Monday, April 3, 2023


I am...

Reading: Beach Read by Emily Henry.

Listening to: a rerun of The Big Bang Theory and the fan in the bedroom.

Loving: that it's a 4-day work week.

Thinking: about all that I have to do in preparation for our family's Easter dinner on Saturday.

Feeling: tired (end of the day) and concerned about our son-in-law and grandson as both have come down with a nasty stomach virus that sent our sil to the ER for IV fluids to combat dehydration.

Celebrating: Holy Week and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, of course.

Grateful for: our power being on. It went off at 4:30 this afternoon when someone rounded the curve at the end of our street going too fast and took out a utility pole. The rumor was it would be 11:00 before power would be restored. Fortunately, the emergency crews were amazing and fast. It was back on by 8:00. It did mean we had to eat out tonight, though. 

No word about the driver who hit the pole. I do hope he or she will be okay.

Weather: mostly cloudy and 57 degrees. More clouds tomorrow, but the temperature should be in the 70's.

Enjoying: feeling better for having given up the ridiculously strict diet. I am still trying to stay low carb, but allow myself to have a Lindor Blueberry Cream truffles (a special flavor for Easter/Spring).

A quote I want to share: 


  1. I hope your SIL and grandson are both doing better by now. Praying for them. So glad you have a 4-day work week. That's always a nice thing. Praying also that whoever hit that pole is okay. And so glad the power wasn't off for as long as predicted, but oh, I love an excuse to go out to eat! Any day that I don't have to cook is a good day! The quote at the end is a good one. I pray that I have changed in a positive way over the years and that I am still growing and changing to be more like Jesus. Have a blessed and beautiful Holy Week.

  2. Hi Stacy. I hope that your son-in-law and grandson are better soon. Glad you got power back on quickly when it went out. A four day work week is always nice. I am still home with Covid and now we think my husband has it. It's always something. I love your ending quote. So true. I hope your day goes well. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. Hope everyone is healthy soon, my friend. So much going around. Have a Blessed Holy Week. I think spring is finally here to stay!

  4. I enjoyed your post. Hope the family will get well quickly.

  5. I pray your SIL, etc. are better today. We had a tummy bug a week or so ago but, thankfully, it wasn't super bad.
    Strict diets never work, do they. I like eating low carb/no sugar. My health sure has improved also sicknesses are milder. What a blessing.
    Hoping y'alls week gets better. Blessings. xx


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...