Friday, May 20, 2022

Top 3's and Likes & Dislikes

I stole the first part of today's post from Rebecca Jo.

Three things that make a lot of sense to me.

  1. The truth of the gospel of Jesus.
  2. Taking care of our own citizens before sending our money and resources to other places.
  3. The value of having extended family nearby.

Three things that do not make sense to me
  1. The hate and closed mindedness that flows from both the left and the right.
  2. Asking someone for help/advice, then refusing to listen.
  3. Tik Tok
Three things I’d like to explore 
  1. Greece
  2. The Library of Congress
  3. The Smithsonian (all the buildings)
Three things I have no interest in 
  1. Nascar 
  2. Celebrity gossip
  3. Hearing how great someone thinks they are.
Three things I have more than enough of but always want to buy
  1. Books/journals
  2. Pens and markers
  3. Purses
Three things I am always in search of
  1. Shoes that fit, give good support, and are actually cute.
  2. Jeans/shorts/leggings...and type of bottom that fits right.
  3. Bargains
Things I've recently checked off of my To Do list
  1. Mammogram 
  2. Get back on track with weight loss doctor.
  3. Got the Poodle groomed.
Things I have had on my To Do list forever
  1. Clean out my office and organize it.
  2. Clean out the useless corner cabinet in the kitchen (runs back along side the stove and it's impossible to see what's in it or even reach most of it because the door doesn't open all the way).
  3. Clean the windows.
And now for some likes and dislikes.

I like...

...having most of my immediate family nearby...
...freezer pops on the deck with the grands... afternoons on a hot day with the shades drawn and the AC on...
...nice people who build others up...
...that my granddaughter and I "get" each other...
...getting an ice cream treat at the drive-in with my hubby...
...watching my grandchildren play barefoot and carefree in the yard...
...the feel of the grass on my toes...
...the smell of freshly cut grass...
...blooming spring flowers...

I dislike...

...jumping from early spring straight into heat and humidity... mom's need to put others down (strangers, family, doesn't my daughter told her she'd lost 9 lbs. and Mom looked her up and down and said, "Where? Did you get a haircut?")...
...wood bees (we have an infestation)...
...the current economy, supply shortages, inflation, and fuel prices...
...waiting for the next season of my favorite shows...
...the bugs that come with warm weather... refrigerator...


  1. Hi Stacy. This is always a fun post that you do, and I find myself agreeing with you on just about everything. Honestly, I can't believe your mother said what she did to your daughter. I guess she was trying to joke, but that sounds really hurtful and demeaning. I hope she will see that she needs to be a bit kinder with family members. I may join with you on a post like this if I have time later. Have a good weekend. See you again soon.

  2. I don't just dislike my refrigerator, I hate it. That it made your list too made me chuckle!! Good lists. Sorry your mom doesn't get how her words can hurt. Wishing you a good weekend!! xo

  3. Several of your answers fit me too. Fun post.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...