Monday, June 27, 2022

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Just for today...

Outside my a perfect summer day, sunny with a predicted high of 76 degrees. After yesterday's crushing humidity, it's very welcome. I'll be able to get Colton and Leah outside to play today.

Thinking about...having the kids all week again. My daughter is training for her new job again this week and today she and her husband have that hearing about their niece. (Pray for a good outcome there, please?) Since I am the main childcare for her until she starts her regular afternoon shift. So my own training is on hold. I'm hoping to begin on July 5 if my daughter is done with hers. My mom is stepping in while I have an appointment on Tuesday afternoon and our s-i-l's mother is taking them for a while on Wednesday for the same reason.

I am thankful...I missed church last Sunday because of Father's Day. Since then my phone has been blowing up with updates to the church's prayer chain about more and more people who have tested positive for Covid. Yesterday they cancelled Sunday school and I opted to stay home this week, too. Maybe it will feel safe next week.

I am mom's home and yard as it was when my paternal grandmother lived there. The big trees in the yard that were brought down by the tornado in 1976. The old apple tree with the big branch that went straight out then straight up, that would hold 4 or 5 kids playing horse. My cousin's little clubhouse that was really an old tool shed and how much we girls always wanted in, but weren't allowed. Inside I remember Grandma's rocking chair with the arms carved like swans and my late grandfather's red leather chair and ottoman that opened to reveal small toys. The ever present scent of Camay soap and tomato soup and Ritz crackers from the cracker tin for lunch. The tin "monkey swing" hanging from the beam in the basement. The mattresses on the floor beside the iron twin beds in the kids' room upstairs...just in case any of us fell out of bed. It was a good house to grow up in.

In the kitchen...thanks to my grandson, lots of peanut butter sandwiches. He is on a kick right now. Also, lots of grilled meats and veggies...fried zucchini, "crack" zucchini, cabbage steaks, salads.

On this week's agenda...

  • Monday: Babysitting
  • Tuesday: Babysitting and an appointment with a breast surgeon. I had an abnormal mammogram a couple of months ago. A sonogram showed I have a complex cyst in each breast. The consensus was to just do a follow up in 6 months and keep an eye on it. Then I got a call to schedule this appointment. I'm not sure why.
  • Wednesday: A gyno appointment and maybe our son-in-law's mother is going to keep the kids that day.
  • Thursday: Babysitting
  • Friday: Babysitting
  • Saturday: I'm not sure, but it's 4th of July weekend.



  1. I'm praying all goes well with your appointment Stacy. Sounds like you have a full week ahead of you. Enjoy those grandbabies as I know you do. Take care and have a great day.

  2. What wonderful images your memories have evoked. I think that's the best sort of legacy one can leave their loved ones. Please take care of yourself!

  3. You have great memories of your grandparents. I hope everything goes OK at your medical appointments. You have a busy week planned. I hope it all goes well. See you again soon.

  4. I have added your appointments to my prayer list, Stacy. Do please keep us posted. I know you love having those kiddos and they love being with you. Have fun! xo


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...