Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Currently on this humid Wednesday evening, I'm propped up on the sofa, watching Expedition Unknown, and trying to stay awake to get a post written. My thoughts come in fragments...a sound bite of life, if you will.

It looks as if we've come to the end of our drought. It rained poured off and on most of yesterday and continued through the night. Today was beautiful, but rain is due to move in before midnight and nearly every day from now through next week is predicted to bring at least a bit of rain.

** I'm on my third book in the Tearoom Mysteries. I'm enjoying them. Mom bought them at a used book sale, so while I have 6 to read it's not the complete set. That numbers the 20's. Guidepost wants more than I'm willing to pay for the rest of the books so I'll be keeping my eyes open wherever used books are sold.

Today was a good day at work. It was my turn to plan what we would do. It's National Unusual Instrument Day so we learned about strange instruments and some normal ones. We watched some videos and then I allowed them to try some instruments. They loved it! The favorites were probably the steel tongue drum and the thumb piano.

** Our granddaughter's 5th birthday went well. We had beautiful, HOT weather for the party...always important for a pool party. For once our daughter kept it simple. There was pizza, snacks, drinks, and cake. The pool was the entertainment. Even though not everyone was able to make it, there were probably at least 30 people there with nearly half being kids. The kids had fun all afternoon in the pool and once all of us grandparents and great-grandparents bowed out all the young families were in the pool at the same time having a blast until dark.

Sunday evening our daughter was jumping on the trampoline with the kids and when she came down the ladder to get off of it, she jumped off the last rung...and felt instant pain in her heel. She went to Med Express Monday morning and they said it was plantar fasciitis without doing x-rays. She tried to tell them she's had that before and that was not what she was feeling, but they wouldn't listen. She finally went to the ER Monday evening. It took a CT scan to find it, but she fractured a bone spur on her heel. She's in a splint and on crutches. Tomorrow she sees the orthopedic surgeon to see if she has to have surgery to fix it.

** I'm feeling a bit frustrated. I'm doing okay with dieting, but am not doing so well with being active so I haven't been posting on the diet blog. I'm doing the right things, but I'm in a place where my legs are very painful by the time I get home every day. Through the day it's only painful if I sit for extended periods and then get up (and by extended periods, I mean anything longer than 5 minutes) or if I'm on my feet nonstop. I'm going to have to breakdown and call my PCP. Sigh.

Feeling more than a bit disgusted with politics these days. It seemed like after the attempt on Trump's life both sides were in agreement that it was time to bring some civility back to the game, but here we are at what, 3 weeks out, and everything is back to normal. I can't wait until the election is over.

Laughing at...


  1. That chicken picture was funny! I am sorry you are in pain and that Megan broke her foot. At least it happened after the party! I hate politics and will be glad when it is over. I have been watching a lot of the Olympics. gymnastics, swimming and volleyball are my favorites. I did watch the Women's triathlon. All while icing my upper back. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. So sorry Megan hurt her foot and had to go through all that silliness of a misdiagnose. Somebody was lazy at the medical place! Glad she has help now though.
    Diets are troublesome. I pray it'll all work out for you soon.
    Yeah, the politics ... totally agree. They didn't succeed in killing Pres. Trump, so, now they're back with the hate mongering. Lord, please take the wheel!
    Love the ha ha's. I might share some of those on FB just for giggles. Especially the dog one. That's me all over! *lol* 💙

  3. The birthday party sounds like a complete success - until Megan's possibly broken heel. So sorry she had to deal with that!! I always enjoy the memes you post and admit to stealing one or two now and then! I'm sick of politics and all the garbage posted everywhere. What has happened to our country?! Trust and pray. xo


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...