Friday, October 14, 2022

October Blog Challenge: Days 13 & 14

Sorry to be doubling up again. My laptop is not working well and getting to a point where I can write a post is painstakingly slow. I should probably drop it at the repair center next week, though I am afraid they will tell me it's just time for a new one. I mention this so you'll know what happened if I disappear for a far as posts go. I can visit you and comment on your blogs using my phone, but I hate trying to do a post from my phone and won't be doing that.

Now that you know, let's get on with the challenge.

Day 13 Prompt:  List ten things that make you happy.

  1. Husband
  2. Grandchildren
  3. Daughter
  4. Pets
  5. A beautiful fall day
  6. Books
  7. Friends
  8. Music
  9. Chinese food
  10. Comfortable shoes

Day 14 Prompt:  What song evokes the best memories for you?

So many songs bring back great memories, but today I will go with the one that is also my favorite song...Piano Man by Billy Joel. Nothing takes me back to my college days faster than hearing it come on the radio. My friends and I liked to go to a particular fraternity party every Friday night. Being regulars we got to know the brothers and the other regulars. Every week the party ended with everyone in a circle, arms around each other belting out Piano Man. It was a good crowd and good times. When I hear those first notes I am instantly back there, smiling and singing along.


1 comment:

  1. I love Piano Man, as well as most everything else by Billy Joel. I hope you are able to get your computer fixed. It is so frustrating when a computer doesn't work the way we expect it to. I would also say AMEN to all ten of the things that make you happy. Me too. Have a good weekend.



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