Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday

I'm linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand on this chilly, but gloriously sunny day for Thankful Thursday.

This week I am thankful...

** I've been bitten by the organizing bug and have been slowly but surely organizing different spots around the house. It's so nice to open a cabinet or pull out a drawer and not be staring at a jumble of junk...or hit by an avalanche of falling Tupperware!

** Tim finally called the doctor to find out about the results of the CT-scan he had done weeks ago. The urologist had told him she couldn't do anything for him and he needed to see his regular doctor. He also got a letter from the imaging department saying his results needed further reviewing. Uh, I don't know about you, but that causes me a bit of worry. It didn't seem to bother him and I've pretty much nagged him to call. He finally did and he has an appointment on May 6th and hopefully the other doctor will be able to do a conference call with him and his regular physician. That they want to do that sounds a bit foreboding to me so I am glad he finally called and we can get moving on this...whatever it is.

** I'm seeing one of my former clients tomorrow. Her family is going to pay me themselves to see her a couple of times a month since there has been no response from my former employer (I'm pretty sure they can't get anyone to take the job right now because while the hourly rate is good, they don't reimburse you for mileage or expenses and as I came to find out, you can't deduct anything at all on your federal taxes and only mileage on state taxes (unless they specifically spell out in a contract what is required as far as expenses...and they are VERY careful not to do that). Even if the agency eventually comes through with someone, I will still see this particular client without pay. We have made her a family friend and her family is happy about that.

** My daughter comes over and clips the cat's claws. He is not the best about it and I would be terrified of clipping too short.

** I have a whole table full of people lined up to go to the women's tea/brunch at church on May 7.

** Megan and the kids (maybe Cody, too) are going to go with me to a missions event at the church this Saturday evening. It's geared toward the kiddos with stories, sensory activities, and we get to taste Indonesian foods. I think there is something for adults, too, while the kids are hearing their story. It be a fun evening and I'm so glad they are going. Pastor Kirt officiating at Cody's brother's funeral made a big impact.

** For God who is my strength and my courage when I am called to do the hard things.

** The sunburn I acquired last Saturday hasn't hurt much beyond the first night. I am looking rather freakish today, though, as my face is peeling. I didn't even realize I was burnt up into my hair or on my top lip, but I'm peeling in both places so I guess I did!

** Colton is back to school after missing a few days (again) being sick. This time with an ear infection. The poor kid has missed a lot of days this year either being sick or because of the school's over caution due to Covid.

** I get to spend all day with Leah tomorrow. She knows my client and they get along so she will help me work. Megan has to go with Colton on a field trip to the local state park.

** We have an Aldi's store 5 minutes away. It's nice to have one place to shop that is a bit more affordable with all this inflation going on. Even Walmart is not all that inexpensive these days.

** Lots of sunshine and the gradual return of warmer weather...though not last night. We had a freeze warning last night and our niece reported it was snowing in Erie yesterday morning!

** So much more I could list here, but just to keep it realistic I'll end it here with saying, as I always do, that I am thankful for each one of YOU!



  1. The missions event sounds like SO MUCH fun!

  2. Keeping you all in prayer over Tim--please keep us updated. Your mission's event sounds really nice. I hope you're having a great day.

  3. Hooray for Pastor Kirt! Hope the mission event is a hit and your kids will keep attending with you. I am thankful for you!! xo

  4. Hi Stacy. So glad your family will be able to participate in the mission event at your church. That sounds great. I hope your husband can get some medical help for his issues. Always a worry, but God's got this! I wish we had an Aldi store out here. I loved shopping at Aldi when we lived in Illinois years ago. Save me lots of $$$ when I was a stay at home mom with four littles. Hope you have a good weekend!

  5. I've been a crazy cat lady all my life and NO ONE has ever given me as much trouble with nail clipping as my tiny Connie Cat. The damage she's done around here as a result is remarkable and impossible to miss. I wish your daughter could come over here and work her magic with Connie.

    I'm glad you and Tim are paying attention to his health issues. OK, I'm glad you've persuaded him to pay attention.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...