Thursday, March 20, 2025


I am

Reading... The Christmas Tree Farm, which is book 3 in the Dream Harbor series by Laurie Gilmore.

Watching... It's Thursday so...the latest episodes of Swamp People and Swamp Mysteries.

Listening to... today at work it was a mix of 70's AM radio hits, Motown, and 90's country.

Loving... the nicer weather that is coming more and more often. Winter isn't done with us yet, I'm sure, but the past week gives me hope!

Thinking... about work. It's kind of hard not to these days. I am working my regular job, my hours with the older gentleman I care for (which just increased due to one of the other caretakers quitting without notice...and there are no plans to replace her), and I'm driving one of the short van runs for the next month or two while the regular driver is off due to a surgery.

Feeling... busy, purposeful...and maybe just a bit stressed because this Saturday is the craft show my daughter and I have been creating beaded items for.

Celebrating... nothing at the moment, but St. Patrick's Day was fun at work. This is the staff I work with every day.

Grateful... the doctor finally got back to Tim and set up an appointment to see him on the 31st. There were several concerning findings in his last round of blood work.

Enjoying... the time I've been spending with my daughter. Busy hands tend to open up the paths to good conversations.

Looking forward... to the craft show on Saturday. The hard work will be done and I can't wait to see how we do. I'm so glad my daughter has been enjoying this and hope we do well enough to keep her encouraged.

Here are a few of our most recent creations.

The weather... is cooling off again, but not back to winter cold. Our coldest days in the next week are supposed to be in the mid 40's.

Giggling at... 


  1. Hi Stacy! I always enjoy the humorous memes at the end of your post! Sounds like you are one busy woman, with a lot going on. I love the picture of you and your co-workers. Looks like a good group. I also love the crafts you are making with your daughter. I hope you sell them all and make lots of $$$! The conversations you have with her while making the crafts are worth more than anything - they are priceless! Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  2. New reader here! I'm going to add you to my blog list after I finish commenting. I love the crafting creations - especially the one with the sunflower (Kansas girl here!). I cannot tell you how true the meme with the "church lady perfume" is for me. Ugh. I have hyperosmia, so odors, smells, fragrances, whatever, are a huge annoyance for me. Annnnd, "including the whole population in my prayers" meme ... yep, that's me. Ha! Sending up prayers for your Tim to have a good outcome at his appointment. Have a blessed weekend and enjoy the craft fair!

  3. Oh my goodness, those memes at the end are all so funny. Especiall the church lady perfume. That would be me and also my hubby. I sit in the choir so I escape most of it (unless one of the choir members goes overboard on it), but hubby has literally had to get up and move to the other side of the church a few times. I don't know why people think they have to douse themselves in perfume or men's cologne (yes! Men are bad too!) and then give everyone a hug and spread it like stink on a skunk all over the place. LOL. I am overly "Scentsitive" to scents" I hope your craft sale goes really well. You have some really cute and neat things that you've made! They must've taken a lot of time, so I truly hope they will be fully apreciated and SOLD! And yes, about the prayers...and the list goes on and on and on until I finally fall asleep exhausted, and sometimes I jerk back awake and say, Oh, and also please bless so and so... good night, Lord. LOL. Have a wonderful week.

  4. I am shaking my head YES to the church lady perfume!! OMGosh!! Also got a good giggle from praying for the entire population... I enjoyed your post, Stacy! So glad Tim might be getting some answers soon!! I love your beading creations and look forward to hearing how the sale goes with you and your daughter!! Awesome!



I am Thinking... that getting a new phone and getting things set up is a royal pain. It's all through Google and over the years I'v...