Saturday, October 15, 2022

Saturday 9: Potential New Boyfriend

Thanks to Crazy Sam for the music and questions.

Play along here.

Saturday 9: Potential New Boyfriend (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The lyrics tell us Dolly Parton has spotted a fella who twisted her ignition key and turned her motor on. That was in 1983. Keys are less common today, since many cars are equipped with with push button ignitions and more doors now open for those who know the key pad code or have the right swipe card. What's the last thing you used a key to start or unlock?  My car. I'm afraid mine is old enough not to have any of that technology.
2) Her potential new boyfriend bought her a drink and she thanked him real sweet. Have you more recently said "thank you," or been thanked yourself?  I went to a book discussion at church this evening (Friday) and I said thank you to several people for bringing snacks and to the pastor's wife for facilitating the discussion.

3) This is Dolly's first music video. "Potential New Boyfriend" was a top 20 country hit and made #13 Billboard's Dance chart, yet it's not well remembered today. Share a song from one of your favorite artists that the rest of us Sat 9-ers might not know.  The Ballad of Billy the Kid by Billy Joel.

4) This is not Dolly's first song about a romantic rival. Her hit "Jolene" was inspired by a bank teller who regularly flirted with Dolly's real (not potential!) husband, Carl Dean. Have you recently fallen victim to the green-eyed monster of jealousy? If yes, what were you jealous of (someone's affections, possessions, success ...)?  I can't think of anything. I rarely get jealous about anything. It took me a long time to get to the point of being able to say that.
5) Dolly enjoys telling interviewers she met Carl at the Wishy-Washy Laundromat in Nashville. Do you have a hamperful of dirty clothes awaiting you? Or are you all caught up with that particular household chore?  Sigh. There is a big hamper full waiting for me.
6) Dolly Parton's Imagination Library makes free books available to children. It was begun in 1995, and by 2020, her charity had distributed 150,000,000 books! When you were a very young reader, what was your favorite book?  My very favorite book when I was very young was The Big Tidy Up. I have a copy of it now for my grandchildren. Imagination Library is a wonderful thing. Both Colton and Leah have been enrolled. Colton has aged out of the program, but Leah still has a couple of years to go.

7) Andy Warhol was fascinated by Dolly. When he asked her what her perfect meal would include, she responded it would have to start with chicken and dumpling soup. How would you have answered Andy? What's your perfect dinner menu?  Tossed salad, shrimp scampi, baked potato, and roasted Brussels sprouts.

8) Thinking of chicken ... In 1983, when this song was popular, McDonald's introduced McNuggets. Today, it's one of McDonald's most popular menu items. Are you a fan?  Ick, no.
9) Random question: Would you rather visit a desert or a jungle?  Probably a desert because there are an awful lot of creepy-crawlies (and slitheries) in the jungle.


  1. I don't think I've ever heard that song before, but I do love Dolly Parton. We still have to use a key to start our car too. I am not a fan of so many computerized things that can go wrong...#9, I am not a fan of the desert...too hot and no trees. But then again, you are right about the jungle...not to mention the bugs. I think I'll just stay where I am, thank you. This is close enough to the jungle for me. LOL.

  2. I'm allergic to fire ants, so I have to be careful if I visit desert states. And so many classic westerns show cowboys shooting rattlesnakes! Creepy-crawlies and slitheries are probably why cowboys wear boots.
    You're the second Sat 9er I've read this morning with a personal connection to Dolly's charity. How cool it must be to be her and touch so many lives.

  3. #2 Those two simple words mean so much but conveys so much.
    #4 Life is too short to be jealous and it takes a lot out of you.
    #9 True, true, true! My nephew took his high school class to Central America where the school had a jungle research station and one year he brought back a fungal infection. Yuck!

  4. #1 and #4...I am the same. My car is 2002 and it took me a long time to not be jealous of others, but I feel like I am there. I am happy for people. I think it is just age for me.
    The Imagination Library is awesome. I love all of the books she picked out for it. #7...Chinese food sounds so good to me right now. We haven't had any for a while. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. I can't think of the last time I had chinese food. I should remedy that!

  6. I never heard that Billy Joel song. Thank you for sharing it. And I have a push-start on my car and dislike it. I would much rather have the key-turn kind.

  7. Grinning...thanks Stacy. I hope you have a beautiful week ahead.


A Quick Update

Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts. I thought I'd give you a quick update.  Tim saw the doctor this morning. He didn't tell...