Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Reading...  the same as last week, plus I've started Uncanceled: Finding Meaning & Peace in a Culture of Accusations, Shame, and Condemnation by Phil Robertson.

Listening...  to my own coughing. It's ridiculous. It is like this every single time my allergies get stirred up or I get any bug that stirs up my sinuses. It got so bad a few years ago that I actually sprained my neck. The post nasal drip and cough always hangs on and rarely goes away before I can convince a doctor to prescribe steroids.

Loving...  the less cluttered look achieved in my office by donating 4 boxes and 4 paper grocery sacks of books. It was painful to give them up, but the clearer space is very nice.

Thinking...  about all the things I want to accomplish around the house when I feel better. I am in a serious decluttering mood and I need to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. If the mood passes, the clutter will stay for who knows how long.

Feeling...  tired of being congested and coughing.

Celebrating...  I followed through tonight on my resolve to start cooking more at home and cooking healthier meals.

Grateful...  our daughter has actually respected that I'm not feeling well and hasn't tried to rope me into babysitting or come over with the kids and hung out.

Enjoying...  being unemployed.

Weather...  cloudy and 59 degrees today.

A quote I want to share...

"But I do not want to respond in the same way they do, with anger, hatred, bitterness, and control. I'm not out to destroy them just because I disagree with them. I want to have a meaningful, respectful conversation with them instead. I want to persuade them that God is real and that we can trust Him."  --Phil Robertson, Uncanceled.




  1. Aww--sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you're better soon!

  2. The books sounds interesting. I wonder if I could find that one around here. My husband also suffers from spring allergies. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Now that's a good quote. I like Phil Robertson. Hope you feel better really soon Stacy!

  4. I think it's wonderful being retired. There's not as much money but the stress is so much less. I think the Lord for this blessing often.
    Blessings. xx

  5. Great quote! Amen. I'm sorry you are still suffering and hope you can get those steroids soon. Mucinex is my go-to when I feel a cold coming on. Once it goes to my chest it takes 2-3 weeks to get over it. The Mucinex keeps it out of my chest. Sounds like you are beyond that, though. Hugs! xo

  6. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Sinus issues can be so frustrating and annoying. Praying for relief soon. Good quote at the end. Glad you are currently "unemployed" so you can rest and get well. Take care my friend.

  7. Hi Stacy, I am sorry your are not feeling well. My allergies are not too bad right now. I enjoyed a really long walk yesterday and the wind was aggravating my sinuses. I have found that they are not as bad since I started drinking water with local organic honey. My mind wants to declutter, but I haven't had the time to do anything. That is nice that your daughter is giving you space to rest.

  8. I still have 4 huge bags of books in my car. I like to think they're going ot a good home LOL

    Sorry you're still feeling bad :(


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...