Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Thankful Thursday

I never know what's going to happen from one day to the next so tonight while I have time, I'm going ahead with my Thankful Thursday post. I don't want to take a chance on missing it again. So, here on a Wednesday evening, is my list of things I'm thankful for this week.

A WONDERFUL EASTER WITH FAMILY. We celebrated on Saturday because our daughter worked midnight shift Saturday night. It was Tim and I, my mom and stepdad, and our daughter and her family. We had ham, pasta salad, potato salad, corn spoonbread, pickled eggs and beets, deviled eggs, cheddar-garlic biscuits, and for dessert we had nut, poppy seed, and apricot rolls, cupcakes, and pineapple fluff. The kiddos got baskets, of course, and after dinner we had an Easter egg hunt in the yard.

Mom and John came down on Easter for leftovers and spent the afternoon with us.

FOR THE TRUTH AND BLESSING OF A RISEN SAVIOR. The bunny and the candy are fun and it's great to gather with family, but the best part of Easter is remembering and celebrating that Jesus Christ died to redeem all who will believe and that He is alive. Those who follow Him serve a LIVING KING!

TURNING ON THE AIR CONDITIONING TONIGHT. I'm thankful because it means we are having incredible weather for this time of year. By Friday we should see the temperature reach 85 degrees! I will be leaving it on for the next couple of days to keep Daisy comfortable while we are at work.

A DAY OF SURPRISES AT WORK. One of the consumers I have grown close to asked me today if I would fill the role of companion for her. She only has 2 hours a month so I agreed to do it. Before I can, however, I have to go through more training at work ('s all stuff I already know).

Then as we were walking consumers out to their vans to go home at the end of the day, one of our program directors asked me if I had a college degree. I told her I didn't, but had two years toward a journalism degree. Her response was, "So you have some college? That's enough." Enough for what?? It turns out she is leaving at the end of the month and has been telling our employer for months that they need to find a replacement. So far they have done nothing. As of now she has 9 days to train her replacement. She has her eye on me. Me!?!? 

I agreed to talk with her next week about the job and if I say I'm interested I guess she'll put it to the powers that be for consideration. It would mean a pay raise and I'd have an office and best of all....I'd spend at least a little less time on my feet in the shredding department. I'm not sure what all it entails (it's more along the lines of social work) but say a prayer that if I decide I would like to do it they at least give me serious consideration.

Oh, and for my coworker, who I never know if he's joking, serious, or really playing me...for suggesting me to the program director and singing my praises. Awesome of him to do that...and it cleared up my thoughts on him a bit.

TIM SEES THE DOCTOR TOMORROW. He's been feeling a bit worse than usual. I don't really know what is wrong...he's so close-mouthed about any problems or pain he deals with. He really isn't even totally forthcoming with the doctors. That said, he had an episode last week where he got up in the night, felt dizzy and disoriented and ended up on the floor. It must have rattled him a bit (even though he's continued to work as usual) because he voluntarily called the doctor for an appointment and goes tomorrow afternoon.

BIRTHDAYS. Yesterday was our son-in-law's birthday. We didn't celebrate with him but were able to bless him with a nice gift. Next week is my stepdad's birthday. He will be 81...when Covid came along he was really worried he wouldn't make it to 80. Guess he showed Covid! 

Mom and John's anniversary is also next week. Is it horrible that I'm not totally sure, but I think it's their 20th.

ALL OF YOU. That you stick by me and still come to visit even though my posting has become sporadic at best means a lot. I love all of your comments and your friendship.

And now this girl has to say "goodnight" and head off to bed. I hope you're having a blessed and happy week!


  1. Hi Stacy, I do miss your visits. My last post was about Easter too!! I hope you get that job. I am sure you can do it. I worked for the Department of Social Services for a year during my senior year of college. I end up staying at the post office so I could be home with my kids during the day. Sounds like you have a busy April. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. Hi Stacy! Good to see you back in blogland! I always enjoy your upbeat Thankful Thursday posts. So glad you had a nice, family Easter. Cute pictures of your grands doing their Easter egg hunt. Congrats on being considered for the promotion at work! That is awesome. I hope you get it! So glad that your job is going well. I didn't know you majored in journalism in college. I guess great minds think alike - one of my undergraduate degrees was in journalism and the other one in history. I always loved to write! Education (language and literature) in my master's degree. I hope you have a great week. See you again soon!

  3. Those kids sure are growing up. They're adorable.
    Of course they'll consider you for something bigger and better. You're a wonderful person and a hard worker. So, early *congrats* on the new job appointment?! Definite prayers for God's will to be done. Keep us posted!
    Blessings. xx

  4. Great photos of the kiddos! Those baskets are full of plastic eggs! Wow! Do please keep us posted on the potential new job as a program director! If they are smart, they will hand it to you!! Peace & hugs!!

  5. So glad to know you are doing well and that maybe you will be getting a promotion at work...Praying for you that God's will be done. He knows what is best for you. Loved seeing the kiddos with their baskets...they are growing and are so precious. Praying for Tim...glad he made an appt. with the Dr. Praying nothing is seriously wrong. Happy Anniversary to your parents. I enjoy hearing from you whenever you are able. We understand about schedules and just not having time to sit down and read and write. I don't even work, but it just seems like life stays so busy. This is my relaxing time, visiting with you all. But it is hit and miss mostly. One day at a time. Take care and we'll be praying for the best for you.

  6. So happy for you, my friend! And what cute little Easter bunnies you have! Your Easter sounds delightful. Prayers for Tim. Always a good idea to put our minds at ease with a visit to the doctor. Steve and I laugh because we say we have become our parents: planning our days around our doctor visits!


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...