Friday, October 20, 2023

Saturday 9: Something More

Saturday 9: Something More (2005)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Sugarland's lead singer Jennifer Nettles describes a busy morning that begins with a cup of coffee. Do you start your day with a cup of joe?  No, I hate coffee. I start with juice or tea and a Diet Coke.

2) When she gets home from work, she sings that her house is dirty but says housework can wait until she has a glass of wine. Is there a particular chore on your "to-do" list that you keep putting off?  Decluttering. We (me) have too much stuff crammed into the house and some of it just needs to go.

3) The lyrics tell us happiness is something we can create. Do you agree?  I think there are certain things we can do, ways to train our minds to think differently, but I also believe unhappiness/depression is a very real thing and sometimes you need medical help to overcome it.

4) In the video of this week's song, the members of Sugarland ride along in a vintage Cadillac. Are you one of those drivers who has a nickname for your car?  Not really. I try to think one up for my cars, but even when I decide on one...I rarely ever call it by the name.

5) The group hitches a ride in a red truck. The auto insurance industry tells us that Americans favor vehicles in the grayscale colors. Nearly 80% of cars on the road today are white, black, gray or silver. What color is your vehicle?  A blue so dark that most of the time it looks black. My husband's truck is white.

6) Nettles achieved her dream of performing on Broadway when she took over the role of Roxy in Chicago. What's your fantasy job?  I would love to have a shop selling books or antiques or secondhand things, which would mean I'd have to spend lots of time searching for those things.

7) She wrote a cookbook with her mom called Sweet, Savory and Simple. When it was originally published, it was spiral bound. That way, it could be laid flat on the counter as the cook tries one of the recipes. How many cookbooks do you own?  I don't have a count, but quite a few. More than I use, anyway. I have a tendency to collect not only those I want to use, but those that are unusual like my Granny Clampett cookbook.
8) In 2005, when "Something More" was topping the country charts, Paul McCartney won a People's Choice Award for his concert tour. Do you have any plans to enjoy music performed live between now and the end of the year?  Not so far.

9) Random question: Who received the most recent compliment you gave?  One of my clients at work this afternoon.

Thanks to Sam for the music and questions!
If you aren't playing along, please join in the fun here.


  1. Hi Stacy, you have similar answer as me. I would visit your shop!

  2. I think your answer to #3 is very perceptive. There are people who minimize depression, saying, "You have health, faith, a safe home and the moon and the stars, so why aren't you happy?" But it can be a chemical imbalance. I have watched my oldest friend battle bipolar disorder and it is a daily battle for her.
    I remember watching The Beverly Hillbillies and I'd be afraid of some of the ingredients required for the victuals in Granny's cookbook.

    1. There are a couple of possum recipes in there!

  3. I love your cookbook answer! I realized that my cookbooks are more for sentimental value than being used for recipes.

  4. Many of the cookbooks I kept when I started giving my large stash away were for there interesting topics. We have one that is recipes from World War I.

  5. I start my day with coffee, but I drink far too much Diet Coke

  6. We've been decluttering our tiny house. It feels wonderful to do so!
    I start my day off with two heaping cups of very strong New England coffee. Then everything is OK ... lol
    Blessings. xx

  7. Hi Stacy. Owning a book and antique shop would be fun, I think. We need to declutter more too. I am trying to stay on top of it better and not buy so many things since we moved back into this house where we have very small closets. I love your answers and hope you have a good weekend!.

  8. Juice or tea AND a Diet Coke? I caught that! LOL. And you're right - depression is something that can't be overcome with a snap of the fingers. And sometimes not even with meds. Ask me how I know. I bet you can guess.

  9. I have favorite cookbooks that I've used since we got married 54 years ago...Better Homes and Gardens #1, like my mother's. I also tend to look up recipes online a lot now instead of looking in a cookbook. Tea for me in the morning, and then water. That's all I drink, either hot tea or iced tea unsweet and/or water. Lots of ice, please. Owning a shop is a lot of work, we found out with Dixie Cottage. And it really ties you down so you can't go places because you can't afford to hire people to work for you. So unless you are really well financed and have some good cheap help, better think long and hard before doing it. Our kids were fortunate to sell the store and move on before it wore us all down.

    1. Oh my goodness, I haven't been spending much time in the blogging world. I didn't know your kids had sold Dixie Cottage. That's huge, but if it had become something of a burden rather than a pleasure I'm glad you are all free from it. I have the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook and the Betty Crocker...they are my go-to's.

  10. My cookbook collection is much like yours, sentimental and often kitschy!

  11. I used to be addicted to coffee and would get a headache if I didn't have it by 10:00 a.m. Now I have a cup or two but there are days I don't have coffee and it's okay. I did go count my cookbooks after I posted my blog. I still have nearly 40. Ridiculous. Clutter has to go!!

  12. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.



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