Sunday, February 9, 2025

A Stolen Sunday Stealing

I saw that Country Dew over at Blue Country Magic broke an old Sunday Stealing out of the archives and decided to "steal" it from her...which makes me ask, can you steal something that's already stolen? Anyway, thanks for giving me something to post today!

From the Sunday Stealing Archives (2009)

1. What is your occupation right now?  My actual job title is "Direct Care Worker." What I do is actually a little bit teacher, a little bit companion, a little bit nurse's aide, a little bit activities director/party planner/decorator, with a twist of whatever-else-they-need-me-to-do.

2.  What color are your socks right now?  A marled brown and white.

3.  What are you listening to right now?  The Super Bowl, but it feels more like endless commercials.

4.  Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?  My husband.

5.  How old are you today?  I'm 60 years old.

6.  What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?  Football, though I don't watch much sports these days.

7.  What is your favorite drink?  Diet Coke

8.  Have you ever dyed your hair?  Up until about 3 years ago I dyed it all the time. At this point, it's mostly gray and it turns out I'm okay with that.

9.  What is your favorite food?  I'm torn between anything with shrimp in it, pizza, and Chinese food.

10.  What is the last movie you watched?  I watched Robert Downey Jr's Doolittle with my grandchildren this afternoon. We'd never seen it and really enjoyed it.

11.  Favorite day of the year?  I guess I will stick with Thanksgiving. I like that it's slower paced and just about the food and being together before the craziness of Christmas. On the whole, though, the holidays just aren't what they used to be. The kids just don't care about keeping traditions going and now that our son and his family don't come around our gatherings are pretty small compared to what I grew up with. We don't even get together with extended family because there isn't any left in the area. They are spread all over the country.

12.  How do you vent anger?  I write. Then I throw it away. That gets it out, but keeps me from saying something I'll regret later.

13.  What was your favorite toy as a child?  My bike. I spent hours out of each day riding. Back then a kid could go pretty far and parents didn't worry.

14.  What are your living arrangements?  I live in a house with my husband.

15.  What was the last thing you cried about?  I have no idea. I rarely cry. I went through a really rough stretch of life a while back. It was just one major thing after another. It felt like my life was imploding. I think I cried through those years until I just don't have any tears left to cry.

16.  Who is the friend you've had the longest?  My high school bestie who still lives in the neighborhood, too.

17.  What did you do last night?  Watched TV.

18.  What are you most afraid of?  For myself, ending up in a nursing home. In general, snakes. For others, anything happening to my grandchildren.

19.  In how many areas of your country have you lived?  Two

20.  What is your favorite flower?  Sunflowers


  1. This was an interesting post, Stacy. I enjoyed learning more about you. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  2. I don't want to end up in a nursing home either. So sad. Bikes! Yes, and it was a sweeter time, wasn't it. No worries when we went out and about all day. Sending a hug!

  3. I agree with you on the nursing home. We took care our parents in their home and got Hospice when we needed it. Times are different now. I hope the rapture comes soon!

  4. I would love to enjoy some shrimp but developed an allergy to it about 15 years ago. I love seafood but now I stay away from all of it. I ate some fish back before Christmas and it was all downhill from there. I think the allergic reaction I had to that set me up to have a lower immune system so that when I did get a virus in January, it hung on.


Sunday Stealing: Countdown From 5

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