Friday, March 4, 2022

Likes & Dislikes #4

Things I like... granddaughter's infectious joy and all-in attitude about life...

...witnessing someone doing a random act of kindness...

...the growth I see in my grandson when he is excited about something and forgets to be shy about it...

...catching lightning bugs in jars...

...the way the air smells after a good rain...

...making someone with dementia or a developmental disability smile...


...being near any kind of water...

...watching Dirty Dancing on a rainy summer afternoon with a big bowl of buttery popcorn... nights with family or friends... traditions...


And things I don't...

...having arthritis...

...crude humor...

...the first scratch or ding on a new car (especially if I did it myself)...

...never being able to find the perfect pillow... brats...

...temperatures over 85 degrees...

...Burger King food...

...waiting and watching when there's a severe storm or tornado warning...

...craving something that isn't in the house...

...the lack of respect for self and others that is rampant in our society... far down I have to scroll to click on my birth year...


  1. Yes, I agree with you on your likes and dislikes once again!Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. History is fun. I'm getting a new magazine called "Georgia Back Roads" that I'm really enjoying. There's lots of history in those pages.
    Yeah, this arthritis is for the birds. My right hand is so crippled up now it's painful to ride. Ouch!
    Any processed food is not appetizing to me anymore since I gave up sugar and heavy carb's. That stuff is not good for any of us.
    Have a great weekend! xx

  3. I wonder what it says about me, (that) I can relate to almost all your dislikes. (Especially Burger King fare!) Not sure the perfect pillow exists -- so I always keep 4-1/2 at the ready.

    1. Only 4 1/2?? I think I have like 8 around just for me. I've tried soooo many...even a $250 one (that I sent back because it was the most UNcomfortable pillow ever). Tim has one and will use it for years until I can't stand it and force him to get a new one.

  4. I think I can put a check mark next to many in your list. Wishing you a happy weekend!



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