Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday 4: Blast from the Past

Linking up with Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 today! 

1. If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?  I would hire someone to plan and cook healthy meals and exercise with me and then because I'd have lost a lot of weight I'd need a whole new wardrobe.

2. You can do it again. What decade are you going back to and why? What's the attraction?  Maybe the 70's? Most of my childhood was during that decade and it was great. I feel like my generation was the last one to have a great childhood where we had freedom to roam the neighborhood, played in great herds of kids, and we were always outside...not tied to video games, computers, or cell phones. We also didn't have to worry about every stupid thing we did being recorded and shared with the world on YouTube.

3. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? Alternatively, what's your current favorite song?  Thanks to the Saturday 9 it was Dancing in the Moonlight. It's a seriously catchy song! I don't really have a favorite song these days. I've mostly been listening to Christian songs and oldies.

4. What items do you miss from the past and wish they were still around?  Jukeboxes. When I was a kid and went out to dinner with my parents it was such fun to plug a dollar into the machine and then get to choose something like 10 or 12 songs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry about the delete. I had a typo. Love a good jukebox. Enjoyed your answers.

  3. Same here with the losing weight. I just spent a small fortune on new clothes for work. I hope you have a beautiful day friend.

  4. Great answers and you are right the 70's were the last of the safer decades.. I grew up in 50's and 60's and they were great, too!

  5. Oh...juke boxes would be fun!!!

  6. Yes, the jukebox was fun! There was one at the place I went to in Hollywood a few years ago. Technology has been good and bad. Kids don't go out and play like we did. Conservations on the phone are replaced by text messages. Lots of people use their phones to read the Bible instead of taking a Bible. Nothing like holding a real Bible in your hand!

  7. Oh yeah, Jukeboxes! I do miss those! They were fun. Yeah, I agree with you about kids being outside playing, etc., I'm glad my boys were raised in the 70's/early 80's, and I was in the 50's-60's. Those were the days!! I feel sorry for this generation of kids. They are missing out on "real life" because it seems like they are living in a plastic world.

  8. Oh, I like your idea to spend a million bucks! Jukeboxes!! Yes, they were fun and I remember three songs for a quarter! I enjoyed my visit here, Stacy! xo

  9. Omg i so agree with you about the 70s. I had such an amazing childhood, growing up in a relatively rural town. Thanks for the memories!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...