Monday, July 11, 2022

Tuesday 4: O, Pioneer!

Howdy Partners and Buckaroos... Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4

Americans are descended from truly intrepid stock.

In Utah, the Days of '47 are starting.  This was 1847 when the first Mormon pioneers came into the state with the great handcart movement. The celebration is huge in Utah with fireworks, rodeos, picnics, fairs and all manner of things.

In America everyone, including the American Indians are immigrants having come from elsewhere (such as Mongolia via the land bridge) as well.  There really are no "native" Americans at all! Let's talk about pioneering. When we think 'Pioneer' we think the Old West.. but the Pilgrims were pioneers. The Spanish were pioneers too.

1. All our ancestors are pioneers and came to America from someplace else.  Where did your people come from?  I can count among my ancestors, John and Priscilla Alden and Miles Standish (all voyagers on the Mayflower), some Swiss Mennonites that came to Pennsylvania and were given a land grant by William Penn, and a good dose of Scotch.

2.  Do you know when and why they came to America?  Oops! I guess I kind of answered that except for the Scots. I don't know when or why they came.

3. Have you been a bit of a pioneer in some way?  Does that spirit live in you? Perhaps moving on to a new job, new home, new state, new country, maybe a change in religion or church?  Yes, to all of those at one time or another. Except for changing religions. I hope I never lose my desire for adventure.

4. Do you enjoy Western movies or TV programs?  They don't make many now but there are re-runs available? Which do you watch?  They aren't a huge favorite of mine. I will watch one from time to time, but it's rare. Tim doesn't really watch them, either, so they just aren't on. Probably the ones I most remember from my growing up years are those with Roy Rogers and John Wayne. My dad was a huge fan of John Wayne.

Well, that was fun! I am off work today. I work again Wednesday and Friday on the 3-11 shift. It went pretty well yesterday, though I did face a "baptism" by poop, a couple of combative residents, and my feet still hurt, but not as bad...I stuck Salon Pas patches all over them. When I get a chance I'm going to have to bite the bullet and make an appointment with a podiatrist. I am friends with one and he told me a few years ago that when the pain got bad enough to come back and he'd give me cortisone shots. I guess we'll see if it's finally time.


  1. Hi Stacy. I bet you and I are related in some way distantly. I also have family that came on the Mayflower - the older brother of my direct ancestor. My family goes waaaay baaaack in the colonies, of which I am very proud. :-) When I had my DNA done at ancestry, it told me that I have the DNA of early Pennsylvania settlers including some Scotts. I have never changed religions either, but I have moved a good deal in my life, living in 7 different states so far. This was an interesting post, and it's fun to think of our ancestors and learn about them. I hope you can get some relief for the pain in your feet. If you have plantar fasciitis, you might want to try some inserts for your shoes. I just get plantar fasciitis inserts at Walmart. They last quite a while and make a big difference. I hope the rest of the week goes well for you. :-)

    1. Wow, I bet we do share some DNA. There was lots of mingling back in the days of not so many settlers, I am sure...and holy smokes, the number of people descended from each Pilgrim is in the millions! As for the feet, I do have plantar fasciitis, but also a ton of arthritis and heel spurs. I have really good inserts. I hate to think how bad my feet would hurt without them. I really think I'm probably coming to the point of trying cortisone shots. More than one doctor has told me surgery and possibly replacement are probably in the future for my knee and ankles. Not something I want to think about, but they do say it's quite a bit down the road yet.

  2. How interesting to read of your illustrious ancestors! I had one who settled in Jamestown. Your post reminded me of my working days. Poop is one bit of my nursing career that I don't miss!

    1. Hi Melanie, thanks for visiting me! What? You don't want to deal with poop any more? Hahaha! I don't really want to, either, but it goes with the territory.

  3. Fascinating ancestry!! I haven't researched far enough yet to find out when everyone came over, particularly the ancestors of my paternal grandmother. They seem to be the ones who were here the longest and fought in the Revolutionary War and another in the Civil War. From PA. too. Oh, your "baptism" at work doesn't sound too wonderful...I don't think my tummy could handle that! I guess you get used to it. I hope you do get some relief for your feet. Praying for that soon. I enjoyed reading your post. Very interesting history!

    1. "...doesn't sound too wonderful." Hahahahaha! Understatement. It was not wonderful or anything close to it. I'm not sure you ever get used to it. You just do what you have to do and for me, I just try to remember that they are someone's spouse, parent, sibling and they each had a life and a story...many have fascinating stories. Some of the younger aides are not the most compassionate (well, some of the older ones aren't, either) but I try to give them a little dignity. Yesterday's episode touched my heart as we rolled the person over and a tear was running down their cheek. That sure keeps it real.

  4. Pretty awesome to trace back to those ancestors!! God bless all of you who work with dementia patients. I know Helen wears a diaper and has to be changed. I just couldn't do it so God bless you!! Hope your podiatrist can help your pain!! xo

    1. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, Terri. I can't say I "like" doing it, but I just have such a heart for these souls. As for the feet, we shall see how it goes. If I can't get any relief one way or another, I suppose I will have to look for something that doesn't have me on them and running all day.

  5. I loved your answers. How cool on the first one. I'd love to learn more family history.


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...