Thursday, June 9, 2022

Thankful Thursday

I'm linking up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand on this rainy Thursday morning for Thankful Thursday.

Things I am thankful for in this moment...

** A slow, rainy morning that matches my energy level after a rough night. I just didn't sleep well for some reason and am not feeling terribly energetic or motivated this morning. So, it's nice to have a morning where that's not required. lol

** Colton lost his first tooth while here yesterday afternoon. So special to be with him for that and see his excitement.

** Streaming television rather than cable. There are pretty much endless choices. It opens up the world. I'm currently watching (while I'm typing) a documentary about Corrie ten Boom. So inspirational!

** I've already picked 2 cucumbers and multiple tomatoes from the hanging garden basket I bought back on Memorial Day weekend. There are many, many more tomatoes coming. The 2 cukes may be it, though as the tomato plant seems to be taking over and choking out the cucumber plant. Anyway, fresh veggies from the "garden!"

** With gas prices at $4.99 (a bit over $5 at some stations) God continues to provide.

** A letter from my father and a note with my first check from the family for continuing to see Angel, one of my clients from the agency.

** Inspiration and creativity in coming up with dinners as I seek to cook at home and spend less.

** My granddaughter ALWAYS wants to be here with me.

** Knowing rain was due again last night I decided to tackle our yard with the push mower (Megan ran over a steel rod with our mower last week and while the part has come, Tim hasn't had time to fix it) and seeing me doing so, Megan fired up the riding mower they brought from her late b-i-l's and helped mow. It's older, doesn't run perfectly, and doesn't do as good of a job as our mower, but it did the job and I'm grateful for the help and that the job is done.

** Neighbors I have known literally all of my life. It's true that new people are beginning to move into the neighborhood as the older people pass away or move to live with children or in nursing homes, but I am still surrounded on all sides by people who have always been here. We have always been like a big family and growing up, I called the generation that is gone now, the one of my grandparents, by Aunt and Uncle. You didn't call adults by their first names back then, but I knew them too well to call them Mr. and Mrs.

** Life is good and God is in control.

** All of you, my sweet blogging friends!


  1. So glad you got to share that moment with Colton and it's wonderful when our grandchildren want to be with us. We're blessed with good neighbors too.

  2. Oh, I wish Tom would be more receptive to the idea of streaming. Congrats to Colton on that milestone! Little things mean a lot, don't they?

  3. Glad you saw that documentary on Corrie ten Boom. She is buried about 20-30 feet from my grandparents and parents. I will be buried in the same plot as my parents. I go visit her grave when I visit my family.

  4. Love hearing about your family activities...and Colton's first tooth coming out! How exciting! I do hope the "tooth fairy" was good to him! (and didn't forget, like ours did sometimes! LOL). How wonderful that you live in a neighborhood where you've known all the neighbors for so many years and they know you and your family and you are all like family. That is really special indeed. Doesn't happen much like that anymore. We've moved too often to ever really get to know our neighbors that well. I feel bad about that. Oh, Corrie ten Boom was such a wonderful person and story. I loved the movie "The Hiding Place". Will never forget the impact it had on me back then when it first came out. Such a powerful story of faith and love. Thank you for your post today. It was a blessing.

  5. Those first teeth falling out - get that Tooth Fairy on standby!
    I always say that - when I put gas in my car, I dont fill up right now, but what i put in, tends to still last me a week. Thank you Lord

  6. That missing tooth photo is SO CUTE! So much to be thankful for and with our gasoline at $4.75, I'm thankful it's not $4.99!!

  7. Hooray for losing that first tooth!! And, I cannot imagine having the same neighbors all my life. That must be really special! I live in such a transient area...its kind of sad, actually.

  8. That picture of Colton is priceless!

  9. How wonderful and rare that you have neighbors you've known forever. We have been in our house almost 15 years and really don't know any of our neighbors well. We live in an Army town and a lot of people come and go, especially since the world has reopened after Covid.
    Cannot imagine having as many tomatoes and cucumbers as you do from a hanging basket. I wanted to plant a raised garden with my granddaughters but we contracted Covid and have been in quarantine. Still hoping we can at least plant some pumpkins and squash. Your grand with the new window in his smile where there was a tooth sure is a cutie. My granddaughter just lost her second tooth. She was elated.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...