Friday, September 30, 2022

Saturday 9: Forever Your Girl

I'm linking up with Sam for the Saturday 9 as usual. I also want to tell you to check back later for another post as I will be joining in with Kwizgiver for her October blogging challenge.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Saturday 9: Forever Your Girl (1989)

1) In this song, Paula Abdul tells her boyfriend he's got to remember, she's forever his girl. How's your memory? Do you remember things easily or do you leave yourself notes and reminders?  I always thought my memory was pretty good, but since I had Covid in July I have trouble remembering the names of people or even what some random thing is called during conversations. Some days I think it's getting a bit better and other days...not so much. It's driving me nuts. I don't use notes because I never know what name I'm going to be unable to remember.

2) Paula reassures her lover that she can't be swayed by another man, even if he gave her diamonds or pearls. Tell us about a piece of jewelry that means something to you.  Well, my wedding ring did. It was braided white gold with little diamonds set in the braid. I haven't seen it since my cat stole it several months ago. I guess I could tell you about something else, so I choose my grandmother's little, gold, heart locket. She wanted a locket very badly and no one ever got her one so she bought it herself. When we cleaned out her home they gave it to me as it has a photo of my grandfather in one side and my son in the other. I never wear it, but it means a lot to me.
3) Paula is best known as one of the original judges of American Idol. Without looking it up, can you recall the men who sat on either side of her?  Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson

4) Paula has been dancing since age 8 and moves very well in heels. Tell us about your favorite shoes.  It's either my Vionic flip-flops or my Merrell clogs. Both are favorites because my feet hurt less in them than anything else.
5) A lifelong dancer, Paula admits she's not a trained singer. For this record, she worked with producer Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, who won accolades for his work with singers including Madonna, Kelly Clarkson, Toni Braxton and Janet Jackson. Who is your all-time favorite female singer?  Stevie Nicks
6) She advises young girls to "keep the faith and don't lose your gut instinct." How about you? Are you more logical or instinctive?  Instinctive. I'm not much for investigating and weighing options and choosing what makes sense. I generally choose what feels right.
7) Paula is excited that Richard Branson has chosen her song, "Straight Up" as the theme for his Virgin Galactic Spaceflight company. Would you like to orbit above the earth?  I would have jumped at the chance when I was younger, but now with children and grandchildren in my life...I'm not willing to risk it.

8) In 1989, when this song was a hit, the Sears Holiday Wish Book was big on  bathrobes. Men and women alike were tempted with brightly colored, belted robes with hoods and patch pockets. Tell us about your bathrobe.  It's a thick, fuzzy, fleece in a leopard print. I love a comfy bathrobe you can snuggle into.

9) Random question: What do you consider your best quality?  I don't know. I'm pretty good at letting go of stuff and forgiving people. I'm also good at staying calm in tough situations.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Good morning! I am so tickled to be linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand this morning for Thankful Thursday. It's been so LONG since she's been able to host the link up and it's great to see her back. (That would be thankful thing #1 today!)

In addition to the return of our hostess, this week finds me thankful...

** life has returned to normal after weeks of dealing with our daughter's health issues, finding out she has Lyme Disease, pretty much stepping in as substitute mom while she wasn't able to take care of the kiddos, and their family's vacation.

This week finds our daughter feeling much better and taking over the mothering duties again and the kids back in school and getting back on a regular schedule...and me having time to myself. (That is very necessary to my introverted soul. I need time to recharge emotionally.)

** for a girl's night with a few of the women from my former Bible study group. It was so fun to get together and catch up with each other's lives, pray together, and encourage each other (in this world, we each have situations in our lives much in need of prayer). We also got to enjoy some of the best apple pie I've ever had. Yum!

** I was able to convince two of the women from that group to join me in reading Ruth Chou Simon's book When Strivings Cease so they can join me at my church in November when the women get together for a night of fellowship, food, and discussing the book.

** for another great session of the small group I'm part of this year. I'm loving getting to know one of the elders and his family better and I really appreciate his wisdom and insights.

** that a dear friend of mine, after hearing about our daughter's health issues, saw many similarities to her own problems and contacted her doctor about the possibility of being infected with Lyme Disease. The blood test is pending but her doctor went ahead and started her on antibiotics since she is leaving on vacation this Sunday.

** for season 2 of Sweet Magnolias on Netflix. Now if I could only learn not to binge the whole season in two days. 

** a great weekend with auction with my mom and stepdad, an anniversary dinner for our daughter and her husband, a sleepover with the grandchildren, and a Sunday relaxing with my husband.

** for pumpkin pie creamer for my tea.

** for beautiful, colder fall weather so I can start making more savory dishes again and also wear my favorite clothes.

** the crew installing the new drainage system in my neighborhood is finally making progress and has moved around the corner and away from our street. To be fair they've had to pound their way through solid rock the entire way and it's been slow going, but it is really nice not to have that constant pounding going on so close to the house. Now if they'd just fill in the big hole in the front yard...

** that God loves each one of us so much that he planned for us and knew us before the world began. He's had a plan for our lives all that time. It just lays me out when I think that when He answers even the tiniest of my prayers, it means that He has been working all circumstances, weaving them together, building on them, since the beginning of time so that everything would be in perfect order to give me that answer. How incredible is that?!

** for my family, my friends, my faith, and my country...and all that comes along with those things.

** and, of course, for all of you!

Dear friends in Florida, I pray you are all safe from the storm.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Falling Into Books & Tuesday 4's Fall This & That

I had planned to go out with a friend today, but she isn't feeling well and after seeing her doctor yesterday, it's looking like she has Lyme disease (yes, it is a real problem in our area). Anyway, she just doesn't feel up to going out, but I am going to visit her this evening. Her husband is going to make apple pie and serve it with cinnamon ice cream. Yum!

Since I have unexpected time on my hands I'm going to join in with the Tuesday 4 gang and I've stolen a fun book idea from blogging friend, Deb @ A Day in the Life.

Books A to Z

I've actually read these posts in a few other places since seeing Deb's, but she was the first. I love reading and reading about what books other's are reading and enjoying. If you think this is fun, I hope you'll jump in the fun, too.

Author you've read the most books from: I've read a lot of book series, but if I had to guess, I've read more Janet Evanovich than any other single author since I've read all the Stephanie Plum books, all of the other series she's started, and all of her stand alone books.

Best sequel: Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. Backman is an exquisite writer. His writing is breathtaking. I have never come across another author who captures the human condition better.

Currently reading: Kilt at the Highland Games a cozy mystery in the Liss MacCrimmon series by Kaitlyn Dunnett.

Drink choice while reading: Diet Coke when it's warm out and some flavor of herbal tea when it's cold.

E-reader or physical book: I do have a Kindle with quite a few books on it and I use it in fits and spurts, but on the whole I greatly prefer a physical book in my hands. I love the feel and smell of a book.

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school: I can't think of one right off hand, but pick a bad boy with a heart of gold. That would have been the one I would have been drawn to.

Glad you gave this book a chance: The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women. I had not heard about the women who worked in the factories during WWI painting watches and airplane dials with radium, nor about the radium poisoning they were afflicted with and the horrific health issues and deaths they suffered. The book was a real eye opener.

Hidden gem: I've mentioned it before, but Lottery by Patricia Wood. It's a beautifully written story about Perry L. Crandall, who has some developmental disabilities and with an IQ of 76 he's an easy target for people to pick on. His grandmother does her best to teach him and equip him to deal with such people and life. When she dies and a lottery ticket she and Perry had bought is a winner, readers see just what Perry is capable of. It is heartwarming and inspiring.

Important moment in your reading life: That would be when my fourth grade teacher made us read Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry. My 9 year old self was completely captivated and I went on to read not only all the rest of Henry's horse books, but many others as well. When I found out it was a basically true story and that Chincoteague was a real place...getting there became a life goal for me. It finally happened in my 20's and I have been there several times since. It all culminated in 2013 when I finally was there for the famous Pony Swim and watched it beside a member of the Bebe family who patiently answered all my questions.

Just finished: Growing Up in Mr. Roger's Real Neighborhood: Life Lessons from the Heart of Latrobe, PA by Chris Rodell

Kind of books I won’t read: I hate to say won't because you never know what circumstances might lead you to something, but in general, I don't like to read sci-fi, dystopian works, horror, or anything too explicit in either violence or sex.

Longest book you’ve read: I don't know page counts, but among the top contenders...The Holy Bible, Roots by Alex Haley, Gone With the Wind, Captains and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell, and Greg Iles' Mississippi Blood.

Major hangover because of: (What book has stayed with me the longest) Misty of Chincoteague for all the reasons I mentioned above.

Number of cases you own: I have 5 bookcases. One holds all my Bibles and religious books, one holds beautifully bound classics, and the other three hold collections of my favorite authors and books I've yet to read.

One book you’ve read multiple times: Other than the Bible, Little Women is one I go back to fairly often.

Preferred place to read: Snuggled up on the sofa with my pup and my kitty.

Quote that inspires you, or gives you all the feels, from a book you’ve read: “Another morning comes. It always does. Time always moves at the same rate, only feelings have different speeds. Every day can mark a whole lifetime or a single heartbeat, depending on who you spend it with.”  Fredrik Backman, Beartown

Reading regret: Not keeping better records of what I've read. It's not unusual for me to buy a used book, sit down to read it...and realize I've already read it at some point in the past.

Series you started and need to finish: Several cozy mystery series. Since I buy most of them used, I rarely start with book one and have to keep looking for the others and fill in the gaps as I can.

Three of your all-time favorite books:

  • The Holy Bible I read some of it every day and study it at great length.
  • Little Women
  • The Big Tidy Up (a children's book)

Unapologetic fan of: old books.

Very excited for this release (more than all the others): I don't really pay much attention to new releases. Most of my books are purchased used. However, I do make a point to pick up new Janet Evanovich and James Rollins books when they come out. Right now I am actually looking forward to The Winners, book 3 in Fredrik Backman's Beartown series. It comes out today.

Worst bookish habit: buying more books before I've read the huge stack I already have.

X marks the spot - start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: The bookcase with the antique books and classics is the closest one to me so it's The Return of Sherlock Holmes.

Your latest book purchase: I recently purchased two old history books at an auction.

Zzz snatcher book (the last book that kept you up late): All of them. I stay up late, anyway, and I read before bed.

Tuesday 4

1. Do lower temperatures bother you or make you uncomfortable and are you more of a warm climate person?  I am more of a moderate person. I don't like to be too hot or too cold. These temperatures right now that range from the 40's to the 60's are great!

2.  Do you like the colors associated with Autumn. Clothing wise do they look good on you?  Autumn colors are my favorites. My house is mostly decorated in them. I do wear a good bit of autumn colors with the exception of yellow. I don't think I look good in it at all.

3. Would you rather: 

  •   … get lost in a corn maze or go on a hayride?  Probably the corn maze, but at our fairgrounds you can do both.
  • … visit an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch?  An apple orchard.
  •  … eat a caramel apple or a candy apple?   A caramel apple because I'm afraid a candy apple would do a number on my crowns.
  •  …Cinnamon buns or Pumpkin muffins?  Pumpkin flavored anything wins hands down!
4. There are 7,500 varieties of apple.  What is your favorite and do you like apple pie?  My favorite apple is the Gala. It's just the right amount of sweet and tart. I will eat apple pie, but pie isn't really a favorite of mine. Pumpkin pie would be the exception.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

My Weekend & My Auction Wins

This first weekend of fall has been a wonderful one filled with family time. The weather was not bad. It was was cold yesterday morning, but it was sunny and it did warm up. Today was warmer, but it has rained much of the day.

I was up early on Saturday and bundled up to go with my mom and step-father to an auction. The items being sold were much of the art and some of the antiques and collectibles from the estate of a man my parents had known since the 1970's. We knew he was a collector, but Saturday's sale was to move enough things out of the home to have another auction next Saturday. The auctioneer said there was nothing but a path through the house. So, technically, I suppose he was a hoarder, but he hoarded very high end things.

So many paintings and prints (most signed and numbered). Some, even though they were by very well known artists, went for very affordable prices, on the cheap side, actually. The paintings were a different story. They were large and in absolutely incredible quality. Some of those sold for thousands of dollars.

To my surprise, I was able to purchase a few items. I got two older books. One is about Pennsylvania history and the other about Pennsylvania genealogies. Additionally, I brought home the following:

This small (8 x 10) oil painting.

This small original Currier & Ives print. The auctioneer didn't mention it was Currier & Ives or it would have sold for much more than the $4 I paid for it.

The most expensive things I bought were two large, beautifully framed Audubon prints. One of Blue Jays and one of owls. It was actually a collection of 8 prints and I had the winning bid. I was able to choose which ones I wanted or take them all (the bid price was per piece). They were lovely, but I have no where to put that many large prints. I'm going to have to do some rearranging to accommodate the two I did get.

Saturday evening we took our daughter and son-in-law (and the grands) out to their favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary, which was on Friday. After dinner the grands rode home with us and spent the night.

Leah's adorable "Jesus & George Strait" outfit.

Today I woke up long before everyone else, but had a headache and felt achy. I felt kind of yucky all day, but I think it's just allergies or sinus issues due to the change in the weather. I was supposed to staff the church nursery today, but called off for that. I really didn't feel up to it and just in case it was something more serious I didn't want to expose the babies.

Pappy made the kiddos their usual Sunday morning pancakes and played games with them while I stood under a hot shower (hoping to feel better). In the afternoon we went to Sam's Club to look around. We got a few things we needed and I picked up a couple of little items for Christmas gifts. 

I had an "episode" while we were there. It's not unusual for me to get what I suspect is low blood sugar when I am out shopping. I get a weird jittery on the inside feeling and my hands will visibly shake. I know if I eat or drink something it will go away. It's been happening on and off since I was in my 20's. I have been tested many times and my sugar is always fine. Today was the worst it's ever been. I had all the usual symptoms, but also broke out in a cold sweat and felt like I was going to pass out. I left Tim in line to checkout and went to get something to eat at the snack bar, but it took a while to feel better. 

Once we got home and got our Sam's Club haul put away we both just rested. Tim watched one of his crime shows and napped. I read for a while and finally fell asleep for a bit, myself. I've felt more like myself since then.

Megan and the kids were over this evening because there is some kind of problem with a pipe at their house and the tub isn't draining so the kids got their showers here. It's back to school for them tomorrow after being at the beach all last week. They are so excited to go back!

This week I have some business to take care of, I want to work on organizing a couple of spaces I haven't gotten to yet, put away the outside summer decorations and get the fall ones out, continue the job search, and our nephew from Alabama is going to be in town with his family at the end of the week.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Saturday 9: This Night Won't Last Forever

It's Friday evening and things are getting back to normal around here. The kids are back from Ocean City, grand-dog Abby has gone home, and Jasper has come out of hiding and is cuddled up and content on this chilly autumn night (Daisy is here, too, but she wasn't in hiding). 

Today was a long and busy day, but a good one. I took my client out for the day. We browsed through a thrift shop, shopped at Walmart and a couple of stores at the mall, had lunch at Panera Bread, and finished our time out at a local winery/berry farm. She bought a bottle of a nice Niagara and I found I decided on a bottle of a blended wine called Bella Rose. It's light, fresh and has a decidedly grapey flavor. I also got Tim a fresh baked cherry pie. It's his favorite and I don't make pies.

And just when I thought my day was done, Megan asked me to take her grocery shopping. By the time we got home and got everything unloaded and put away I was done. My feet, knee, hips, and back were aching something awful. I told Tim to pick up something for dinner on his way home. He got KFC, which was fine and not cooking gave me time to sit with my feet up so I feel a lot better now.

Tomorrow I'm going with my mom to the estate auction of a man our family knew. He was the long-time gardener for the branch of the Mellon family that resides here. We met him when my dad was the manager of the family's wildlife preserve back in the 1970's. Anyway, he was a life-long bachelor and an antique collector. Mom wants to see what he had and how much things go for. I don't know what all is for sale, but I do know there are over 140 framed art works. Probably not a sale I will be able to afford to buy anything at, but it will be interesting. 

Knowing where I'll be, don't think I've forgotten all of you. I will get around to visit, it will just be later.

Now, let's get on with the Saturday 9. Thank you, Sam, for the music and the questions!

Saturday 9: This Night Won't Last Forever (1979)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song begins with, "Everybody likes a celebration." Do you have any birthdays or anniversaries coming up on your calendar?  Well, today (Friday) is our daughter and son-in-love's 5th wedding anniversary. We didn't get to celebrate with them today, but will over the weekend. October 2 is our son's birthday. He will be 36.
2) The lyrics tell us Michael Johnson is stuck at a party while his heart is breaking. He finds it awkward and painful to pretend there's nothing wrong. Are you adept at "putting a good face on it?" Or is it easy for others to tell how you're feeling?  I am very good at putting a good face on it. It's a "skill" I learned when I was a kid and my dad was raking me over the coals, which he did on a regular basis. I determined to never let him see how bad he hurt me. I try not to be like that now, but I still have people tell me that I am hard to read.

3) Michael feels like this is going to be a long night. Is there a part of your day when time tends to drag? Or when it flies?  Mornings and afternoons go fast. Evenings go slower.
4) As bad as he feels right now, he's still hopeful about tomorrow. What are you looking forward to for Sunday?  I don't really have anything I'm looking forward to. I will be volunteering in the church nursery this Sunday. We don't have any plans that I know of.
5) When he was 13, Michael taught himself to play the guitar. He went on to take formal lessons and mastered classical guitar. What's something you would like learn more about/do better?  I'd like to learn to cook more ethnic foods and sometimes I think it would be fun to learn to speak some Italian.
6) For a time he performed with a trio known as Denver, Boise & Johnson. The Denver was John. Do you have a favorite John Denver song?  I don't know if I can choose just one. I loved John Denver. Country Roads and Annie's Song are right up there, though.
7) He retired to Minneapolis to be near his adult daughter. But he never stopped performing entirely. For years he delighted loyal local fans with with an annual holiday concert on December 26 at Orchestra Hall. Is there a performer you've seen in concert more than once?  Toby Keith, Donnie Iris, B.E. Taylor.
8) In 1979, when this song was popular, the cable channel ESPN launched. What's the last sporting event that you watched?  It's been so long since I've watched any sports that I don't even have a clue.

9) Random question: Do you play Wordle?  No. I think about it, but I really don't need any more ways to waste time online.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Falling Into Thankful Thursday

Good morning and happy fall y'all! Today is the beginning of my favorite season of the year and it's come in bringing weather that feels like fall with it. Yay! Of course as one of those obnoxious fall loving girls, I am thankful for that, but there is so much more to be thankful for so let's get on with it. 

I'm linking up with Jen and Rebecca Jo as I'm not sure who is hosting since Rebecca Jo has been easing back into the blogging world.

This week I am thankful...

** for fall, fall weather, and all things fall related...especially pumpkin spice flavored everything. As a side note, I am also loving this year's growing number of maple and carmel apple flavored things.

** our daughter and her family have had a wonderful vacation in Ocean City this week and kept us updated with some great photos.

You can sure tell she's feeling better!

First time on an adult ride. The face is classic.
She did actually LOVE it and they had to 
ride it again!

** the antibiotics our daughter is on seem to be kicking the Lyme disease and she is feeling so much better. She will still get the MRI that was scheduled next week, just to be sure nothing else is going on, but seeing her health improve so much is such a relief after doctors had been kicking around things like MS, Lupus, and brain tumors.

** I got a quiet week at home with nothing much to do after the craziness of the past couple of weeks.

** our great-nephew, who underwent a bone marrow/stem cell transplant a couple of weeks ago, continues to do very well. He woke up this morning to find out he'd been disconnected from the IV's and the plan is to release him to move to the Ronald McDonald House next week. His mom is very excited about getting to sleep in a real bed. 

** my husband has been feeling better lately. No particular reason that I know of, he just is.

** for all the people who stood up in church last Sunday and shared what God has been doing in their lives. So exciting and encouraging!

** for my pastor who is probably the most godly (and committed to living that way) man I've ever been privileged to know. He is so intentional in all of his words and actions. I really appreciate his wisdom and teachings.

** I finally got a new library card after not having one or even going to the library since my kids were in school. I'm already on my second batch of books and I've used their computers to print out some things (my computer and printer refuse to talk to each other no matter what I've tried).

** for all of you, of course!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


I am... 

Reading... The Silence of the Library, book 5 in the Cat in the Stacks series by Miranda James, which is yet another cozy mystery featuring a librarian and his (yes, a male librarian!) cat. I'm also working on Ruth Chou Simons' book When Strivings Cease because my church is starting a book club for women. We're reading the book independently and then will meet on a Friday night in November to discuss it.

Watching... I couldn't really find anything that interested me tonight so I am sort of watching Hoarding: Buried Alive on Discovery+.

Listening to... I've been on a Billy Joel kick.

Loving... having several days of peace and quiet and time completely to myself this week while our daughter and her family are on vacation. With all her health problems last week and me having to pretty much take on all her mom duties, it was really hectic and I was worn out. I'm really not doing much of anything...reading, a little thrifting, Bible study group, journaling, chatting on the phone with friends, wasting time on the laptop, and watching movies. It's nice.

Thinking... about all the things coming up in the next couple of weeks. My small group meeting every Thursday; taking my client, Angel, out on Friday; an auction with Mom on Saturday; working in the church nursery on Sunday; our daughter's MRI on Wednesday; a nephew from Alabama will be in town next week with his family; and, hopefully, a trip to see my dad at some point.

Also about my cat, Jasper. He has been in hiding since our daughter's dog came to stay with us Sunday afternoon. I know where he is, but unless he's coming out at night...I don't think he's eaten or drank anything. I don't think he's been to the litter box, either...again, unless he's using it at night. I haven't found any nasty surprises so I'm hoping there aren't any. I just hate how stressed he must be and Abby will be here until Thursday evening or Friday.

Feeling... concerned about our niece, the mother of the boy who recently had the bone marrow/stem cell transplant. She asked for prayer for herself today. She is feeling extremely overwhelmed. She and her son have been at the hospital for 2 months with only 2 one-day visits from her husband and other son (they live a 4 hour drive away so it isn't an easy thing). Visits from other family are allowed, but difficult. She is feeling isolated and overwhelmed by all of the pills and liquid meds she has to get her son to take each day...and he is apparently fighting, really FIGHTING, her on everything. Now she has to learn how to take care of the IV lines. She's trying to do her job remotely from his hospital room. They have a small apartment at the Ronald McDonald House that she can go to for a break, to shower, etc., but her son freaks if she is gone too long so any "breaks" are rushed and short. She isn't getting a lot of sleep. The boy may be released to move to the Ronald McDonald House this week or next. I hope the change of scenery will do both of them some good.

Celebrating... after tomorrow cooler days are coming. Daytime temps will be in the 60's for at least a week. The nights will be in the 40's. Yes! It's fall!

Grateful... the antibiotics seem to be working to clear up our daughter's Lyme disease symptoms. She is feeling a good bit better.

Some funnies to get you over the hump...

Monday, September 19, 2022

Tuesday 4: Autumn Trip!

Let''s plan a lovely vacation through New England to see the Autumn leaves..  Money is no object and we have all the time we would like.

1. How many days and nights would you like to be away?  Two weeks would do nicely, I think. With a week you are just getting relaxed and into the swing of things and it's time to go home. Longer than two weeks is just too long to be away from "real" life and those you love.

2. What kind of car would you like to take on this trip? Maybe you would enjoy the train? Would you sail up the coast in a yacht?  It would be nice to take a car because then you could stop whenever and wherever you felt like it, but I just might choose to travel up the coast on a ship. We did that in the summer of 2019 and I loved it. The cruise line offers the same cruise in the fall, too, and I said then that I would love to do that. 

3. Would side trips be on your agenda? Perhaps to Mystic, Connecticut, Salem, Massachusetts, Plimouth, (yes, they spelled it with an "i" ) Massachusetts, Walden Pond, Lizzie Borden's home or maybe the home of  Emily Dickenson, etc.  Oh, there would be so many side trips if it was up to me! Salem would be on my list as would Plimouth or Plymouth, because I am descended from John and Priscilla Alden and have always wanted to visit there. I would also like to visit Braintree, Massachusetts where many of my ancestors lived and are buried. Boston would be a stop because on the cruise we stopped there, but not for nearly long enough. There's so much I want to see there. I'd also want to stop in Portland, Maine. I had no idea it was such a literary town until the cruise.

4. Lobster roll, chowders, boiled dinners, brown bread, baked beans, pancakes with real maple syrup, blueberry muffins, Parker House Rolls (well loved by Charles Dickens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the Kennedy clan.), Toll House Cookies, Red Flannel Hash, Tourtiere  pork pie, (Recipe here)— what native foods catch your attention?  Sign me up for all the seafood! Lobster, crab, shrimp, clams....any way you want to prepare them works for me. Except raw oysters. I draw the line there. I'd have Toll House Cookies for dessert. They are my favorite and I make them fairly often as my family all loves them, too.

Well, I went ahead and joined in the fun (you can join in here). I'll try, but I can't promise I'll get to visit all of you. As of the time of this posting, Blogger is still up to its tricks and I can't view half of the blogs on my list. I haven't tried others not on my list so I don't know if it is just a thing with the list or some blogs in general. It seems to be a widespread problem affecting lots of bloggers so I'm hoping Blogger will soon figure it out and correct it.

**UPDATE**  Tah-dah! Blogger has magically fixed the issue. I can see everyone again.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Blogging/Computer Woes Continue

Just letting you know that for some reason the links to at least half of the blogs in my side bar seem to be messed up. Clicking on them actually takes me to the blog, but I can only see the HTML view. I tried to visit from other blogs that I can see, but that was a no go. I still got the HTML. I have no idea what's going on so I'm going to shut the laptop down until tomorrow and hope things work again when I boot it up.

Sunday Stealing

Church ran long today, there was a meeting afterward, and then Tim wanted me to go to Lowe's with him as soon as I got home so I am really late joining in with the Sunday Stealing gang today. Now I'm sitting here catching up on Blacklist episodes while Tim naps and it seems like a good time to answer some questions.

  1. Do you have any Pepto-Bismol in your house?  Ew...yuck! Absolutely not. 
  2. Do you have a favorite flavor of vodka?  I rather like cranberry.
  3. Is your backyard big enough to fit a trampoline? ...and then some.  Well, it would be if there wasn't a 24' round pool in the middle of it. I suppose a trampoline would technically fit, but you'd have to be careful you didn't bounce off into the pool.
  4. When was the last time you had eggs?  I fried a couple for breakfast a one day this past week. 
  5. How often do you blow dry your hair, and what color is your blow dryer?  My hair gets very dry, frizzy, and brittle so I wash it every other day and blow dry it the same. My blow dryer is red.
  6. Have you ever gone to bed later than three AM?  All the time back in the day, but I haven't purposely stayed up that late in years.
  7. Have you been to a surprise party before?  Yes, and I've thrown a couple, too.
  8. What is your least favorite month?  That would be a tie between January and March.
  9. Have you ever gone to see a movie the day it came out?  I don't think so. I can't remember any.
  10. Do you like movies/books about drugs, and why or why not?  Not particularly. My husband likes to watch a lot of stuff about the drug cartels and I just don't like watching or hearing about all the violence and depravity. I've read a couple books that were more about the recovery and redemption and they were okay, but it's just not a topic I seek out. 
  11. Do you have scrap paper by your computer desk?  There's paper everywhere on my desk/computer desk, but I usually use my laptop sitting on the sofa.
  12. Have you ever kept a bag from a store because you liked it?  Yes. I usually keep the snazzy ones with handles from higher end stores.
  13. Was the last thing you drank carbonated?  Yep, Diet Coke.
  14. Do you own any yellow clothing?  Maybe a t-shirt. I do not look good in yellow.
  15. Last person you argued with?  My husband on our way home from Lowe's about whether someone was a man or a woman...before we realized we were talking about two different people. (He had commented "Look at Grandma go" about an older lady on a motorcycle, while I argued it was a man because I was watching an older man mow grass and thought that was who he meant).

Friday, September 16, 2022

Saturday 9: In and Out of Love

Saturday 9: In and Out of Love (1967)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Diana Ross is disappointed that she hasn't yet found lasting love. Do you think you can fall out of love? Or do you believe that if you fell out of love, it wasn't true love to begin with?  Yes, I think you can fall out of love. Real love is a decision to choose to make another your person and to want the best for them always and to do your best to ensure that is what they get. It is about respect and kindness and putting the other person first. The romance and passion is nice, but you can have that without love, but if you do love right, you will have it, anyway. Neglect or poor treatment of one person by the other can definitely make a person fall out of love. Love isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It takes dedication and hard work, but it's worth it.

2) When is the last time you literally fell, tripped, or stumbled?  Probably today or at least yesterday. I am a klutz and trip, stumble and even fall all the time.
3) This record was a hit with American Bandstand viewers. For weeks it was voted the song they most wanted to dance to. Did you watch American Bandstand?  Every single Saturday!
4) This is one of the last Supremes songs that featured the most successful hit-making line-up: Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard. Florence's great-nephew, Christian Ballard, was a football star at University of Iowa and briefly played pro ball for the Vikings. The 2022-23 NFL season just kicked off. What team do you root for?  I don't really follow too much these days, but in my heart of hearts I will always love the Pittsburgh Steelers. 
5) Mary had a connection to sports, too. She donated her time and talent to raising money for Figure Skaters of Harlem, an organization that helps young people train for the Winter Olympics. Tell us about a charity you support.  We give to several: Tunnels to Towers, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, St. Jude's, and I personally like to support Heifer International.

6) There's a children's playground in New York's Central Park named for the last surviving member of this trio, Diana Ross. It has swings, slides, a rope bridge, and a fountain that kids are welcome to splash in. If you were suddenly little again, which would you play on first?  Probably the fountain. I like all of those things when I was little, but my favorite was splashing in the creek at my grandparents' home.
7) Diana owns an estate in Greenwich, CT, with lush gardens, a tennis court, and a pool. While the grounds are spectacular, she maintains the house itself is "nothing special" because the kitchen hasn't been renovated in more than three decades. Could your kitchen benefit from a makeover? Or are you fine with it as it is?  Make it over. Pleeeeease?
8) In 1967, when this song was popular, the best-selling camera was The Polaroid Swinger. When did you most recently take a photo? What was it of?  I think it was yesterday and it was a picture of one of the huge "volunteer" marigolds that have sprung up along the sidewalk and driveway in the last couple of weeks. Hand on while I check. Yep, it was. Isn't it pretty?

9) Random question: Come clean! Are there dirty dishes in your sink right now?  Nope. Normally there are in the evening (I'm answering on Friday evening) because by the time Tim gets home and we eat it's so late I don't want to do dishes then, but tonight I actually washed everything up.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions!

Join in the Saturday 9 fun here.

Being Thankful on Friday

I missed Thankful Thursday yesterday due to computer issues. Something has hit the laptop and it is moving in it takes about 45 minutes for everything to load and be ready to function. Actually, it wouldn't load at all yesterday. Today is slow. Maybe by tomorrow it will be fine?

Anyway, there are some really good things going on and I didn't want to miss the chance to show my gratitude on the blog where it might encourage someone else. So, here are some things I am thankful for this week.

** As some of you know, my daughter has been having some health issues again...crushing headache, flashes of light in her vision, painful aches, weight on her chest, nausea, exhaustion, and even a blackout while driving. She's been going through this for 3-4 weeks and has been to the ER multiple times, seen her doctor, and had CT scans of her head and chest. There is an MRI scheduled for the 28th of this month. Doctors have been kicking around scary words like Lupus, MS, and brain tumor.

I have been driving her and the kids everywhere they needed to be and the kids have been with me much of the time because Megan just couldn't manage to take care of them.

Tuesday was the most recent ER visit. She was there because it felt like someone was sitting on her chest. Along with all the other tests they did, someone ordered a test for Lyme Disease. Her doctor called yesterday to tell her she tested positive and that Lyme Disease can, and most probably does, account for ALL of her current symptoms. 

That is one huge praise, because it is infinitely better than the other things the doctors have been thinking. She started on a course of strong antibiotics yesterday and will continue for two weeks. 

** I am also thankful I'm able to be here to help out my daughter and take care of the grandchildren. 

** Small groups started up at my church this week. There are four groups to choose from this year and all meet in someone's home. I chose a new group this year because Sunday evenings weren't working for me. So last night was the first night. I already love my group! A dear friend who doesn't attend the church is going with me, about half of the people are from the group I was in last year, and the other folks are warm and wonderful. I'm looking forward to getting to know them better and working through Ecclesiastes.

** Our great-nephew is doing really well following his bone marrow/stem cell transplant. He was extremely nauseated and weak for a while there as the chemo finally caught up to him, but that is under control and he is beginning to eat a little.

His white blood cells have engrafted and his numbers are climbing. That's happening a week to two ahead of schedule! We are waiting for his red blood cells and platelets to engraft.

Times have changed since the days when such a procedure would have meant living in total isolation for fear of germs. He is able to have visitors (just have to mask) and the last two days they have allowed him to go outside to the hospital's garden for a couple of hours and even to visit the apartment at the Ronald McDonald House. You should have seen the smile on his first trip outside.

** My Daisy finally got in with the groomer this week and she looks so pretty and feels so much better. She's not nearly as stinky, either. Ha!

** Finally, there is news that makes me sad, but I am determined to find the good in it.

We learned last week (due to our daughter's "creeping" on Instagram) that our son and his wife apparently had another baby in August, a little boy named Dillon.

For anyone who doesn't know, 2 1/2 years ago our son chose to cut all contact not only with us, but with every single member of his family and every friend he had before he met his wife. (It is, as if, his entire life before her did not exist.) We've heard nothing since. It is possible we will never meet this boy, our fifth grandchild. That makes me sad, but...

I have hope that God can change hearts and circumstances. I have many friends who pray for my son and his family and for this new baby. 

And I am thankful little Dillon is healthy.

** I'm thankful for fall weather. Warm, sunny days and cool nights and mornings (it was only 50 this morning!).

** I'm thankful after allowing all that time for it to boot up, the laptop seems to be working okay. 

** Last but not least, I'm thankful for you!


It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...