Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Today's questions come from Swap-bot. You can join in the fun here.

1. What inspires you most?  My faith, my grandchildren and the intellectually disabled adults I work with.

2. How do you think the world will change in 20 years?  Change comes at the speed of light these days, so I can't imagine what it will be like. I do believe it will bear little resemblance to today's world.

3. Cat or dogs and why?  I like both, but have always favored dogs. I currently have a 12 year old Poodle and a 3 year old cat. I think I've come to the decision that Daisy (the dog) will be my last dog. I'll go with cats in my golden years.

4. What is the funniest memory from your childhood?  We went to visit my aunt once and she was mowing her lawn, which was quite large. Interrupted by the visit, she didn't put the yard swing back. It hung on an old swing set frame and and she had to move it to mow. Anyway, my friend and I were sitting on it swinging. Her big cat, Albert, was sitting with us. All of a sudden, the whole thing tipped back and fell over. We were lying there on our backs, feet up in the air, laughing so hard no sound was coming out. Albert was apparently stunned because he never moved. My aunt and grandmother came running because they thought we must be hurt since there was no sound or movement. It scared them, but my friend and I still laugh about it.

5. Where do you not mind waiting?  I hate waiting in traffic, but otherwise it doesn't bother me too much. If I don't have a book with me, I will have my phone and that is connected to my Kindle, social media, and there are a couple of games on it. It's easy to pass the time.

6. What was the best thing before sliced bread?  I'm not sure when store-bought sliced bread came into being, but I would rank things like penicillin and indoor plumbing ahead of sliced bread.

7. What product would you stockpile if you found out they weren't going to sell it anymore?  Diet Coke. Then again...if I didn't stockpile it and they quit making it maybe I could finally give it up.

8. What do you get every time you go grocery shopping?  Diet Coke, stuff for salads, and food and treats for the pets.

9. What do people do too much of today?  Sit on their butts. (Hey, I'm guilty, too!)

10. Are you a Goodwill, or any second hand store customer?  If you've been around for a while then you know I LOOOOVE me some thrift store shopping. I shop them all in search of bargains.

11. How do you feel about the death penalty?  Conflicted. My faith says it is not my job to judge. It also says I should obey the law of the land. And then there is that part of me that says someone who commits a heinous crime against another (especially a child) deserves to lose their life.

12. Are there brands of certain items that you will ONLY buy that brand? i.e. paper towels, ketchup, etc.  Yes, there are some things. Just the two examples given...I only buy Bounty towels and ketchup is only "real" ketchup if it is Heinz.

13. What are some things you will buy the store brand, and find the quality to be great? I often buy the store brand of pharmacy items because in most cases the product works just as well for a fraction of the price. I usually buy Great Value soft and strong toilet tissue...great quality and the cost is much less than the name brands.

14. What is a name brand that really disappointed you recently?  I can't think of anything.

15. Do you wear glasses or contacts?  I've been wearing glasses since I was 7 years old. They are the first thing I reach for in the morning and the last thing I take off at night.


  1. Same with the glasses... and I can tell you, working in a prison, I am conflicted, because of my beliefs...sigh. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

    1. I can only imagine how tough your job is when it comes to your beliefs.

  2. I never wear my glasses. I need them for far away but I really don't care much. I love coca cola but not diet and I can't have sugar anymore. *cries* I usually buy Charmin but I think I will try the Great Value soft and strong since you say its good.

    1. Don't shoot me if you hate it! Terri endorses Amazon's brand. I never thought to look there.

  3. We are a "Heinz" ketchup only household, too. My husband won't use anything else.

  4. Good answers today! I've worn glasses since first grade too. I like Amazon's brand of paper towels and toilet paper. Good quality and good prices. Have a good week ahead, Stacy!

    1. I never thought of buying paper products on Amazon. I can't imagine why...I buy everything else on there!

  5. Fellow butt sitter here, at least until I can use this finger again. lol
    We almost always buy jumbo eggs, half 'n half, heavy cream, bacon and Amish butter. Oh, and now we buying chicken gizzards for the doggies. It's cheaper to cook them a carnivore meal than to use dog food.
    Cats might be less trouble than dogs. It is nice to have something warm and fuzzy to come home too.
    I wear "readers" since the cataract surgery. At least I have good distance vision. 💙

    1. My mom used to cook chicken hearts and gizzards all day in the crockpot with cream of mushroom soup. We'd have it on toast for supper. It was actually pretty good.

  6. There was a segment on CBS Sunday Morning last week that talked about how we need more simplicity and that the technology sometimes makes things mORE complicated!

  7. I'm always in search of a good bargain; I refuse to buy things full price anyway.



On a Monday evening in October...  it's a cool 47 degrees and the forecast says we're going down to 38 degrees before the sun rises ...