Thursday, October 20, 2022

Blog Challenge: Day 20

Today's prompt:  What's the best and worst thing about being your current age?

The best thing is definitely being a grandmother. Those precious children are definitely life's reward for surviving the raising of my own children. Ha! Seriously, it's an easier relationship, somehow, even though I share quite a bit in their care due to work schedules and their mom's health issues. They bring me such happiness.

The worst thing is the body that is getting older and has lots of aches and pains and miscellaneous sometimes prevents me from doing things I would like to do.


  1. How I relate to every one of these memes, Stacy! (I may have laughed a little too hard at the last one; jus' saying.)
    Love your new Autumn background.

  2. I can so relate to this. I have more creaks and cracks than an old house these days! Loved the memes! Thanks for the laugh! xoxo



It's 10:00 on Wednesday evening. I will be heading to bed soon, but I wanted to check in. It's been a while.  I came down with a nas...