napping. Hopefully, I will be nearly normal by tomorrow.

Reading... Get It Together: Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe by Jesse Watters of FOX News. It's a very interesting read. Amazon has this to say about it:  

In Get It Together, the number one New York Times bestselling author and Fox News primetime host takes on Wokeism in a way no one else has. Through a series of (sometimes very) personal interviews with some of the most radical activists in the country, Watters discovers that these activists may be overlooking the most important change they need to make—within themselves.

From activists working for climate change salvation, Black supremacy, and social justice to a professional cuddler and a transwoman who identifies as a wolf, Watters shows how many well-intentioned Americans have bought into causes invented and run by people who are illogical, emotional, and ill-informed.

Through their stories, Watters uncovers common threads—childhood traumas, broken relationships, and a lack of introspection. What if the people obsessed with the end of the world are just hurting from how this one has treated them? What if that, rather than ideological disagreements, is the deeper root of our country’s political divide?

Funny, fresh, and fascinating, Get It Together is sure to spark important conversations, and to inspire us to see one another not as political opponents, but as real and broken human beings.

Watching... Tim and I watched several episodes of Jack Ryan on Prime today.

Feeling... content and hopeful.

Thinking... that the cost of things has gotten ridiculous. My 79-year-old mother finally broke down and bought the new front door her house has needed for years. The original door was extra-wide and had side lights. Replacing it required a custom order and since she was doing that she ordered a custom color, too. Butter yellow. To get this door and have it installed cost $15,000! For a door. My husband assures me it is not a ridiculous price. It might be what doors cost these days, but jeez!

Grateful... I haven't had to work in the shredding department yet this year. My boss has made sure I can stay in ATF. In fact, she arranged for another client to be in ATF on Fridays just so I can stay there.

Celebrating... our son-in-law's birthday was this past Thursday. My stepdad's birthday is coming up on the 20th and the day after that is his and Mom's anniversary.

Enjoying... Tim being home a lot more than normal. Don't worry, he tells me work will be picking up again beginning in May.

Looking forward to... and end to pain (I hope).

Giggling at...


It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...