Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday so you know I'm linking up with bloggy pal, Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

This week I am thankful...

** whatever this illness is that has been plaguing me for nearly 2 weeks, it is NOT Covid. I got tested. It is a plain, old, ordinary, run-of-the-mill virus. Or allergies. Or a combination of both.

** I know the cough that won't quit is caused by post-nasal drip. To get rid of the cough I have to defeat the drip. Meds aren't working, though I haven't tried saline solution yet. In the past I've gotten doctors to give me steroids and that has done the trick.

In my digging online, I discovered there is a condition that can be triggered by the post-nasal drip, but is muscular in origin. I forget the name, but essentially, the muscles of the throat tense and become too easily stimulated and over active. That sounds like exactly what I have going on every single time I get sick. The treatment is actually therapy. They can physically massage the throat to try to get the muscles to relax and there is also breathing therapy where they teach you how to breathe better so the muscles don't tense up. I have my doubts our insurance will cover something like that, but it's worth asking about.

** in spite of the coughing, I am beginning to feel better and I'm getting some things done around home. I'm continuing on my quest to thin out my stuff. With the books done I'm moving on to, well, everything else. I haven't done much yet, but I did pull a few things and my mental list is growing.

** I've been cooking dinner every night and it hasn't been that bad since I'm not working. I've been trying to be more creative (but not too or Tim won't eat it) and add some more variety. Monday we had beef fried rice with a green salad and deviled eggs. Tuesday's supper was a seafood boil and last night we had a roast I made in the crock pot with egg noodles, gravy, and mashed sweet potatoes. Tonight I am thinking of either pierogies with kielbasa or some kind of pasta with a green salad. Friday night will be fish fry night and Saturday Tim will be on his own as I will be at church for a soup and game night (he has refused to go).

** All the amazing things God has been teaching me and the wonderful teachers and examples He's provided for me to learn from.

** for the cute Easter decorations in the basket I won a couple of weeks ago. I put the St. Patrick's Day decorations away yesterday and put out the bunnies and eggs.

** all the rain yesterday that helped to wash away the grime of winter and bring the world back to life.

** no one other than Leah seems to have caught my "bug" and she is not too bad with it.

** I have lots to keep me busy.

** for my family, my pets, and my relationship with the Lord.

** for all my wonderful friends, online and off.


  1. Keeping in husband and I both suffer from allergies...and I am sick of folks looking at Ya and going," Do you have covid?" Sometimes I want to wring their necks, grin.

    ANYWAYS, Have a beautiful day, Stacy. Raining here too.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I know what you mean. I get this terrible, hacking cough that I can't stop for anything so I definitely get what you mean about the looks. I'm like dude...whatever I had is long gone, it's just the cough that I can never get rid of.

  2. Hi Stacy. So glad you don't have Covid. Hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like you had a good week with lots to be grateful for. I hope your weekend is a good one as well. See you again soon!

  3. So glad its not COVID & that you're slowly but surely getting better!
    Yes - when it rains here, we're glad to get some of that pollen out of the way .... at least for a bit!

  4. Do you make your own pierogies? I love that every country of the world makes some sort of dumpling--I'd love your recipe if you'd like to share!

    1. Sorry, I don't make my own. I use Mrs. T' do the majority of people around here even though this is seriously Polish, Hungarian, Slovak country. The old timers still make them from scratch and a few younger ones, but most go for ease. I had someone who would have taught me, but she and her husband split and she moved to Maryland.

  5. Sorry to hear about the coughing. Seasonal allergies do that to me. I pray you get better soon and without drugs. The throat massaging sounds like worth the try.
    In spite of the rain, we've been busy with working in the yard (6 1/2 acres). It always needs something picked up, fixed, cut down, or fertilized. *lol* I love it though.
    Have a blessed day! xx

    1. I definitely get some type of seasonal allergies so for the first week I thought that was the problem, but then I just got to feeling so miserable I had to admit something else was there on top of allergies.
      All that work pays off. When I see your photos your land looks lovely!

  6. Such a great list Stacy. Your meals sound good. We did a roast and noodles for lunch last Sunday. One of my favorite meals. Hope you can kick this whatever it is soon. Take care my friend.

  7. Praying you are soon on the mend from your coughing/sinus issues. Allergies can be very aggravating. And it's pollen season here and probably will be there too, so hang on and hopefully you will be better soon. Your meals sound interesting and good. I've never made pierogies...not even too sure I've ever had them. They are not a "thing" here in Florida. I'm thinking one time years and years ago a lady in one of our churches was from PA. and brought them to a pot luck supper. That's all I can remember about it because it was different to me then too. I think I ate one and liked it, but can't remember anything else about it. LOL. I hope you have a fun night at the church soup and game night. Sounds like fun. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Do you have Mrs. T's frozen pierogies in the stores? That's what everyone up here uses. Just boil them according to the box directions and fry up some sliced onions in butter and pour that over the pierogies. Yum!

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon. I use a neti pot a lot and that helps my allergies. Thanks for the link to the mascara - I noticed Covergirl is on there several times, but not the kind I use. I will change the kind I use and see if that helps, since I've tolerated Covergirl in the past. Much appreciated.

    1. You're welcome. I hope the info turns out to help you. I think about neti pots, but I just don't think I can do that. I hate getting water up my nose in the pool, the shower, wherever!

  9. First of all, so very glad it's not covid! From my personal experience, I suggest you talk to your doctor about allergies. I used to get sinusitis every January. Every darn January. Every year, I had a different doctor, who treated it. Finally I had a doctor for more than a year and she pieced it together. I'm allergic to a chemical that's in paint thinner, and that they use to treat carpet to make it stain resistant. Because of the buildings I work and live in, I was breathing that in during the cold months because all the vents were closed and the air was recycled. And I was never going outdoors and breathing fresh air. So if someone two floors below me was renovating, I was breathing it in and I'd get sick. A small dose (60mg) of Fexofenadine a day and I'm fine. FINE! It's glorious. Sorry if this is much more than you wanted to know, but I want to share in case your doctor can get to the bottom of this. Prevention is better than treatment.

    1. Any information is good to have and file away. You never know when it will come in handy. I actually was tested for allergies a few years ago. An allergist tested me for the 50 most common allergens and concluded I don't have allergies. When my primary doctor saw it his response was "There are way more than 50 things to be allergic to in the world." But nothing more ever came of it. I honestly think my biggest issue is that thing with the throat muscles getting tense and over-reactive.

  10. I am so thankful that you don't have covid. I have had a terrible time with phlegm in my throat ALL THE TIME! I mentioned it to my doctor and she quickly said it was my statin drug causing it so she changed my meds. It isn't gone away but it is better. Enjoy your soup and game night at church. Sounds like fun! Have a blessed weekend! xo

    1. When I first started on Lisinopril I had a chronic cough but it eventually went away.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...