Sunday, December 29, 2024


The weather... 65 degrees with scattered showers and lots of wind. We are under a wind advisory until 10:30 tonight. Tomorrow's high is predicted to be a bit cooler at 48 degrees.

The big, bad, bug... is still making itself known. As I had reported before, Tim brought it home this past Monday and missed all of Christmas with it. I got it late in the evening on Christmas Day. My mom got it overnight between Thursday and Friday. This afternoon I learned my stepdad now has it and our daughter reports she isn't feeling well, but she is prone to intestinal issues so it may not be the bug. (As an FYI, our daughter' friend who is a nurse practitioner said to drink grape juice when you have an intestinal bug. It will get you over it sooner. Also, if you're living with someone who has a bug, drink grape juice even if you aren't sick because it may beef up your immunity.)

Reading... I just finished Hero for the Holidays by Maisey Yates. The premise was good. Landry and Fia grew up on neighboring ranches, both had highly dysfunctional families. As teenagers they found solace in each other, but when Fia became pregnant at 15 and gave birth to a baby girl at 16, she knew she didn't want her baby growing up in that environment. She knew she couldn't give her the life she wanted her to have so she gave her up for adoption. Landry disagreed with her decision and it tore them apart. 

They spent the next 13 years growing up, changing their families' legacies, building the ranches into something to be proud of, and hating each other. Unbeknownst to Fia, Landry found the adoption agency she used and put his information on record with them...just in case their daughter ever wanted to find him.

When the couple who adopted their daughter dies Landry is contacted about fostering her with adoption in mind. He is all in and brings her to the ranch, keeping her a secret from all but his own family for nearly a month. He plans to tell Fia once the girl has time to settle in a bit, but a surprise visit from Fia about business forces his hand. 

The rest of the book is about how Landry and Fia learn to deal with the past and each other in order to build a family for their daughter. It should have been a good book. The story was good. The characters were likeable. Unfortunately, a majority of the book ended up taking place in Landry and Fia's thoughts. Everything was rehashed and death and beyond. It got boring.

Next up: I got a Louise Penny book and Melania Trump's biography for Christmas so one of those.

Listening to... nothing really.

Watching... Landman on Prime Video

Loving... that I had today all to myself at home. Tim worked and everyone else stayed away. I slept in a bit, watched movies, and read.

Thinking... about getting the Christmas gifts put away and getting the tree and decorations packed up for another year. It will probably happen on New Year's Day.

Feeling... determined to change our diet and get this inflammation under control in the coming year.

Celebrating... New Year's I guess, though we don't usually do anything exciting these days.

Grateful... for a mild winter so far. It's going to get cold again by Friday, but there's no snow in the forecast at this point.

Enjoying... leftovers, going out to eat with gift cards, and not having to plan or cook meals for a few days.

Laughing at... 



  1. Hi Stacy. I hope you are all over the stomach bug and much better soon. I would love to read Melanie's autobiography so I may see if I can get it on my Kindle. May you have a very happy New Year and many blessings in 2025!

  2. I am glad you are feeling better. Wishing you a Happy New Year, my friend.

  3. Your funny memes at the end of your post always make me laugh! I'm stealing the one about the silent g in lasagna. Glad you are feeling some better and hope the nasty bug has run its course for everyone! Take care, and Happy New Year!

  4. I read Milania's book and it was interesting. I feel like I learned about her and also saw a little different side of Donald than we usually hear about.


Sunday Stealing: Countdown From 5

It's good to see Sunday Stealing back again. I've played along off and on for years and while the last few years it's been more...