Friday, April 7, 2023

Saturday 9: Easter Parade

Saturday 9: Easter Parade

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is best known from the 1948 movie of the same name, but it was originally written for a 1933 Broadway play called As Thousands Cheer. In the play, a young man reads about the parade in a New York  newspaper and decides to go and show his lady love off to parade goers. What's the most recent parade you attended?  I don't even know. It's been a long time since I've been to a parade...and that makes me sad. My dad LOVED parades and we went to every one that we could. I learned to love them, too. I tried to keep it going after he was gone, but my kids (and my husband) just don't have the interest.

2) On Broadway, the song was performed by Clifton Webb. He'd had a busy stage career, appearing in musicals as well as plays by Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward, but when he was in his mid-50s, he was considered too old to be a leading man. Broadway offers stopped coming. He was unexpectedly cast by Otto Preminger for the film noir Laura and a new career was born. He worked steadily in Hollywood for 20 years and earned three Oscar nominations. Tell us about a time you were grateful your life took an unanticipated turn.  I'd have to say it was when I stopped driving a school bus and went to work at a nursing home. I ended up working in the memory care unit...a place I'd never, ever have thought I'd end up working or that I would enjoy it so much. It put me on the path to being ready for the job I have now working with adults with intellectual disabilities and I love it! If I hadn't seen that ad for the nursing home and applied on a whim...

3) Today he's fondly remembered by the students at UCLA who have benefited from The Clifton Webb Scholarship of the Arts. If you could give an endowment to a school or charity, what would you like it to be used for?  I would give it to my employer, the county blind association. I would hope it would be used to add more programs and opportunities for the consumers. 

4) According to Forbes magazine, the average American household will spend upwards of $150 on Easter dinner, candy, and decorations this weekend. Do holidays strain your budget?  Easter doesn't, but Christmas does at times.

5) The biggest chocolate Easter egg was made in Italy, measured 34 feet tall and weighed a staggering 15,000 lbs. Do you think it's possible to have too much chocolate?  As disappointing as it is, yes, you can have too much chocolate.
6) After chocolate, the top-selling Easter candy is Peeps Marshmallow Chicks. They're so popular that they were once the subject of a Jeopardy clue. Do you often watch Jeopardy?  No. I usually only see it if we are at my mom's for supper. Jeopardy is always the after dinner show of choice at her house. I also don't eat Peeps. Ick.

7) Jelly beans are also popular this time of year. In a 2020 poll, jelly bean fans responded that cinnamon is their favorite flavor. Do you have a favorite?  I love Jelly Belly's pear flavor.

8) We've been talking a lot about sweets this morning. The only holiday that generates more candy sales is Halloween. When do you eat more candy: Easter or Halloween?  It's probably about even. I don't eat a lot of candy during either holiday except for my one downfall...Lindt truffles. Have you seen the blueberry cream ones they have just for Easter? Or the Neopolitan ones? 

9) Easter is considered the season of rebirth. What makes you feel refreshed or rejuvenated?  Time spent studying the Bible and in prayer, going to church, beautiful summer mornings, a nice hot shower, listening to my favorite music.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions.
You can play along here.

We are celebrating Easter with our family dinner today due to our daughter's work schedule so it will be later before I can get around to visit everyone. Till then I wish you all a very happy and blessed Easter!


  1. Have a very nice Easter weekend, Stacy. See you again soon.

  2. #2: I don't know if I've ever thanked you for this, so I'll do it now. The way you write about the people you work with has helped me better understand/deal with two of my friends who are declining cognitively. THANK YOU. Your blog has given me real-world insights. Happy Easter.

    1. Wow. If I have said anything that has been helpful then I am humbled and grateful that I was able to help.

  3. #1 My father never liked parades so I never developed a taste for them.
    #8 Yes, yes, yes! I love those.

  4. No one in my family ever enjoyed parades. We only watched a couple of them. I was in two parades, so far, one when I was very young riding on an old fashioned Fire Engine. The most recent one was with what was our former church, First Baptist Church Blackshear. In that one FAITH Riders (our motorcycle group) handed out candy to small children. We also displayed all our motorcycles. Kids loved that. It was fun. I like seeing kids happy and enjoying life. It's such a precious, short time.
    Enjoyed your post. Thank you for all you do. You are very appreciated and loved.
    HE IS RISEN. Happy Easter. xx

    1. I've only been in a handful of parades and while I thought it was fun I hated not being able to see all the groups marching.

  5. Your job is so important! I love that you would give the money for that and make the program even better. I loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. Have a Blessed Easter.
    P.S. I don't like Peeps either...gross.

    1. Thank you, Lori.
      Not a Peeps girl? Another thing we have in common!
      Happy Easter to you and your family!

  6. Lindt has become my new favorite brand of chocolate. It is very good.

  7. Someone else who likes the pear jelly bellies!

    I love Lindt but have never seen blueberry or Neopolitan. I was sorry when they stopped selling peanut butter. We visited the Lindt factory in Germany, which was very interesting, but the only sample you got was a thin cookie dipped in melted chocolate. Disappointing!

  8. I enjoyed your post, Stacy. Your answers are always so well thought out and written. I'm sure you had a wonderful Easter celebration today! He is Risen!! xo

  9. I love jelly bellies.. and now it's time to try the pear ones! I love bosc pears.
    "As disappointing as it is... yes, one can have too much chocolate." LOL sad but true! I loved reading your post and love your cheerful background, too...



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