Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Stealing

What is there to do when you're up early (thanks, kitty and aching shoulder) on a rainy Sunday morning, but join in with all the cool kids for Sunday Stealing. Thanks to Bev for finding the questions every week!

Stolen from Kwizgiver 

1. How long have you lived in your current residence?  It will be 28 years this July 4th.

2. What changes have you made to it since you got there?  We've made too many to count. We've painted and repainted, we've paneled two rooms, we put in new floors, remodeled a bathroom, added a pool, reshaped the contours of the yard, put in a fireplace (and taken it out)... I call it the house of perpetual remodeling.

3. What surprised you about living in your place or in your neighborhood?  Nothing I can think of. It's the neighborhood I grew up in and when we moved here it was still made up mostly of the people I knew. Since then the "great die-off of the older generations got started and is now in full swing.

4. If someone were considering moving in next door, what would you warn them about?  The crazy high winds we experience, water that runs down the road during heavy rains, and all the older neighbors who make it their business to know everyone's business and love to tell everyone about it...but will also be there for you if you need them.

5. If you have to move in the next 45 days, what are you definitely not taking with you?  All the surplus building materials my husband has brought home from jobs over the years. He would probably say all my books.

6. What are you currently reading?  It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst and I'm taking another look at Alienated America by Timothy P. Carney.

7. What did you recently finish reading?  People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

8. What do you think you’ll read next?  I have no idea. There is a virtual mountain of unread books on my Kindle and stacked on the floor of my office.

9. When did you take the road less traveled?  When I stayed home to raise my children. Yes, that's the thing to do these days, but when I was doing it in the late 80s and 90s, all my contemporaries were working. Women still thought they could and should be doing it all.

10. Did you ever participate in a talent show?  No! Offering myself up for judgement would be my introverted heart's worst nightmare.

11. When did you most recently strike out?  Does this mean strike out in anger or strike out, as in failure? Or are we talking baseball? I can't remember failing recently and any memories of playing baseball or softball have grown distant and dim. I don't normally strike out in anger, but I may have gotten a little cranky yesterday when we took the grands to McDonald's for Happy Meals. We had barely walked through the door when the manager snapped at us to use the kiosks to order. Then the kiosks weren't working right. They kept freezing and worked so slowly. It took at least 15 minutes to get our order placed. I wasn't smiling. I didn't yell at the poor woman who was ordered to help us (someone needs to have a come to Jesus chat with this manager...he was not nice to anyone!).

12  Where do you go to find yourself?  I go to the Lord when I need some centering. I read my Bible, pray, listen to praise music, and pour out what's on my mind to Him. I may not always find an answer, but my feet are always on firmer ground when I do.

13. What do you have mixed feelings about?  Pretty much everything that is going on in the world these days. There are some things in life that are absolutes, but there are also a lot of things that are not all one or the other as the divisions in our society would suggest.

14. What did you most recently add to your collection of something? I can't think of anything but more books.

15. When did something most recently stir you to tears?  I don't remember. I don't cry very often.


  1. Hi Stacy. I enjoyed your answers. It's always fun to learn a little more about you. I was also a Stay-at-Home mom during the same period of time. Our finances were tight, but being there for my children was the right thing to do. I started teaching when my youngest started school. I am reading a book you might like called - Fault Lines by Karl Pillemer, PhD. It's about family estrangement and offers some interesting insight and ideas. God bless you this Sunday. Hope you have a good week.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, Deb. I will look for that one.

  2. That's a lot of remodeling. I barely survived what we did last summer, lol

  3. I love your new blog! I will get your link updated.
    Did you like People we Meet on Vacation? I think that is the book that made me laugh so much. Hope you liked it. I loved it.
    #12 and #13...same. I go to the Lord in prayer when I am not sure what to do. I also have mixed feelings about almost everything that goes on in the world anymore. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  4. Books, books, books--so many books and so little time!

  5. I so enjoyed reading "It's Not Supposed to be This Way" -- I think that was my first Bible study. The biggest surprise (disappointment) about our home was discovering all the things the prior owner had covered up and the inspector didn't catch -- for example, two buckets in the attic collecting rainwater!

  6. Books are good. My Kindle is full; I suppose I need another? And so many of them I haven't read. I still prefer "real" book although I'm trying to remove those from the house. It is difficult.

  7. I enjoyed your post, Stacy. My Kindle has around 1,200 books on it and I will never get to them all. I wish you a good week ahead!! xo


Saturday 9: Flowers

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