Friday, July 22, 2022

Saturday 9: Diamonds

Thanks to Sam @ the Saturday 9 for giving me some distraction from dealing with Covid. The first day was pretty miserable, but my doctor got me on Paxlovid (yep, I have something in common with the President) and it seems to have helped a lot. At this point I'm mostly just tired and when evening rolls around I do a LOT of coughing, which I am really more than over. More than anything I'm sort of bored and sick of my own company. I can't go back to work until the end of next week and I'm missing my grandkids. Yeah, I know...wah, wah, wah. Anyway, on to the distraction!

Saturday 9: Diamonds (2012)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Rihanna sings that when she looks at her lover, she sees the light in his eyes. The internet is filled with makeup tips for making your eyes look brighter. Drugstores sell eye drops that promise to get the red out. Are you bright-eyed this morning?  Well, I'm doing this before bed on Friday, but based on previous mornings this week...NO. One of the fun things I've been dealing with this week is crusty eyes in the morning. Thanks Covid.

2) She likens him to a shooting star. Astronomers tell us that shooting stars aren't that rare at all. They occur when dust, asteroids or comets enter the earth's atmosphere, and are often visible on clear, pollution-free nights. Have you ever seen a shooting star?  I go out every time there is supposed to be a meteor shower, but I'm fighting light pollution here and then there's the fact that we have more cloudy days and nights than not, so it's rare, but I do see one every now and then. I saw quite a few when I was out in the high desert on the Navajo reservation. The sky was so clear and so full of stars. I wish I could see that more. It's no wonder the ancients spent so much time contemplating and studying the heavens. They are rather awe-inspiring!
3) In ancient Rome, shooting stars were considered good luck, especially for those going into battle, while some tribes in East Africa believed shooting stars were a harbinger of doom. Are you superstitious?  Nope. Oh, I say dumb things like "knock on wood" but it's just habit, not a belief.

4) The singer of "Diamonds" hosted a lavish Diamond Ball to raise funds for education programs in Malawi, Senegal, and the country of her birth, Barbados. Rhianna named her charity initiative the Clara Lionel Foundation after her grandparents. If you were to name your foundation after your grandparents, what would it be called? What would you ideally like to do in their honor?  It would be the Allen & Mary Foundation, but I don't know what I'd do in their honor. Pap was a junk picker before it was cool (he was actually a master carpenter but had severe arthritis that crippled his hands by his 40's) and Nana loved know, now that I'm thinking about it, they both had arthritis that impacted their lives in a big way so I'd probably do something toward that.
5) Rhianna recently had her first baby, a boy. According to the Social Security Administration, the top names for baby boys in 2021 were Liam and Noah. Is there a Liam or Noah in your life?  No Liam, but I do know a couple of Noah's.
6) When she was still in her teens, Rhianna entered a beauty pageant on a dare, and won! Can you recall a time you acted on a dare?  I'm thinking...and coming up with nothing.

7) While on tour, she likes to sneak out into the audience, just to get the vibe from out there. To disguise herself, Rhianna slips on a black oversized hoodie. Are hoodies a staple of your wardrobe?  Not really. I have a couple, but I rarely put the hood up.
8) In 2012, the year this song topped the charts, London hosted the Olympic Games. If you won a trip to London, what would you like to see?  I don't know. Anything and everything anyone wanted to show me since I've never been there.
9) Random question: Did either or both your parents go to college?  Both. My dad had a degree in land and wildlife management and my mom has a degree in library science.


  1. Oh no! I am so sorry you have covid. I hope you feel all better soon. Glad you got some medicine to help you out.
    Arthritis foundation would be nice. I am starting to have arthritis.
    #8...meeee too! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  2. I'm so sorry you're still feeling poorly. I hope you emerge from this soon. (Though I bet Jasper is happy you're so quiet and still so he can nap on you.) I felt so sorry for your grandfather when I read #4. I think an arthritis foundation would be a lovely tribute.

  3. I hope you continue to feel better each day. Just rest and let your body heal. Your answers were interesting. Interesting that your dad had a degree in land and wildlife management. My father had a 2 year degree in soil conservation and agronomy from Penn State. He became a farmer and taught soil conservation in Clarion before they sold the farm and moved to Florida and he became a postman. He was also a great woodworker and cabinet maker, but the post office job paid the bills and gave him a good retirement. I don't think it does that today. Arthritis is a mean disease. It seems to affect all of us in one way or another as we age. My MIL used to say "Those "ritis brothers" are a mean bunch, and old Arthur is the worst". LOL. Yes, it would be good to find a cure for it. Take care and get well my friend.

  4. An arthritis foundation would be a worthy cause. I am sorry to learn you are ill with Covid but very glad you're vaxxed. I hope you are feeling much better soon! Sending you a long distance hug.

  5. The eye thing was something I hadn't heard about COVID. I hope you recover soon.

  6. I hope you have a quick and full recovery! The more I hear about these different variants, the more I'm dreading the day I get it. Take care!

    And I'm with you on #3!

  7. Hi Stacy, I hope you are doing better. I did not need the anti-viral. I had a mild case. I bet that time you were in the Navajp Country was so exciting!

  8. Sorry to hear about covid--I figure we'll all get it eventually, even with the vaccine. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

  9. Yep... I say "knock on wood" often but it isn't something I believe in. Covid sucks. Feel better, Stacy!

  10. Covid is really a tough and nasty disease to get over because it does leave you so weak for awhile. *healing Vibes* on the way!
    The starry skies in the desert are fabulous. And as you pointed out, Holy. There is nothing like them except maybe the Maine skies with Northern lights. heehee


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...