Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4

Let's inquire about stuff....

1. What gets your blood to boiling?  Bullies; people who write off those who have cognitive disabilities as useless; drivers who put others in danger with their careless rudeness; our government...

2.What does a really good day look like for you? What makes you say, "That was a great day"?  Honestly, I think most of it is just attitude. I can't think of any specific activity...just spending a day with and having fun with family or friends. Laughter, good food, great conversation. But if I'm in a mood, the exact same day probably wouldn't seem great to me.

3. Are you continuing to grow mentally, spiritually, talent wise or are you  just marking time?  I hope I am continuing to grow in all those ways and keep doing so until I am called home to heaven. I enjoy reading and learning, I study the Bible nearly every day and hope that is changing me, and right now I'm learning how to be a nurse's aide.

4. Have you changed your hair style since high school?   Why or why not? Yes, I have. More than once. I've gone long and short. I've tried sevral colors. The biggest change, however, has to be that I now straighten my hair. My hair will naturally dry in tight spiral curls. I always hated it and after paying for Brazilian blowouts for a couple of years, I learned to use a straightening iron effectively. It is more labor intensive, but lots cheaper! Right now, though, my hair is most often up because at work it's usually really hot and I end up in rather gross situations...at home it's up because I don't want it soaking in the chlorinated pool water, which is not good for my hair at all.

**Just a quick shout-out and thank you to those of you who were praying for me last night while I was working. I did have some pain, but it wasn't anything like it was last week. It was an easy night, though, so I don't know if that means anything or not. For now I'm going to keep plugging away at the job...unless I hear about the library job, because I would probably drop everything for that one.



  1. A Brazilian blowout, never heard of that. And straightening your hair is definitely a labor of love. Happy Tuesday!

  2. God bless you being a nurse's aide. As a nurse, I couldn't have survived without good CNAs to work alongside me. I hope your pain is better. I agree that attitude is important in how your day goes. I'll have to keep that in mind. Have a good week.

  3. Hi Stacy. So glad that your feet felt somewhat better last night. I will continue to pray for you. I believe that reading and studying scripture and other good books does change us for the better. I hope today goes well for you.

  4. I loved my hair straight, but I get up so early as it is and that is to not do much with my hair leaving it curly. I have found several ways to style it with the curls. I am good with either way.
    Oh goodness, I am sorry you are having pain. Maybe the library job will be available. I always hurt when I first go back to work after summer. I hope you feel better soon. Praying for you. Loved your answers!
    Have a nice week.


  5. So glad that your evening went well! Enjoyed reading your answers.

  6. I am so happy your night went well and the pain was bearable! Will continue the prayers (including the library job!). Do keep us posted, Stacy! I enjoyed your answers! xo

  7. Hi Stacy, I always enjoy my visit here. Yes on #1. My son was in Special Ed for language issues. Kids were so mean to him and his friends. It changed his sweet personality. Thankfully he was able to overcome many things. This mama bear wanted to go after those hurting him. I hope you get that library job those nurses aids like you are very much needed!

  8. I enjoyed your answers. Those things on #1 bug me too! Glad your pain you were experiencing wasn't as bad.



The weathe r... the It's a bit breezy, making a perfectly acceptable 38 degrees feel more like 28 degrees. It's still a darn sight b...