Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August Happiness Challenge, Day 27


Today I am happy and thanking you for your prayers because they found a cardiologist who will see Tim tomorrow (Wednesday) morning!


  1. Hi Stacy. So glad to hear this! I will keep praying. Let us know the findings.

  2. Sending good vibes to Tim and his cardiologist!

  3. Wow, you're having a rough week. Hoping that things turn out ok. A blockage is an emergency; I wouldn't be surprised if he is admitted to have that dealt with. He will feel much better once it is over, and so will you, but the getting through it part will be tough. I am thinking of you and hoping for a great outcome for both of you.

  4. Whoop!! Hooray!! I'm am so happy you found a cardiologist!! Prayers continue!! xo


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...