Saturday, December 7, 2024

A Week of Thanks

It's finally beginning to look a bit like Christmas around here. Between Thanksgiving falling so late in November and my bout with whatever nasty bug is making the rounds, I hadn't had time to do anything about decorating until today. Now, at the end of the day, at least the tree is up and partially decorated and some other decorations have found their way to places around the house. With such a short time until Christmas I'm scaling back a bit on the decorating, so I'll be able to finish tomorrow with ease.

My conscience is clear tonight as Oliver and I sit here snuggled in the recliner watching Christmas movies. We've watched Christmas Vacation and now we've moved on to an older Hallmark movie. Ollie likes those. It's supposed to get warmer tomorrow, but tonight it's cold and very windy. It's a night I'm happy to be at home.

It's been a good week and there is a lot I'm thankful for.

My inflammation stayed gone all week and is only now beginning to make a bit of a comeback. That made it so much more enjoyable to do, well...EVERYTHING.

They hired a new person at work. She is supposed to work in both departments. She seems very nice so I hope she works out.

I planned a Christmas team trivia activity for the consumers this past Friday. I was worried because you just never know how something like that is going to go over with them. Thankfully, they loved it and we had a lot of fun!

There was a wild and wicked thunder snow Wednesday night. It sounded as if a train were going to run through the house. There was some snow and ice, but not what they were calling for and I was able to drive to work with no problems on Thursday.

Christmas cards are beginning to arrive. I haven't done mine yet, but I do enjoy receiving these beautiful holiday greetings. (Deb from A Day in the Life, your card arrived today.)

Mike and I had a nice evening Thursday when I took him to his Lion's Club Christmas dinner meeting. The bad weather that was forecast never materialized so that's another thing to be thankful for.

They were able to recover the body of the poor woman who fell into a sink hole not too far from here while she was looking for her cat. The hole didn't exist before. It just collapsed under her. I know it made the national news so maybe you heard about it. There was hope the first day or two of digging out the hole, but Wednesday they declared it was a recovery and no longer a rescue. I'm glad they were able to give her family that much closure.

My Christmas shopping is done with the exception of getting a few gift cards that people have asked for. There are still a few things that haven't been delivered, but that's winding down. I'm sure I wasn't my mailman's favorite person this week as he had lots of packages to deliver every day.

I squeezed in a nail appointment today and now my nails are a pretty, sparkly, red for Christmas. That's always a pick-me-up.

It's a very freeing feeling to be at a point in life where I can accept that everything does not have to be perfect for Christmas. I used to stress myself something awful trying to get everything done. These days I'm good with whatever I can get done without killing myself to do it. I'm glad I finally learned this...though I admit I wish I'd learned it earlier in life.

With Tim not as strong as he used to be, I am more thankful than ever to have our daughter and her family next door to us. She is a huge help to both of us and the grandchildren brighten Tim up like not much else does these days.

And those are some of the things I am thankful for.

Coming up this week...

Tuesday & Thursday: Companion time with Mike.

Thursday: Meeting with the financial planning guy from work.

Friday: Colton's birthday. He will be 8!

Saturday: The Nutcracker ballet with my mom and Leah followed by a family party for Colton.


  1. It is nice when we realize it does not have to be perfect. I end up putting out more than I planned because the grands helped. I actually added more to my bedroom and It looks so nice. Deb is so good at getting her cards out. I will work on mine this week. I have a busy Sunday, so I better get to bed!

  2. I so agree with you about not having to be perfect. Keeping Tim in prayer and you as well. Wow, I can't believe Colton will be 8, smiles.

  3. Sounds like things are calming down in your household/family. Yes, we did hear about the poor woman who fell in the sinkhole. That was so terrible. I wondered if it was close to you or anyone I knew in PA. That's scary. We have sinkholes in Florida too. Several years ago a man was asleep in his bed when a sinkhole opened up under him and swallowed him and his house while he slept. I hope he never woke up. They never did find him. It was horrible. I don't think our area here is quite as prone to sinkholes, but they can happen anywhere. I haven't started on my Christmas cards and I am not sure that I will do that many this year. The cost of postage is putting a damper on my card sending spirit. But once I get started on them I hate to leave anyone out. We'll see... Glad you are getting out and about with your family and doing some special things together. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.

  4. The holidays do become more fun with less anxiety. It's a good place to be and I agree with you completely. Christmas will still come and go, and it's only time with loved ones that counts. That's what will be remembered... not the food and not how many packages were under the tree. Have fun!!

  5. Hi Stacy. I am so glad that the Christmas card arrived. I'm also glad that you are feeling a bit better and are getting started on your decorating. Like you, I am paring down my decorating efforts. No outside lights for us at all this year - just a wreath on the front door. Wow, I didn't know that woman who fell in the sinkhole lived in your area. That is so sad! I am glad your daughter lives nearby. I hope that Tim can get stronger as time goes on. You have some fun things planned for the holidays. Have a good week.

  6. My body slows me down on the holidays. It takes me weeks to decorate my tree without help and people can't always get the time to help me so I have to learn to sit back and do what I can and love it anyway. The blog looks so bright and cheery.!
    I had no heard of the woman.. poor thing. So sad.

  7. I am quite certain I will continue to do less with each year. I certainly don't do as much as I once did and I often wonder what was I thinking back then. I have not done all of my cards either so there you have it. I had a very nasty something that lingered for far too long. I am finally getting better. We have a very mild December for weather and I have loved it since I am not one of those people who thinks it needs to be cold for Christmas. Nope, give me a warm sunny day.



I am... Reading... The Cinnamon Bun Bookstore,  book two in the Dream Harbor  series by Laurie Gilmore. Watching... nothing. The televisio...