Friday, October 18, 2024

Saturday 9: Autumn in New York

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Frank Sinatra sings that autumn in New York is inviting. How are you enjoying fall where you are?  It only began to look and feel like fall in the last week, so I hadn't really been enjoying "fall" except for my beloved pumpkin spice everything. We went to a couple of festivals and I hope to make it to one or two this weekend as the experts say this is the big hoorah for the leaves. Other than that I'm just enjoying the longer evenings and my cozy, fall-decorated house.

2) He tells us the "canyons of steel" (aka skyscrapers) make him feel like he's home. What's something you love about your neighborhood?  It used to be like one big family where everyone stayed forever and knew everyone else, but as the older folks have passed and most of my generation moved away, new people have moved in (and they often only stay a few years then move on) and the family feeling is gone. I guess what I still love is that it's a safe place for my grandchildren to run and play.

3) Frank Sinatra was self-conscious about the scar on his cheek. The doctor used forceps to deliver him and left a mark. Tell us about one of your scars.  I have a scar on the bottom of my chin from playing Ring-around-the-rosie in the church parking lot when I was 4. When "we all fall down" came around, the bigger kids pretty much drug me to the ground. I remember blood. Lots of blood.

4) Frank was a creature of habit. Every time he visited Patsy's Italian Restaurant in New York he ordered the same dessert: lemon ricotta torte. Do you enjoy trying new dishes, or do you prefer to stick with your old favorites?  I am very adventurous when it comes to food and I love trying new things.

5) "Autumn in New York" was written by New Yorker Vernon Duke during a hot summer vacation in Westport, CT. Have you ever been homesick?  Not that I can remember. I've always been ready to head out on an adventure.

6) In 1947, when this recording made the Top 30, Daniel and Patricia were the most popular baby names. Are there any Daniels or Patricias in your life?  I have a coworker named Patricia.

7) Elton John was born in 1947. When you think of Elton John, what's the first song that comes to mind?  Crocodile Rock

8) Radio was America's most accessible form of entertainment in 1947 and a mystery, The Adventures of Ellery Queen, was one of the most popular shows. Do you enjoy mysteries?  They are my favorite.

9) Random question: What were you most excited about when you woke up this morning?  Well, I am answering this Friday evening so this morning I was most excited that this was Friday!

Thanks to Crazy Sam @ Saturday 9 for the music and questions!


  1. Replies
    1. I feel like we grew up in the golden age of TV detectives (Columbo, Kojak, Rockford, Hart to Hart, etc)

    2. I think we did Kwiz. Tim and I still watch most of them.

  2. I have so many scars! I have one on my chin, too, but I got it when I was about 11. I am sorry you didn't get the supervisor position (previous post), but you seem ok with it.

    1. Thank you, but you are right. I am more than okay with it. The job is a LOT more work and not much more pay. So far they haven't had anyone apply for it.

  3. I have so many scars, sigh...nice to see you post, Stacy. Wishing you a lovely rest of the day. smiles.

  4. Did you need stitches on your chin? I just remembered I have a think scar on my hand to from a broken soda bottle.

  5. This is a fun Saturday 9 and I enjoyed your answers, Stacy! I'm glad your grands have a safe neighborhood in which to run and play and grow up. Good for them! Happy weekend!!

  6. Hi Stacy. It was fun to read your answers. Wow, your neighborhood sounds like a good one. I like to read mysteries too - in fact I am going to go do that right now! Fall festivals sound like a lot of fun. I hope you have a good Sunday!

  7. I have a scar on my chin, too! I was little and had just gotten my first big girl bed. I was jumping on it in celebration, missed, and cracked my chin on my dresser. It bled like crazy! My dad was pretty bloody by the time I got to the ER and frankly, they didn't believe that I could possibly be that klutzy and miss my bed, and after they stitched me up they questioned me alone. I had a very active imagination and was quite verbal and my parents were worried that I might take this moment to spin a tale. But no, I stuck to the truth. PS I remain that klutzy. My chiropractor maintains that I likely was born with scoliosis and my balance has always been compromised. I'm built to tilt to the right.



It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...