Tuesday, March 25, 2025


I am

Thinking... that getting a new phone and getting things set up is a royal pain. It's all through Google and over the years I've been forced to have a couple of different emails through them and now they want to sync everything up between my phone, my laptop, and our TV. The problem is that not all the accounts were created using the same gmail address and it's all a big, fat mess!

Grateful... my mom had her phone with her this afternoon. She was trying to get something out of the crawlspace on the second floor (she has those instead of an attic) when things kind of shifted and she found herself sitting on the floor and there wasn't enough room to maneuver around to get back up. She also couldn't crawl or scoot out the door because she'd stacked a bunch of stuff in front of it. She called our daughter, probably assuming I wouldn't be home yet...and I wasn't. Our daughter was able to get there quickly and help her out. Nothing wrong, but Mom's embarrassed. Anyway, glad she had her phone, though I can't imagine why she did.

Feeling... tired. With the craft show behind us and only having to fill in on the van run at work 2 days a week rather than every day, I should be able to slow down a little. I may even have the week off from companion work. The man I take care off two days a week is having an out-patient procedure done Thursday morning, but since he has no one to stay with him overnight, the doctor may have him spend the night at the hospital. Then, if he is feeling well enough, he will leave Friday for a weekend retreat in Pittsburgh. If both things happen I won't see him.

Celebrating... the first signs of spring. I saw daffodils today! That makes me so happy. 

Loving... that my daughter enjoys the beading so much. She told someone on Saturday about how I introduced her to it hoping it would help her anxiety by giving her something else to focus on and said how much it had helped. She is so into it she has booked us for the fair at the opening day of Little League in May...one week before the other craft show I'd booked us for. We are going to have to do a lot of beading in the next month.

Enjoying... my pretty new spring manicure. They can do a cat-eye effect in the dip color now. So my nails are a pretty purple with a sparkly silver sheen in it.

Looking forward... to an extra day off at Easter.

Giggling at...


  1. Hi Stacy! That is so great that your daughter enjoys the beading so much and it is helping her anxiety. You also get to spend good, quality, mother-daughter time together so win-win-win! I hope things slow down for you a bit this week. So glad your mom was hurt and that she had her phone with her. The memes at the end always make me chuckle. Enjoy the rest of the week. See you again soon!

  2. I am chuckling over these memes...that last one really got me! You really find some good ones. I loved your post. OH, so glad your MOM had her phone with her! I am getting in the habit of taking my phone with me everywhere I go, even to the bathroom. At our great age one never knows when we will be "fallen and I can't get up", and have to call someone for help, even IF that person is in the living room but can't hear you calling because he's watching the TV so loud. LOL. It hasn't happened YET, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did, so I carry my phone with me everywhere. I keep trying to get hubby to do the same thing, but he keeps forgetting to charge it so why bother???? I'm happy you now have daffodils! that's a good sign that spring is there! Have a great rest of your week.

  3. Lots of giggles at the end, Stacy! Always fun. I hope you get those few days off (and that the man will have a successful surgery). Glad you and your daughter are having fun with the beading - and hopefully making a bit of change from it! Glad your mom wasn't hurt and that she did have her phone with her! Take care!



I am Thinking... that getting a new phone and getting things set up is a royal pain. It's all through Google and over the years I'v...