Friday, October 25, 2024

Saturday 9: Me and Bobby McGee

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) The song begins with Janis telling us about a trip from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. Have you ever visited Louisiana? If yes, where did you go?  I've never been, but I want to visit one day. We have a niece there who married a native. She has promised all kinds of yummy Louisiana foods if we come visit.

2) She and her boyfriend Bobby hitch a ride with a truck driver and together the three of them sing "every song the driver knew." If you were to begin a singalong with strangers in a bar or at a party, what song would you confident everyone knows?  Piano Man or maybe Sweet Caroline. Most people seem to know both of those.

3) Janis had a painful time in her Port Arthur, TX, high school. She was ostracized for her looks and her taste in music. If you could give advice to your high school self, what would you say?  Don't take it so seriously. It'll be over before you know it and you really won't look back.

4) She credited the blues and Bessie Smith, specifically, for getting her through her tough adolescence. After she became famous and mentioned Bessie in interviews, Janis learned Ms. Smith had been buried in an unmarked grave back in 1937. Janis rectified the situation by paying for a proper tombstone for Smith in 1970. If money were no object, what's something you would like to do for someone else?  I would donate large sums to both Tunnels 2 Towers and Wounded Warriors as both do wonderful things for our veterans and in T2T's case, also our first responders.

5) Because of her party girl persona, people were surprised that Janis had a domestic side and enjoyed talking recipes. Thinking of cooking, what dish would you whip up for our Saturday 9 potluck?  I've been looking at a lot of pumpkin recipes lately so, maybe a savory main dish with pumpkin in it.

6) "Me and Bobby McGee" was written by the late Kris Kristofferson. Kris' life before hitting it big was varied, including time in Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, focused on English literature, and serving as a helicopter pilot in the US Army. Which career path do you think you'd enjoy more: academia or the Army?  There was a time when I wanted to join the military, but these days I'm sure I'd fare better in academia.

7) In 1971, when this song was popular, the US Mint introduced the Eisenhower Silver Dollar. Think of the last thing you bought at a store. Did you pay with cash, plastic, or your phone?  Plastic

8) England's Princess Anne turned 21 in 1971 and in honor of the occasion, she had an official portrait taken by fashion photographer Norman Parkinson. Who took the most recent photo of you?  Someone at work.

9) Random question -- There's a knock at your door. Who do you expect it is?  Our daughter's family is off on vacation for the next week, but since tomorrow (Saturday) is trick or treat in our area, it might be a trick or treater....if we even get any. We haven't for a few years, other than the grands.

Thanks to Crazy Sam @ Saturday 9 for the music and questions!


  1. #4 - If we had loads of extra dough, I would open a store in our community to serve them with reduced prices. There are so many poor, struggling folks around us now. I know they didn't plan their trip through life very well but I don't want them to starve. We and many others try to help all we can but have such limited resources. *sigh* I pray about this often.
    Poor Janis. She was a lost soul that lived a very immoral life in need of Jesus. I really find nothing admirable about her or many other entertainers.
    Love & Blessings In Christ.

    1. There are just so many needs in this world. I wish it was different, but we know why it's not. I understand how you feel about entertainers. I just try to see everyone through Jesus's eyes. Fortunately for all of us, He sees us as loveable.

  2. Amen Stacy to you and Sparky's thoughts. Wishing you a beautiful Saturday, my friend.

  3. Go to New Orleans, Stacy!! There is so much history and good music and amazing food. Do it!! xo

  4. I went back and forth between your song choices, too, but ultimately went with "Sweet Caroline."

  5. Our answers to #2 and #3 are similar, which means, of course, that you are an exceptional woman of discerning intellect.


Saturday 9: Me and Bobby McGee

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it   here . 1) The song begins with Janis telling us about a trip from Baton Rouge to New Orleans...