Saturday, May 28, 2022

Saturday 9: America, the Beautiful

Saturday 9: America, the Beautiful (1987)

Unfamiliar with Barbra Streisand's recording of this tune? Hear it here.

Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle. 

1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. War memorials, as well as graves of veterans, are to be decorated with flags and flowers this weekend in a show appreciation. Is there a war memorial in your neighborhood?  No, not in mine, but there are probably 3 or 4 in other neighborhoods no more than half a mile away.

2) Here at Saturday 9, we regard everyone who served -- veterans and active military -- as heroes. Have you, or has anyone in your family, worn the uniform of our armed forces? We want to hear about them.  My dad served in the Army. My uncle and my husband served in the Marines. My brother-in-law was a SeaBee. We have a brother-in-law who served in the Army National Guard and saw two tours of duty in Iraq and three in Afghanistan. We have a nephew who is currently in the Army National Guard. He has done a tour in Afghanistan. Since meeting my biological father, I've learned my 3x-great grandfather served in the Union Army and died on the battlefield at Shiloh. There was also a cousin who served in Vietnam (I don't know what branch of the military) whose name is on the wall in D.C. He was the first young man from our county to die in Vietnam.

3) Memorial Day is the traditional kick off of the summer season. Have you packed away your winter clothes yet? Yes! I am proud of myself. I did that two or three weeks ago. Normally, I'd get it done about halfway through June if I was lucky.

4) What's your favorite picnic food?  We make foil packets of sliced potatoes and onions with salt, pepper and butter that we throw on the grill. Sooo good!

5) As you answer these questions, is there a fan or an air conditioner cooling your room?  Yes. The AC was on earlier and though it isn't hot, I have a fan on to circulate the air. I hate stale, still air.

6) Lyricist Katharine L. Bates said she was inspired to write "America, the Beautiful" after a trip to Pike's Peak. What's the most beautiful spot in America that you have ever visited?  I don't think I could choose just one. I have found everywhere I've been beautiful in its own way.

7) Though we're talking summer this morning, Santa is going to get a shoutout. Before "America, the Beautiful" was published, Katharine L. Bates wrote a poem called, "Goody Santa Claus on a Sleigh" which is remembered for introducing Santa's wife, Mrs. Claus. Share a fond memory of the 2021 holiday season.  I can't think of any "big" moment, but it was a good one. We were healthy, my mom and stepdad joined us rather than staying isolated, and the grandchildren were at just the right ages to be so excited and so much fun.

8) This week's featured artist, Barbra Streisand, sang "America, the Beautiful" during a benefit concert. She admitted to James Corden that she suffers from stage fright and before she performs, she prays, "Let go, let God." What's something that scares you, but that you do anyway?  Speaking in front of groups.

9) Question for a weekend when many of us will sleep in: Are you a morning person?  Not really, I guess. Left alone for long enough my sleep pattern usually shifts to staying up late...but then again, I don't really sleep in all that late, either. 7:00 is late for me. That said, I can be up and functioning at full-speed at nearly any time of the day. I'd say early afternoon is my slump time. 


  1. Your family's service goes back to the Civil War! Wow.
    One habit I've gotten into during our extended work-from-home period if naptime. I let my coworkers know I'm taking a late lunch and then, at about 1:00, I slip away to my bed for about 30 minutes. I won't be able to deal with "early afternoon slump time" that way when we're back in the office full time!

    1. According to family lore, we had someone in the War of 1812 and in the Revolutionary War, but there aren't any official records that I know of.
      I try to avoid naps. I find I am worse off if I take one. I just have to power through.

  2. I also have ancestors who served in the Civil War and at least one who was a Revolutionary War Soldier. My birth family goes back a long way in "the Colonies." I get up early too - 5 a.m. on work days. But now, my body simply won't sleep in - even on the weekends. I am usually up and going by 6:30 a.m.. It's always fun to read your answers on these posts. Have a blessed Memorial Day.

    1. My family goes back as far as the Mayflower on both my mom's side and my biological father's side. My grandmother always said we had an ancestor in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, but we never came up with anything official.

  3. There was a SeaBee base near where I lived in Mississippi, my Dad knew a bunch of them. I always loved their mascot, or whatever they call them--the tough-looking bee with a sailor hat.

    1. My b-i-l had a lot of hats and shirts with the bee on them. He has a name, but I can't remember what it is. I think he may have been at the base in Mississippi at one point.

  4. I love that you have a rich history of service to this country in your family! I think it means so much more when you know your own family has protected the country to get us where we are today. Thank-you for their service and sacrifice to this wonderful country.
    I could ditto you on #5 and #9. I am so happy to be off for the summer so I can rest a bit. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you for the kind thoughts. I think you are right about it being a bit more meaningful when your family history is so intertwined with the country's. I hope you are kicking back and enjoying your vacation already!

  5. I am determined that this is the year I get an air conditioner! I live on the second floor with sun-facing windows and it gets mighty toasty in here.

    1. Have you ever thought of one of the ones that sits on the floor? You only have to put the vent with the hose connected in the window. When summer's over you can wheel it to put it away in a closet or wherever.

  6. That is sad about your cousin. What an honor - first to die. I can trace my family's military history back to the Revolution and the Civil War (losing side) but didn't want to go there when I was writing up the answers.

    1. Yeah, a dubious honor to be sure. I love the history and learning the part my family played in it. The ancestor who was in the War of 1812 was supposedly on the ship with Commodore Perry and when his original flag ship was hit and began to sink, Perry hand chose the crew that would ferry him over to the new ship, the Niagara. Said ancestor was supposed to have been one of the chosen...but we can't find any official proof.

  7. Public speaking is my greatest fear. I shake and sweat and my voice goes crazy. It is all in my head and makes no sense, I know. I enjoyed your answers! xo


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...