Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Giving thanks for...

...cooler temperatures...

...the end of a problematic pool season...

...the new deck at work that allows us to go outside daily...

...the switch to new insurance at work won't cause me any problems...

...tomorrow being Friday...

...Mom not caring if I donate a lot of the books she's passed on to me...

...getting the house cleaned up last weekend...

...every minute with my grandchildren...

...being able to afford to buy small craft items we need at work but have no budget for...

...floor mats in my vehicle (it didn't come with any and Christmas and the Weathertech mats Tim is getting me are still 4 months away)...

...a last swim with the grands and their daddy...

...still enjoying fresh produce as the gardening season runs long...

...our daughter is walking with a friend nearly every day and losing weight and getting fit...and feeling stronger mentally and emotionally...

...Tim feeling a bit better today after feeling so awful Tuesday and Wednesday from setting roof trusses in 95 degree weather and suffering horrible leg cramps last night...

...bad puns (current favorite: a sticker on my car that reads "Pirate of the Car-I-Be-In"...

...scrumptiously scented candles...'s time to decorate for fall...

...a short visit with a friend and a tour of her lovely new home...

...another friend's husband being released from the hospital...

...the sound of the autumn peepers at night...

...God's love and mercy...

...all of you!


  1. Sounds like you had a good week, Stacy. It's always nice to read about what you are up to. I know completely how problems with a swimming pool can be. Been there done that - when we had an in-ground pool in our house in Arizona. I felt like we needed to be scientists or chemical engineers to get everything balanced so the water was clean and blue and we could actually swim! It's good that your daughter is exercising and feeling better. It's a blessing that you live right next door and get to spend so much time with your grandchildren. It's also good that Tim is feeling better. I'm so jealous of you getting Weathertech floor mats in your new vehicle. ;-) I hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon.

  2. It's nicer but still a bit hot in SE Georgia. I think I'm gonna wait until we're closer to October for Fall decorations.
    The bumpersticker pun is a good one!
    Blessings. xx

  3. Cooler temps... looking forward to that! I love the sticker pun! Happy weekend!

  4. Cute pun. Funny. Such a nice long list of things to give thanks for. God is good...all the time...God is good. We say that every Sunday morning, and sometimes we may find it hard to believe, but truly, God IS good all the time and we are blessed beyond measure. Have a lovely weekend and try to just relax and enjoy your family. Happy for your daughter to be walking and losing weight and feeling better. That's great news! Take care my friend.



It's 10:00 on Wednesday evening. I will be heading to bed soon, but I wanted to check in. It's been a while.  I came down with a nas...