Tuesday, January 28, 2025


The weather...the It's a bit breezy, making a perfectly acceptable 38 degrees feel more like 28 degrees. It's still a darn sight better than the temperatures we experienced last week. We saw the mercury hit 44 degrees this afternoon and with the sun out it felt like spring. We were outside with our coats unzipped! Tomorrow's supposed to end up being 40 degrees, but we may have to endure snow squalls in the morning that put down up to an inch of snow. Key word is may. If we are lucky, it will miss us.

Reading... I finally finished Melania and started Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey. The First Lady's book was interesting as I really didn't know anything about her before reading it. Now I know more, but I don't know that I feel like I know her. While the book relayed the facts and her reasoning behind many things, it felt very formal. That may just be the result of Melania's sophisticated, European upbringing. She lived a rather cosmopolitan life even as a child. I don't doubt that she views her position as a sacred trust and strives to do her absolute best. I just wish I felt like I knew more about her as a woman, a wife, and a mother. She is someone you would want in your corner in a crisis, but maybe not hanging out and spending time with as a gal pal.

Watching... with interest as President Trump flexes his administration's muscles and begins to carry out his campaign promises.

Loving... the milder weather and watching all the snow and ice melt.

Thinking... about our daughter, as usual. She is having such a rough time of it, lately. On top of her issues with anxiety and the (many) panic attacks she's been having for the last month or so, she now has an abscessed tooth. She's been in a lot of pain since Saturday. She got antibiotics yesterday and saw a dentist today. Unfortunately, the infection is so bad and she had a panic attack while at the dentist's office that they didn't do anything and do not want to do anything. They gave her 2 referrals to oral surgeons who can remove the tooth under general anesthesia. They told her there could be a lengthy wait.

As for the panic attacks, she had one on Friday while taking her son to his therapy session. She was upset, but it was actually a good thing as his therapist is also her therapist so she got to see what's going on first-hand. The therapist wrote a small prescription for something to help and scheduled her to come in on Monday. Unfortunately, she's had to keep postponing and rescheduling due to the tooth pain. I'm not sure when the appointment is rescheduled for now. Soon, I hope.

Feeling... accomplished for the first time in a bit.

Celebrating... every good moment, no matter how small.

Grateful... for my mom who has stepped up to take our daughter to late night ER visits and so many doctor appointments so I can work and not have to use up my PTO days.

Enjoying... popcorn. While at the mall today I stopped in at the Pittsburgh Popcorn Co. and bought a couple bags of their freshly made flavored popcorn. They specialize in gourmet flavors, but I stuck with tried and true movie theater butter and Wisconsin Cheddar. Yummy!

Giggling at...    



  1. Hi Stacy. So sorry to hear about your daughter. I will remember her in prayer. Yes, Trump certainly is doing exactly what he said he would and I agree with most of it. Hope you are having a good week. See you again soon!

  2. Thanks for the giggles today. I'll keep your daughter in prayers. I"m sorry to hear she is in pain. I wouldn't mind reading Melania. A book I loved about a first lady was A White House Diary by Lady Bird Johnson. It was a day to day diary of their time in the White House. Not really a biography so much as a little diary but, I grew to really admire her. Melania does seem very formal in her ways.

  3. So sorry your daughter is struggling so. Prayers that she can find the right medication and/or diet or whatever she needs to feel calm.
    I think your right about the European attitude. Many I've known personally from Eastern Europe tend to keep their own counsel. Probably because they or their ancestors had to live circumspectly under Communism. One learned to not share too much. It can have deadly consequences.
    Blessings. 💞

  4. I am stealing one of the memes!! Always so funny!! I am so sorry your daughter is still having a hard time with anxiety. Praying for her! I enjoyed your post, Stacy. Stay warm up there in the frozen tundra!!


Sunday Stealing: Countdown From 5

It's good to see Sunday Stealing back again. I've played along off and on for years and while the last few years it's been more...