Saturday, December 3, 2022

Saturday 9: Broken-Hearted Girl

Good morning! I'm joining in with Sam and the gang for the Saturday 9, but I'm answering on the fly and will do my visiting a bit later. It's going to be a busy day. I have props for the Christmas program to deliver to the church this morning, then it's back home to bake cookies, and this afternoon is the women's tea at church...which I am emceeing. (Yikes!)

I also want to apologize to everyone who visited and commented on Thursday. I have wanted to get around and visit all of you, but both Thursday and Friday evenings once I sat down with the laptop I drifted off to sleep and woke up in time to go to bed. It's just that busy time of year and this year I'm actually working full time so it's just go-go-go!

Anyway, on with the questions. 

Saturday 9: Broken-Hearted Girl (2009)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Beyonce admits her feelings for a man she doesn't want to love. Do you believe we can choose who we love? Or does the heart go its own way?  Well, I definitely think emotions and physical attraction can draw us to someone in the beginning, but it's my belief that real love is a decision that we make to join ourselves to someone and make it our mission to give our best to them and always want the best for them...and that the decision needs to be renewed every day. That so many people just go with their emotions and that physical attraction speaks to why so many find it easy to discard a marriage.

2) In the video for this song, Beyonce plays with a red rose. Florists report that the most popular colors of roses are: red, white or ivory, yellow, pink, peach or orange, and lavender or purple. Do you have a favorite?  When I was younger I loved pink roses, but these days I tend to favor the yellow and peach ones.

3) The video was filmed in Malibu. Southern California is a popular vacation destination. Have you ever visited there? Have you ever lived there?  No, I've never been to any part of California.
4) When Beyonce was just 12, she appeared on the show Star Search as part of a vocal group called Girls Tyme. The girls lost, but Beyonce said the experience taught her that she wanted to be a performer for the rest of her life. Share a memory from your own junior high years.  Ugh, that period of my life was pretty rough. My dad, who was always strict, was dealing with some major disappointments in his own life and I think that made him even more strict. I spent so much time being grounded for the smallest of infractions that I don't really have many good memories of those years.
5) As a girl, she helped her hairstylist mom by sweeping hair at the salon. Do you have a hair appointment coming up?  No, but I should call and get one. I'm looking pretty shaggy.
6) In 2009, when this song was popular, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg unsuccessfully tried to buy Twitter. Elon Musk acquired Twitter last month. What social media sites do you spend the most time on?  Just Facebook and Blogger. I have accounts on Twitter and Instagram but I never use them.
7) Also in 2009, Sony sold floppy disks at most retailers. But things change fast in the world of tech and by 2011, Sony quit producing floppy disks altogether. Floppies were replaced by flash drives, which have been replaced by cloud storage services ... Do you still have any floppy disks?  I don't think so, but it's possible one could be floating around. I know I have a few hard discs with photos on them still around.

8) In 2009, Michael Jackson died. Do you have a favorite Michael Jackson song?  Billy Jean
9) Random question -- We're having a Saturday 9 potluck lunch! What will you bring?  Cookies! I'm baking them already.


  1. #4 -- I'm so sorry that happened. Do you think it influenced your parenting?

    1. I do think it did. I always vowed I would NEVER be like him, but of course, the reality is that in some ways I was, but I was no where near as extreme. My kids thought I was, though, as all their friends had very permissive parents.

  2. Ha - you remind me that I need a little hair cut too. I never really know what to do with my hair - cut it? Grow it out? Ugh. I think many of us are never really satisfied with our hair. Sorry that your dad was hard on you. I think most parents try to do their best, and we have to give our own folks the benefits of the doubt except in extreme cases, but the way we are raised absolutely impacts the way we interact with and raise our own children. As for #6, I rarely go to Facebook or Insta any more - just a few times a month. I think I posted a picture of our Thanksgiving at our daughter's home. Twitter is nuts - I have an account I don't use. It's getting even crazier now that Elon Musk bought it. I hope you have a good Saturday. See you again soon!

    1. I agree. I have forgiven my dad. I still believe he was strict in the extreme on many things, but one, I can understand some of his worries as a parent now and two, I know the kind of parenting he had and it was pretty tough.

  3. Cookies!! My middle school years were rough, too. Sorry you went through that.

    1. Thank you. Judging by the comments many of us didn't have the happiest of middle school years.

    2. Nope. I think it's a rough time for most of us.

  4. Cookies sound wonderful!
    As a teacher I have had several co-workers talk about how their childhood was rough. It is so hard to notice things like that in the kids. I am glad I had a good childhood, but I am a bit clueless looking for signs in kids. Especially my littles. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

    1. I imagine it is tough to spot in kids. I doubt anyone other than my best friend knew how miserable those years were for me. I have been a pro for most of my life at putting on the "all-is-fine" mask for the world.

  5. I can relate to chaotic teen years--they're difficult enough without having family stuff added to it.

    1. Amen! Family ought to be a kid's safe place, a soft place to land. Sadly, that's too often not the case.

  6. Stacy, I always enjoy my visits with you here. Interesting questions and thoughtful answers. I'm sorry you had a difficult time during those formative years of junior high. Wishing you a blessed weekend!! xo

    1. Thanks Terri! I always appreciate your encouraging comments.

  7. Teen years are incredibly chaotic. I know mine were, especially with the added family stuff!

  8. #4 My father was a high school principle and I always heard about we must maintain appearances.
    #7 I have a 12 inch 1978 LaserDisc player and some 12 inch discs.
    #9 Cookies! When can I come over?

    1. Lord, yes....the public persona or appearances. My dad was BIG on that. You have a laser disc? I don't think I ever even saw one of those except in an ad.

  9. Teen years can be awful. I went through things I never discuss and try hard not to remember. Hope you enjoyed the cookie baking!

    1. I hear you on the family stuff. The cookie baking was a bit of a trial today. They turned out and in theory they were easy cookies to make, but nothing was going right today. I ended up with flour and powdered sugar all over everything, including myself.

  10. Sorry about those years... hard sometimes. Its funny I never thought of instagram as social media, just a place to share photos. I learn something every day lol.

    1. I guess it's social media in the same way Tik Tok is.

  11. We shall not even discuss my family issues, lol. I hope you have a beautiful day Stacy...and I got my haircut last week and it's a disaster as she had her attention on something else--she cut my hair unevenly---and I will not be going back--the attention was my husband who wanted to pay for my haircut and his at the same time--and I told him no longer will we be going together. He made me so mad, lol.

  12. My dad was great! My mom was the strict one. I remember she grounded me once and I missed a youth party. I do have a lot of great memories from Jr high. Enjoy your week! I posted Christmas pictures at my Dec. 2 post. I finally made something we the Cricut! How did the tea go?


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...