Thursday, March 24, 2022

Likes & Dislikes #7

Things I like...

... my cat's ginormous, floofy, Maine Coon tail ...

... my Poodle's stubby, little, barely there, puff-ball of a tail ...

... my grandkids' chalk drawings all over my sidewalk ...

... cinnamon tea with French vanilla stevia ...

... getting a pedicure ...

... some Amazon items are once again arriving the next day ...

... Pittsburgh's beautiful skyline ...

... Jason Momoa ...

and things I don't ...

... daily "treasure hunts" to find all the things the cat has stolen ... 

... people staring at me when I am eating ...

... uncontrollable coughing ...

... the swampy, muddy mess our backyard is at this time of year ...

... the hybrid Poplar in the backyard, such a dirty, messy tree ...

... the yellow cast of my teeth ...

... "plain" water ...

... the chin whiskers we women of a certain age have to deal with ...

... winter is coming back this weekend, it's going to be in the 20's by Monday!


  1. Nice pictures! I had to laugh about those chin hairs. Another strike to out of whack hormones. I have a portable shaver in my makeup bag. What is worse is gray hair in the eyebrows! So now a wand for brows and lashes! And guys don't have to deal with any of it!

    1. Ugh. My brows are getting lighter, but aren't gray yet. I rarely wear mascara because it seems to irritate my eyes these days, but's just not fair how easy the guys get off!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I had to remove my last comment. Apparently my proofreading is not good at 5:30 a.m.....
    I love your likes and dislikes posts. That is such a cute picture of your grandson. The Pittsburgh skyline is pretty. I hope you have a good Friday and a nice weekend.

  4. Your little grandson is so sweet, I love when they leave me chalk pictures too. My favorite thing about pets is that the two cats and two dogs get along splendidly, greeting each other, kitties rub against the dogs, the dogs give them a sniff and a little lick on the head, so cute. The mud of spring, I strongly dislike...the pups get so muddy. And winter is coming back here too, dang it.

    1. Our dog and cat get along some of the time. The Poodle is a bit jealous and territorial of me, but sometimes she forgets and acts like she likes the cat. It's my husband that comes home muddy this time of year.

  5. We're in a cold spell again too... UGHHHHh
    Can you believe I've never had a pedicure???
    Jason Momoa - that made me chuckle

    1. UGHHHH, indeed. Death to winter!!
      Never had a pedicure? Oh my...such wonderful pampering.
      Jason...yeah...heh, heh.

  6. When I was getting a facial every six weeks, Dawn used to call those chin whiskers stray eyelashes! My teeth are yellow too and the dentist says the enamel was damaged by long-term antibiotics I took in my 20s. Whitening doesn't work. Sorry for the cold weather returning. Enjoy the weekend and stay warm! xo

    1. I suppose my teeth are yellowed from antibiotics when younger and Diet Coke now. I know there's no whitening them, anyway. I've never had a professional facial. It would be nice, but unless I go back to work it's not going to happen.


Saturday 9: Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it  here . 1) In this song, Liza Minnelli acknowledges that she may be "taking a terrible ch...