Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Welcome and good morning! I'm linking up today with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for my favorite blogging day, Thankful Thursday. 

This week I am thankful...

** I get to attend a fancy-shmancy luncheon with my mom today. It's to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Faith in Action charity. It has a Roaring 20's theme and attendees are invited to dress period appropriate. Mom is excited because my son had a Roaring 20's wedding and she will finally get to wear her dress again. Not me. Just this year, right after Christmas, I finally decided I wouldn't need my flapper dress again and donated it to Goodwill.

My dress for our son's wedding.

Mom and my stepdad at our son's wedding.

** Tuesday evening's nasty storm and high winds left us with only mild damage. It could have been much worse.

** Tim was able to come home early yesterday and patch the shed roof where the tree limb crashed through it.

** Our grandson has been on antibiotics for an ear infection for a week now. Over the weekend it became clear he was not feeling better. His nose was (and still is) running and that caused a lot of coughing. Megan took him back to the doctor on Monday and they said he probably also had a sinus infection and the antibiotics are finally breaking it up. Well, that and he has some allergies, too.

** My sonogram showed that the two spots my mammogram found are "probably benign cysts." However, they aren't what they call simple cysts which are filled only with fluid. No, I had to go and have complex cysts which have something solid in them. I have to go back to be rechecked in 6 months, but nobody seems to think it's anything to worry about. Yay!

** Now that she's back in town, the mother of our daughter and son-in-law's niece seems to be stepping up. Maybe not in the same way we would think a mother should, but waaaaay more than anyone expected. She has been taking her to the doctor and everything. Thank goodness!

** I don't see the diet doctor until May 16 (after not seeing her for nearly a year), but she went ahead and called in a prescription for Adipex so I was able to start taking it this week. I had been off of it since last fall. I can't wait to talk to her about the Ozempic. When combined with the Adipex it was working very well and I had lost a little over 30 lbs. Unfortunately, it came with a side effect I couldn't live with...severe constipation. I quit taking it in October or November. My pcp said there are other drugs in the same class that might help without the side effect. I'm anxious to ask about them.

** Colton and Leah went to a missions night at church with me on Saturday. Some of it wasn't as kid-friendly as they'd presented it, but some of it was a lot of fun for them and maybe they learned something.

The kids also spent the night. It was Leah's first time. We'd tried it before and she just screamed and cried till we called Megan to come and get her. This time she did great and even though she woke up early, was in a great mood. She slept with me and Colt slept with Tim. Both of us pretty much did nothing the rest of the day and snoozed off and on because both of the kids are all over the bed all night long. They have to be up against you and they turn sideways and even upside down. I have woke up when Colt slept over to find him actually laying on my head!

** For some good non-fiction books I have been reading.

** For the grace, mercy, and love of the Lord.

** of course, for all of you!


  1. I have similar cysts and go for a mammogram today. In response to your comment on my blog, my mother actually did try to abort me even though it was illegal at the time. (I am a little older than you, remember!) She failed. I've often wished she hadn't. I know she wished that, too. Being an unwanted child is a terrible burden.

  2. Kids are so crazy when they sleep. lol Hope Colton feels better soon

  3. See - this is why I never want to give up something to Goodwill - as soon as you do - you need it! LOL Hope you have fun!
    Keep an eye on that spot... I'm glad they arent concerned about it though!
    OH MANNNN - one of my new pills, it kicked off some major constipation & I was like, NOPE - I cant live like this. No matter what you did to avoid it - that pills was like YOU SHALL NOT PASS in my gut. There's gotta be better ways

  4. I love period clothing! So glad they don't think your cysts are reason for concern at this time; I've a mammo scheduled next month and have already begun to fret. I know, Faith trumps fear.

  5. I am so glad the spots are cysts and will pray they never do anything else but just be cysts!! Are they ever painful? I hope not. I am glad to hear that the little girl's mother is trying to do what she should for her daughter. Praying she will have the maturity and love it takes to raise her daughter properly now. Your sleepover with the kiddos sounds like "fun". Ha Ha!! Oh, I love the idea of the roaring 20's luncheon with your Mom. That sounds like fun. I hope you took a picture of you both once you decided what to wear. We have a ladies' luncheon tomorrow at our church, but no one here seems to be inclined to "dress up' for events, so I guess I won't wear my wide brimmed flowered hat and flouncy southern belle dress. LOL (I don't even have one...LOL). Hope you had a good time.

  6. I have had non-cancerous cysts removed twice. It isn't fun but praise God they weren't cancer! Sleeping with little ones... oh my goodness!! The 20s luncheon sounds like fun. I enjoy your thankful lists each week, Stacy, and am thankful for you!! xo

  7. You have lots of good news in your world this week. Those are super cute pictures of your family at your son's wedding. I am glad that your doctor is keeping an eye on those cysts, and glad that they are probably completely harmless. Have a good weekend, my friend!

  8. Hello! My husband had the same thing with the cold, cough, and antibiotic. I finally called and they gave him a different one and nasal spray and a steroid. It finally cleared up! So glad your cysts are probably benign and that your doctor is keeping them in check. Have a cozy evening!

  9. I sure hope your grandson feels better soon. My son had a lot of ear infections and they end up putting tubes in his ears. I had the same problem when I was a kid. I got an infection a few years ago and now have a 30% hearing loss in my right ear. I had a suspicious cyst and had to have a stereoscopic biopsy. They end up suctioning most of it out and it was painful. I was black and blue and sore. The surgeon said it was calcification and they would check it every year. No cancer. I hope your party was fun!



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