Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Welcome to Thankful Thursday! I'm linking up today with our hostess Rebecca Jo over at Knit By God's Hand. There aren't any rules, we just share the things from the past week that we are thankful for. So, if you get inspired by everyone's lists, please join in the fun. There's always room for more gratitude...and another friend!

This week I am thankful...

** I have been babysitting my two youngest grandchildren this week while their mom trains for a new job. We've been together all day each day. Tomorrow is the last day. I have just loved having them all to myself and soaking in each sweet memory as they just keep growing and next year Colt will be in kindergarten all day and Leah will start preschool. These days are precious.

** My daughter reports that the people at her new job are so nice that her anxiety, which has often proved to be crippling in job situations, hasn't reared its head at all!

** I, too, am going to begin a new the same place as my daughter! She sang the praises of the place and people so much and encouraged me to apply so I finally did this past Monday. I would probably be training now, as well, but they've been understanding of the fact I have to babysit my daughter's children while she trains. I am going to be working in a memory care unit again, which I absolutely loved and have missed. The big change is that I'm going to be a caregiver rather than an activities aide. I'm starting part-time to see if I can physically handle it. If I can and I enjoy it, I may ask to go full-time...which I can do with only 4 days per week.

** One of the elders at my church tested positive for Covid this week. He has Parkinson's Disease so it's a big concern, but thank the Lord, he is doing well and his case seems to be fairly mild. Praying it stays that way.

** The pastor friend I mentioned last week has left this world. He never regained consciousness and once the ventilator was removed he slipped away quickly...just as his family asked everyone to pray he would do. The faith and strength of his wife and sons have brought so much comfort to their church and friends and family. The obituary actually said: 

Rumor has it that Jeff K died on Sunday, June 19, 2022. Don’t believe that for a single second, because right now, as you are reading this, he is more alive than ever before. Jeff’s Lord and Savior, Jesus, has taken him home and he is most assuredly alive and well. 

How cool is that?!

** Peaceful days in these crazy times. There are so many examples each day in the news of how we are not guaranteed a safe and peaceful tomorrow or even a tomorrow at all. Tough economic times highlight how quickly our relatively luxurious way of life (compared to much of the world) could disappear.

So I am thankful every single day for the things we take for granted...clean drinking water, plumbing and running water, reliable electricity, plentiful food (even though it might not be what I want), more than enough clothes, medical care, a safe home, the freedom to vote, express my opinions, own a gun, read what I want, and worship as I choose.

** Our son-in-law's parents paid to have an attorney look over the papers the mother of their niece had drawn up and wanted them to sign.

If you remember, the niece is the 4 year old daughter of our s-i-l's brother who passed away in April. The mother had been out of the picture for the most part, having walked away 2 years ago. She came back as soon as she heard. She has been fairly decent about letting the family see Sarah, but she has also gotten her hands on most of the stuff left in the house and the money that should go to Sarah.

Anyway... the attorney drew up some papers on their behalf because (and I don't really understand this) the mother was basically trying to get child support out of our daughter and s-i-l!!! If she and her attorney agree to the new papers it will end there and hopefully they will get to see their niece. (They have realized they are in no position to take her in.)  If she refuses the new agreement papers, they will have to go to court. It's a mess so I'm really glad they have an attorney on their side.

** Just like every week, for all of you. I am so thankful and appreciative of the beautiful and inspirational post some of you write, the funny things others of you share, and always, always, always, I am thankful for your friendship, support, prayers, and wise words.


  1. Wow, this was a powerful post in so many ways. Praying first of all for the situation regarding your daughter and SIL's little niece. I've wondered what had become of her since her father died. Praying that things will be worked out for her best interest, and that the mother will be able to do the RIGHT thing for her. Praying also for the family of the pastor who passed away. May God continue to comfort them in the days ahead. Even though we know our loved one is "alive and well" in heaven, it still doesn't take away the sting of death here on earth for those left behind. Their grief will still be strong and he will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. How exciting for you and your daughter to both be going to work at the same place! But now I'm wondering who will take care of the little ones? I know when school starts it will be easier, but until then? I'm sure you all have a good plan in place. What a blessing for the people in the memory care place to have you coming to care for them! Wow! Praying for the man in your church with Covid and Parkinson's. Yes, that would be a great concern. All in all, thank you for a lovely post and I pray everything works out for the best on all fronts. God is in control in every situation, and we are blessed! Have a wonderful rest of your week.

    1. Thank you for all the prayer, Pam! No, the pastor's family definitely are grieving, but I do think it helps to have complete assurance of where a loved one is. It breaks my heart when someone who hasn't accepted Jesus passes and the family goes on and on about how they will see them in heaven when we know the truth. As for the covid case...maybe you'd better pray for the whole church. More and more cases are being diagnosed!

  2. WHAT IN THE WORLD??? What a mess for that woman to be potentially trying to get child support from other family - that is so messed up!!! ESPECIALLY from your daughter & SIL!

    OK - that obituary - I love that - just makes me smile

    Congrats on that job - so cool you're going to be where your daughter is - & so glad she's doing well there

    1. Messed up is putting it mildly. The kids were going to go without seeing an attorney of their own, but Tim and I really gave them a bit of grief about it. So glad that for once they took our advice...and I think they are, too.

      That really is the best obituary ever, isn't it?

  3. Congrats on the job! For both you and your daughter. Suffering from anxiety myself, I am so happy to hear she is doing well in this new situation. And with my mother in an assisted living for memory support, I know how blessed the residents will be with you there! Stay cool and enjoy those grandbabies! I love those ages!!!

    1. Thank you. Anxiety is a life stealer at times so yes, I am so glad my girl is feeling relaxing at this job...she's never felt that going in and she's never lasted long. Praying this time is different. Thank you, too, for the kind words about working in memory care. I really do enjoy it and it's so rewarding.

  4. I love that obituary! Makes me smile! :)
    Memory Caregiver...what a tough job. Glad your daughter has done well with training. It definitely helps to have a good work environment.
    Praying for the niece. Praying that mom won't abandon her (again) if she sees she's not going to monetarily profit from having her. Praying that the little girl knows she is loved.

  5. Congratulations on your new job. I used to be an activities aide...and did some work on the memory care floor. What fun we had! All before covid, of course. I really hope you enjoy getting back into it!!

    1. It really can be a lot of fun. I don't think most people see beyond the sadness, but I love working in memory care. I would rather have done activities again, but they didn't have any openings.

  6. I am so happy for both you and your daughter to have found work at a great place!! It is so sweet that you and the kiddos have had such a good week together. Special memories! What a shame that Sarah's mother is causing such trouble. I hope the attorney can get it worked out. I am thankful for your friendship and hope we can meet in person one day. xo

    1. Aw, thank you, Terri. I hope we can meet one day, too. I so want to get down there and see you, the Pams, Linda...



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