Saturday, July 30, 2022

Sunday Stealing: The Friday Five

1) What one event from your lifetime would you change if you could, and why?  There are certainly events in my life that I've not been pleased with, but I guess when all is said and done, I wouldn't change any of them. Everything that has happened has shaped who I am now and as a person of faith, I believe God has a plan for my life. Even when I work against Him, He can use my goofs toward that plan.

2) If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be and how old would your younger self be when they got it? Do you think your younger self would listen?  I would tell my younger self (18-20) to slow down and not be in such a rush to "grow up." Very few people know themselves well at that age so take time to live and explore and find out what you really like and want. Unfortunately, I can say with nearly complete certainty that my younger self would totally ignore me.

3) Would you be any good on Survivor?  Nope. I might have some skills and be able to last a while, but.....I DON'T WANT TO! Sign me up when they have to survive in a luxury hotel.

4) What's a safety rule that's very important to you?  Buckle up! Always.

5) What would you like to say to people in the future?  I'm sorry for the world we left you.

6) What's your favorite dish to bring to a summer cookout?  Taco salad or Hobo beans.

7) How much time have you spent outdoors this week?  Some, but not a ton. Partly because I just got over Covid and partly because we've had a lot of rain this week. We took a drive today (Saturday) and ended up at the Quecreek Mine rescue site. This week marked 20 years since 9 miners were trapped and the nation watched the rescue. They have a nice visitors' center and program. It was very interesting. We also stopped for ice cream. I had pumpkin! Then walked through an antique mall.

8) Where do you set your thermostat?  70 degrees for the furnace and 72 degrees for the a/c.

9) How did you learn to swim?  Red Cross lessons at a local public pool.

10) How do you avoid overheating?  Sit in the a/c or jump in the pool.

11). What are you going to do this weekend?
  Well, I told you half of it up there in #7. Tomorrow I will probably not go to church for one more week so I'll work on laundry, organize the freezer, do some reading, and hopefully spend some time with the grands.

12) What’s your favorite way to spend time?  Doing anything with the grandchildren.

13) What’s the most useless thing you own that you would never get rid of?
  My antique typewriter.

14) Have you started planning your next vacation?  No, not yet.

15) Are you very active, or do you prefer to just relax in your free time or is it one and the same to you?  It depends on the activity. I used to be very active and up for just about anything, but I've definitely slowed down over the years.

Thanks to Bev @ Sunday Stealing for rounding up the questions!


  1. Hi Stacy. I always enjoy reading your answers. We are quite similar in many ways. I hope you have a good Sunday. See you again soon!

  2. Glad you've gotten over COVID. I've lucked out... so far...

  3. Glad you're feeling better, smiles... hope you have a beautiful day my friend.

  4. #1. God has a big job sorting out my goofs.
    #4. Good advice - it's the law in the UK.
    #7. Looks liek we may have had Coivd at a similar time. Glad you are over it.




  5. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I wonder what your next chapter is?

  6. #1 is a toughie for me because He gave me free will and look what I did with it. I know He forgives me, I'm not sure I forgive me.
    So glad you're feeling better and out and about!

  7. I have never heard of Hobo Beans.

    I'm so glad you are feeling better!! xo

  8. I agree completely with your answer to #1. I was too tired to tackle this one last night but you did a great job! Have a blessed week ahead, Stacy! xo

  9. Love your answer to #2 a lot of us probably wish we could have savored our younger years ... slowing down would have been nice.



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