Friday, November 22, 2024

Saturday 9: My Baby Just Cares for Me

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) Michael Buble sings that his lover doesn't care much about the theater or new clothes. Which have you done more recently -- attended a play or movie or added to your wardrobe?  I'm always adding something to my wardrobe so that would be the most recent. I am going to remedy my neglect of the theater soon, though. I've promised the grands a trip to see one of the holiday movies that are out now. Also, I'm taking my mom and my granddaughter to see the Nutcracker ballet in a few weeks.

2) This song was first performed in 1930, 45 years before Buble was born. What pop song do you love that is far older than you are?  I'm not sure this is what you're looking for, but I love a lot of songs from the big band era. Sentimental Journey by Les Brown and Doris Day is a particular favorite.

3) The video for this song features a spinning vinyl record. Do you still have a turntable?  No, I gave mine up close to 20 years ago.

4) Michael is currently appearing on The Voice. Are you watching this season?  No, I've never gotten into the show.

5) Of all his albums, Michael Buble's Christmas CD is his top seller. Now that we're in the month of November it's time for you to weigh in: When do you think it's appropriate to start playing holiday songs?  Whenever you want to. Life is hard. Do the things that bring you pleasure.

6) He unwinds by fishing, and he's very good at it. Fishing is a sport that requires lots of gear. Is there anyone in your life that has a hobby or passion that makes them easy to shop for?  Not any more.

7) Michael is a good cook and enjoys whipping up spaghetti bolognese. What's on the menu at your home this weekend?  Maybe soup or chili one day and pork chops another.

8) In 2016, when Michael Buble released this song, the United States Postal Service posthumously honored child star Shirley Temple with a postage stamp. Decades after leaving Hollywood, she served as US Ambassador to Ghana. Could you find Ghana on a map or globe?  Probably not its exact location. I think it's in Africa. Somewhere.

9) Random question -- You neglected that soft drink and now it's gone flat. Do you drink it anyway or dump it down the drain?  Down the drain. My husband, however, actually prefers his soft drinks warm and flat. 

Thanks, as always, to Crazy Sam for the music and questions!

Play along here.


  1. I like my soft drinks warm too, not flat though, LOL. Wishing you a lovely day, my friend.

  2. That is nice how you are going to see the Nutcracker! I like pork chops, but hubby can't eat pork. Have a nice weekend!

  3. You answered the Ghana question like I did. At least we know what continent it's on.

  4. #1 I wanted to go see South Pacific but no one was interested in see it.
    #7 I usually buy a rotisserie chicken and make the leftovers into chicken soup.

  5. I don't mind room temperature drinks--mostly because I got used to it when we had to give up our fridges at school. I drink room-temperature water.

  6. Chili actually sounds good!! It is COLD here in central Florida!! I enjoyed your post, Stacy! Have fun at the movies and at Nutcracker!! Hugs!

  7. Beatles factoid: Paul McCartney was a huge, lifelong Doris Day fan. He thought she was an awesome singer and was very excited when he finally got to meet her. Turns out Doris requested the gettogether not to meet Paul but his wife Linda, who was, like Doris, an animal rights activist. I am so glad I got to share that. I have so much Beatles trivia ratting around within my cranium and I'm happy for the opportunity to let some of it out!

  8. I love the music of Glenn Miller, even though it's "before my time." Happy Thanksgiving!


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