Sunday, January 15, 2023


It's 8:30 on Sunday evening. The weather is clear and calm. The temperature is 27 degrees. Tim is already asleep and I'm enjoying the last few quiet hours of the weekend.

On the television...reruns of The Big Bang Theory. I've been watching a lot of different things, no one show has captured my attention other than the new seasons of Swamp People and Swamp People: Serpent Invasion.

Reading...I haven't decided what's next. I just finished The Bookshop of Secrets by Mollie Rushmeyer. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a Christian book. It wasn't advertised that way at all on Amazon. It was a great story, had characters I instantly liked and got invested in and I loved that the Christian parts just flowed naturally. It didn't feel forced or preachy or beat you over the head with it as some books do. The presentation of the gospel enhanced the story rather than detracted from it. Just like it does in real life. 

Feeling thankful...I finally got to go back to church today! I hadn't been there since the night of our Christmas program and dinner. I came down with strep throat the day after that and that kept me away the following Sunday just to be safe. The next Sunday was Christmas and the nasty winter storm so I didn't go. I got another virus for New Years so missed that Sunday. And last Sunday I was healthy, but Colton and Leah stayed over and we just weren't moving fast enough for me to make it to church. It felt so good to be there today and see everyone!

I am also thankful that when Tim and I were at Walmart today I was able to get children's liquid Motrin. Poor Leah has been dealing with ear infections off and (mostly) on since September. The last round of antibiotics didn't seem to help at all and she frequently says her ear hurts. Tylenol doesn't seem to help and up until today we hadn't been able to find any children's liquid ibuprofen. The pharmacist at The Medicine Shoppe told Megan there is a nationwide shortage and that it will likely get worse before it gets better. So, while Walmart had it, I bought 2 bottles.

Thinking about...what's going to happen at work this week. On Friday my supervisor in the Adult Training Facility announced that due to something that had happened the day before (no idea if it was something at work or in his personal life) he'd turned in his resignation and it was his last day. He will be back on the shredding floor on Monday. Then a bit later the woman who sets everyone's schedules called two of the younger women out to speak to them. I have no idea what was said, but they came back angry and the one was ranting about quitting. And then at the end of the day there was a paper by the timeclock saying we had to sign up on one of two days for a mandatory staff meeting. We won't know what that's about until the 25th. I hate to see the younger girls quit, but if the one does, I will probably be in the training facility all the time. 

Hopeful...the new pillow I ordered from Amazon (for a lot of $$$) will finally be the one that keeps my neck and back pain free all night. I'll let you know.

Loving...all the time I've had with Colton and Leah recently. I got both of them right after I got home from work Thursday and Friday and yesterday I got them when Megan went to work. They sure keep me on my toes and wear me out, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Feeling...content and happy.

Funnies to make you smile...

Friday, January 6, 2023

A Thankful Saturday 9: What's New Pussycat?

Welcome to my (for now) once a week post where I try to cram a week's worth of info and updates into one post. In case you missed it, my laptop is limping along, gasping it's next-to-last breath...which basically means sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and when it does, it's incredibly, frustratingly slow. For the most part I'm just avoiding it. I will get a new one eventually. I've been sort of looking, but haven't seen "the one" just yet.

There's plenty I'm feeling thankful about this week. 

For starters, I'm mostly over the nasty cold I got right before New Year's. I slept most of last Saturday and laid low the whole 3-day weekend. I did take the tree and other Christmas decorations down on Monday, but I took all day to do it. I've been chipping away a little bit each evening at getting gifts put away and going through the kitchen cabinets and doing another purge of things I don't use. It's been a bit easier to get things done as we haven't seen much of our daughter or grandchildren this week. First because I was sick, then Leah got sick, and now our daughter has strep throat. All are on the mend at this point...another thing to be thankful for.

I'm thankful that my mom was able to drive me to work and pick me up on Thursday so Tim could drop his truck off at the garage to be inspected and drive my car for the day.

I'm thankful that I continue to be mostly in the Adult Training Facility at work...even when I am scheduled to work in the shredding department, something nearly always comes up that puts me back in ATF. My feet are very grateful!

I'm thankful my sister-in-law came through the surgery to remove a tumor, part of her liver and her appendix went well. She has a lot of pain, but that isn't unexpected and she is doing well all things considered. She hopes to come home tomorrow (Saturday).

I'm thankful for another financial gift from my biological father and for his offer to fund starting 529 education accounts for all of our grandchildren...even the ones we don't get to see.

And now I am thankful I could get the laptop running well enough to join in the Saturday 9. Thank you, Sam, for the music and questions!

Saturday 9: What's New, Pussycat? (1965)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Tom Jones wants to know what's new in his girl's life. Here at Saturday 9, we're concentrating on the new year. What do you hope will be new and different in your life during 2023?  I'm feeling hopeful that this will be the year I really do something about living healthier and that we will get on more solid financial footing. I am taking the first step toward the latter by enrolling in the health insurance plan through my work. Tim's work provides his for a nominal fee, but it is over $600/month for me to have coverage. I am able to get comparable insurance through my work for $50/month, a huge savings!
2) He sings that he has flowers for his special girl. Are there fresh flowers in your home right now?  No. I rarely have fresh flowers in the house. I'd rather see them growing outside than dying inside. Plus, strongly scented flowers kill my sinuses.
3) He also wants to spend hours with her. What is something you'd like to spend more time doing in 2023?  So many things. I'm actually enjoying the time that's been added to my day by staying off the laptop. I'd like to continue that. I want to continue to keep my online presence at a reduced level. It's awful how much time I waste on Facebook and games.
4) Before his music career took off, Tom Jones supported himself by selling vacuum cleaners. Could your home benefit from a once-over with a vacuum right now?  It could benefit from that pretty much all the time. I do vacuum, but between a husband that works in construction, the dog, the grandchildren, and everyone else that tracks through, it gets dirty/dusty.
5) Memorabilia from Tom's 1990 world tour was available on eBay and the bids went up to $599 for a jacket worn by the stage crew. Have you ever bought anything at an auction (online or otherwise)? I have been going to auctions since I was a little girl. I started bidding and buying on my own when I was in high school and I've never stopped. I've mentioned it before, but at the last auction I attended I bought a sectional sofa and an oak dining table and chairs for a song. I have bid in a few online auctions, as well, but I don't really enjoy those very much.

6) Tom's adult grandson, Alex, represented Wales in rifle shooting in the Commonwealth Games. Is there a sport you'd like to try, or get better at, in 2023?  I can't think of any particular sport. I just want to exercise more.

7) In 1965, when this song was popular, Tom Jones made a new friend, Elvis Presley. Tom had a meeting at Paramount Studios to discuss recording a song for a movie soundtrack and Elvis was finishing a film. It was the beginning of a friendship that would continue for the rest of Elvis' life. Did you make any new friends in 2022?  Yes, a few of the women at church.

8) Also in 1965, The Sound of Music premiered and became one of the most successful movies of all time. Have you seen it?  I watched it when I was a kid with my mom. I love musicals, but it just isn't a favorite of mine. I tried watching it again a couple of years ago, but quickly lost interest.

9) Random question: Were you like those shoppers we saw on TV, in line at a retailer after the holidays to exchange a gift that wasn't quite right?  Nope. I don't believe I've ever returned a gift unless it was clothing purchased in the wrong size.

That's all for now.  See you next week (if not before)!


I am Thinking... that getting a new phone and getting things set up is a royal pain. It's all through Google and over the years I'v...