Sunday, October 20, 2024


It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last bit of it curled up on the sofa with my kitty and watching a Hallmark Christmas movie. Ha! What says "fall" more than that?

The weather... has been a bit warmer than normal during the days and quite frosty during the nights, dipping down to freezing or very close. We have a few more warm days (80 on Tuesday!) before it begins to cool down a bit. Is this our Indian Summer? Who knows. Weather patterns here are not at all like they used to be.

Feeling... relaxed and happy. I had a good weekend with family. Saturday was shopping with our daughter and grands during the day and in the evening Tim and I took the grands to see some of the spectacular Halloween displays in town. Today Tim and I did a bit of grocery shopping and worked around home. He mowed the grass for the last time and I worked on laundry and made a chicken pot pie for dinner. We watched some television and I did a little reading.



Reading... Maggody and the Moonbeams by Joan Hess. It's part of the funny and off the wall Maggody series. I read most of the books a long time ago, but somehow missed this one.

Celebrating... Halloween, obviously. We are having fun with the grands now as they will be leaving for vacation this coming Saturday and won't return until November 3. Also, as I've mentioned before, Halloween is a HUGE deal at work. We have a costume party and a talent show where the consumers get to show off their "talents." Some are quite good, others not so much, but it is always a lot of fun. My department has been working hard to decorate the multipurpose room and each of us has a wall to do something with. The other staff went with cute. I went with zombie swamp. LOL

This photo was taken nearly 2 weeks ago. Since then I've added fairy lights to the trees dripping with moss, more tombstones on the sides, more grass and moss. I also highlighted the windows in the house a little with some yellow chalk and added a shadow man in one of the windows. I admit to being a little proud of the whole 3-D effect with the trees. I'll try to get another photo with the lights and everything.

Annoyed with... the outcome of my trip to the dentist. I had the roots of the two teeth the crowns came off of extracted just fine and he popped the partial right in. I had to take it out that night due to some bleeding. I couldn't get it back in until the end of last week due to pain in the gums. Now that I can get it in I can't stand it and have to take it right back out. It triggers my gag response something awful. I'm going to have to call. Maybe he can adjust it somehow?

Giggling at...


Have a blessed week, everyone!


  1. Cool Halloween decorations!!! And ouch on the tooth. Wishing you a beautiful week, Stacy.

  2. The those last memes!! I've got the giggles!! You saw some pretty great Halloween decorations around town and I can't wait to see your "wall" when it is finished! Much more fun than "cute"!! Sorry about your tooth troubles. Hope there is an easy fix. I have a quick gag reflex and even have a problem getting x-rays. The dental techs love getting me in their chair... not.

  3. Hi Stacy. This was a fun and interesting post. I love the way you are decorating at the multipurpose room at work. That book you are reading sounds good. It's so great that you get to spend so much time with your grands. I hope you have a super good week. See you again soon!



It's 10:00 on Sunday evening. The weekend has come to an end. It was a lovely fall weekend. Perfect, actually. I'm enjoying the last...