Friday, April 22, 2022

Likes & Dislikes #10

Things I like...

  • the doctor saying your test results, which the online chart made sound bad, are really nothing to worry about.
  • having lunch with a friend
  • deep, theological discussions
  • when my cat's "zippy" phases end (zippy phase is a nice way of saying spider monkey on crack phase).
  • reading blogs
  • sitting on the porch swing
  • this song 

And things I don't...

  • when they see something in the mammogram that is probably a cyst but requires having a sonogram done.
  • my husband's unwillingness to keep on top of medical appointments and follow medical advice.
  • being out somewhere and having to hear someone who can't seem to speak without constant swearing, especially the f-bomb....especially if I have the grandkids with me.
  • no-see-ums, those tiny, little gnats that fly in clouds right in your face.
  • sleeping in...throws my whole day off.
  • our culture's state of terminal offendedness.
  • running errands in the rain.


  1. Yep, on both likes and dislikes, grin...and to which is not surprising, LOL. Only we don't have a cat, we have big German Shep. who has to wear the cone of shame due to the fact his leg is infected (he won't leave it alone, so of course he is acting out, LOL---I shouldn't laugh, because it's not funny...poor thing).

  2. I've never heard that song, but I really like it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Stacy. I love that song too. Rascal Flats is a favorite! I don't like to sleep in either. You are right - the whole day just seems off. I am glad that your bloodwork came back OK. I'm with you on F-Bombs. I truly hate that word and I hear it way too much, working in a high school.

  4. Me too, on the likes and dislikes. Our new rescue dog Maggie does "zoomies". She tucks her tail in and runs at 90-to-nothing. She is SO funny! Anyone who swears becomes dead to me and I walk away until their demon is silent. I also unfollow and/or unfriend anyone on Facebook that can't act like an adult.
    Blessings To You All xx

  5. I had a big concern about my muscle loss, doctor said to exercise. Now she says I have a lot or muscle loss and I need to do a lot of resistant type exercise and eat more protein. Sometimes our intuition is right! I hope all goes well with the mamo. I had to have a biopsy and it was painful but showed I had a calcification and not cancer. I hate the F word too. I grew up in a home with no swearing so even stupid was not allowed. I slept in today and needed it. Going to hear that song now.

  6. I can agree with all of your likes and dislikes. Happy Friday and wishing you a happy weekend! xo

  7. I hold my breath every year with those mammograms. So good to stay on top of things though. .. & what is it with men & health precautions???


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...