Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Falling Into Books & Tuesday 4's Fall This & That

I had planned to go out with a friend today, but she isn't feeling well and after seeing her doctor yesterday, it's looking like she has Lyme disease (yes, it is a real problem in our area). Anyway, she just doesn't feel up to going out, but I am going to visit her this evening. Her husband is going to make apple pie and serve it with cinnamon ice cream. Yum!

Since I have unexpected time on my hands I'm going to join in with the Tuesday 4 gang and I've stolen a fun book idea from blogging friend, Deb @ A Day in the Life.

Books A to Z

I've actually read these posts in a few other places since seeing Deb's, but she was the first. I love reading and reading about what books other's are reading and enjoying. If you think this is fun, I hope you'll jump in the fun, too.

Author you've read the most books from: I've read a lot of book series, but if I had to guess, I've read more Janet Evanovich than any other single author since I've read all the Stephanie Plum books, all of the other series she's started, and all of her stand alone books.

Best sequel: Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. Backman is an exquisite writer. His writing is breathtaking. I have never come across another author who captures the human condition better.

Currently reading: Kilt at the Highland Games a cozy mystery in the Liss MacCrimmon series by Kaitlyn Dunnett.

Drink choice while reading: Diet Coke when it's warm out and some flavor of herbal tea when it's cold.

E-reader or physical book: I do have a Kindle with quite a few books on it and I use it in fits and spurts, but on the whole I greatly prefer a physical book in my hands. I love the feel and smell of a book.

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school: I can't think of one right off hand, but pick a bad boy with a heart of gold. That would have been the one I would have been drawn to.

Glad you gave this book a chance: The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women. I had not heard about the women who worked in the factories during WWI painting watches and airplane dials with radium, nor about the radium poisoning they were afflicted with and the horrific health issues and deaths they suffered. The book was a real eye opener.

Hidden gem: I've mentioned it before, but Lottery by Patricia Wood. It's a beautifully written story about Perry L. Crandall, who has some developmental disabilities and with an IQ of 76 he's an easy target for people to pick on. His grandmother does her best to teach him and equip him to deal with such people and life. When she dies and a lottery ticket she and Perry had bought is a winner, readers see just what Perry is capable of. It is heartwarming and inspiring.

Important moment in your reading life: That would be when my fourth grade teacher made us read Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry. My 9 year old self was completely captivated and I went on to read not only all the rest of Henry's horse books, but many others as well. When I found out it was a basically true story and that Chincoteague was a real place...getting there became a life goal for me. It finally happened in my 20's and I have been there several times since. It all culminated in 2013 when I finally was there for the famous Pony Swim and watched it beside a member of the Bebe family who patiently answered all my questions.

Just finished: Growing Up in Mr. Roger's Real Neighborhood: Life Lessons from the Heart of Latrobe, PA by Chris Rodell

Kind of books I won’t read: I hate to say won't because you never know what circumstances might lead you to something, but in general, I don't like to read sci-fi, dystopian works, horror, or anything too explicit in either violence or sex.

Longest book you’ve read: I don't know page counts, but among the top contenders...The Holy Bible, Roots by Alex Haley, Gone With the Wind, Captains and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell, and Greg Iles' Mississippi Blood.

Major hangover because of: (What book has stayed with me the longest) Misty of Chincoteague for all the reasons I mentioned above.

Number of cases you own: I have 5 bookcases. One holds all my Bibles and religious books, one holds beautifully bound classics, and the other three hold collections of my favorite authors and books I've yet to read.

One book you’ve read multiple times: Other than the Bible, Little Women is one I go back to fairly often.

Preferred place to read: Snuggled up on the sofa with my pup and my kitty.

Quote that inspires you, or gives you all the feels, from a book you’ve read: “Another morning comes. It always does. Time always moves at the same rate, only feelings have different speeds. Every day can mark a whole lifetime or a single heartbeat, depending on who you spend it with.”  Fredrik Backman, Beartown

Reading regret: Not keeping better records of what I've read. It's not unusual for me to buy a used book, sit down to read it...and realize I've already read it at some point in the past.

Series you started and need to finish: Several cozy mystery series. Since I buy most of them used, I rarely start with book one and have to keep looking for the others and fill in the gaps as I can.

Three of your all-time favorite books:

  • The Holy Bible I read some of it every day and study it at great length.
  • Little Women
  • The Big Tidy Up (a children's book)

Unapologetic fan of: old books.

Very excited for this release (more than all the others): I don't really pay much attention to new releases. Most of my books are purchased used. However, I do make a point to pick up new Janet Evanovich and James Rollins books when they come out. Right now I am actually looking forward to The Winners, book 3 in Fredrik Backman's Beartown series. It comes out today.

Worst bookish habit: buying more books before I've read the huge stack I already have.

X marks the spot - start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: The bookcase with the antique books and classics is the closest one to me so it's The Return of Sherlock Holmes.

Your latest book purchase: I recently purchased two old history books at an auction.

Zzz snatcher book (the last book that kept you up late): All of them. I stay up late, anyway, and I read before bed.

Tuesday 4

1. Do lower temperatures bother you or make you uncomfortable and are you more of a warm climate person?  I am more of a moderate person. I don't like to be too hot or too cold. These temperatures right now that range from the 40's to the 60's are great!

2.  Do you like the colors associated with Autumn. Clothing wise do they look good on you?  Autumn colors are my favorites. My house is mostly decorated in them. I do wear a good bit of autumn colors with the exception of yellow. I don't think I look good in it at all.

3. Would you rather: 

  •   … get lost in a corn maze or go on a hayride?  Probably the corn maze, but at our fairgrounds you can do both.
  • … visit an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch?  An apple orchard.
  •  … eat a caramel apple or a candy apple?   A caramel apple because I'm afraid a candy apple would do a number on my crowns.
  •  …Cinnamon buns or Pumpkin muffins?  Pumpkin flavored anything wins hands down!
4. There are 7,500 varieties of apple.  What is your favorite and do you like apple pie?  My favorite apple is the Gala. It's just the right amount of sweet and tart. I will eat apple pie, but pie isn't really a favorite of mine. Pumpkin pie would be the exception.


  1. I enjoyed reading about the books you like. I loved Little Women, but it's been a long time since I've read it. I also, read The Radium Girls...so very sad. I love the current temperatures too. Hope you have a great day and enjoy your time with your friend this evening and I hope she's feeling better.

  2. Hi Stacy. I am so glad you did the book post! It's so fun to hear about the books you like to read. I also read The Radium Girls after another person wanted to read it for our book club. Wow, what a sad but powerful book. Sounds like you and I have very similar reading tastes. I have only read the first Stephanie Plum book but I have several others on my ever-growing "to read" stack. The temperatures here are moderately warm, but overall we are having a beautiful fall.

  3. Gala was Joe's favorite apple. I enjoyed reading about your books, Stacy. All of mine are on my Kindle now. I gave up buying books years ago. I gave my books to an assisted living facility where my grandmother was living. Happy hump day (tomorrow)! xo

  4. I have never read Little Women. I suppose I should after all this time. Gala are a fav of mine too. Thanks for joining in.

  5. I have read all the novels you listed except the Mississippi one. I have read several of Michener books. Aztec by Gary Jennings was an eye opener. One of Cortez captains was a Sandoval. I thought that was great, but so many natives died from the diseases brought over by the Spanish. I switched to mostly Christian type books in the 90's. I love historical Christian fiction the best. Now I mostly read the Bible and work on my Bible journaling.

  6. I agree, the 'aroma' of a Real Book is almost intoxicating. This is such a fun exercise; I may do this if only for my own enjoyment!

  7. I enjoyed your answers. I do like more moderate temps...not too hot, not super cold.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...