Sunday, January 5, 2025

Looking Back & Looking Forward

I've been meaning to share a little about our holidays and a few photos, but circumstances have kept me from it. Now that we're hibernating due to cold weather, I've got plenty of time.

The season really got started for us when I took my mom and granddaughter to see The Nutcracker Ballet. I've always wanted to do that, but our daughter never wanted to (still didn't) and we don't get to see our oldest granddaughter. I'm so glad I decided to go this year. Our granddaughter was so excited and loved it all.

The big party at work for the consumers was a hit as always. I can't share too many photos due to privacy issues, but here are a few.

This is me and one of the consumers I'm closest to. She is only a few years younger than me and she's a real party girl!

Santa and Mrs. Claus are played by a member of the local Lion's Club and his wife. They are always great and this year Santa played along to play a joke on a consumer. This consumer had been joking, going on and on, to everyone that we'd been bad and wouldn't be getting anything but coal for Christmas. Then he said everyone should just stay home on party day because there wouldn't be presents...while also saying he'd open them all. I started telling him that HE was the one getting coal and all the staff and office staff got in on it. I found a little bag labeled "North Pole Coal" and put some candy coal in it. When it was his turn to go get his gift from Santa (they even made him the very last one) Santa told him he had a special gift for him and handed him the coal. He was sure surprised, but a good sport and laughed along with everyone.

Looking across the multipurpose room with everyone seated for dinner.

The Saturday before Christmas I ran into Santa and Mrs. Claus at the grocery store. They allowed me to take a picture and sent a message to our grandchildren to be good, because they were watching!

Christmas was less than ideal. Tim came home from work on the 23rd terribly sick. Looking back I'm sure he had Norovirus. It hit him hard and he completely missed out on Christmas. 

After opening gifts with Tim, I made dinner and took it over to our daughter's along with all the presents for everyone. I'm very thankful our son-in-law was able to come over and help me load it all up and then unload it at their home.

The kiddos had a wonderful Christmas and between home and all the grandparents got everything they asked for (and a few they didn't ask for as Colton let us know...spin toothbrushes did not excite him). We enjoyed our meal, playing games with the kids, and of course, watching the Steelers game.

Playing Guess Who with our granddaughter.

One of the few photos of our grandson that isn't a total blur. They are having some trouble adjusting his ADHD meds right now and he was especially hyper on Christmas.

At about 11:30 pm on Christmas Day the virus hit me. It wasn't fun, but it lasted less than 24 hours. My mom came down with it Thursday evening and had it for 3 days. Her husband came down with it Saturday and it hit him hardest of all. He is just now feeling back to normal.

Oliver took good care of me when I was sick.

He's been enjoying his Christmas present.

Tim is at that phase of a work project when he is working a ton of overtime to get everything done. He didn't even get home on New Year's Eve until 7:30 so we didn't do anything. He was asleep by 8:30 so Megan kept the kids at home and Mom and John were keeping to themselves because of the virus. New Year's Day we took down the tree and inside decorations and watched several movies.

I kicked this weekend off by getting my nails done after work. I got rid of the sparkly, red Christmas color and went with a pretty purple. I love the pampering of a manicure.

Tim took Saturday off as he had promised back at Christmas. It figured it was one of the coldest days we'd had so far. We went ahead and did some running around in spite of that.

We need a new storage shed in the worst way and have needed to go look for a long time. We finally did that (I think my nose has finally thawed out) and found one we can both agree on. Yay! 

We also looked at, found, and purchased a lift recliner. It's for me. I don't really need one, but every once in a while when the inflammation flares up at its worst, I need Tim to help me get up. I was worried it might happen some day when he isn't around. It also has heat and massage, which will be nice now. It's not due in until the end of February at this point.

We had a late lunch out and did our grocery shopping so we could stay home today. Tim still went out for a short while. He got more salt for the sidewalks, de-icing windshield washer fluid, and filled my gas tank. Other than that we've just relaxed and watched TV.

I've started a new Bible study. It's called Dear Food, I Love You, I Hate You, Don't Leave Me! It's by Julia Fikse. I bought it a while ago but never got started on it. It isn't a diet, but rather a program meant to help you put food in its proper place in your life...and put God first. I haven't gotten very far into it, but it seems good.

Lastly, I want to share my One Word for this year. It's Victorious. There are many places in scripture that speak of victory, but I'm holding to this one...

1 Corinthians 15:7 - But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I can not do this. I have proven it time and time again. However, if I turn to Christ first, not relying on myself, He is faithful and will lead me to victory.

And now I'd better call it a night and get ready to head to bed early. We are under a winter storm warning tonight and all day tomorrow. We are expecting 6-10 inches of snow. If the morning is as ugly as they predict I'm going to have to leave very early for work.


  1. Hi Stacy! It was fun to read about your Christmas and New Year's holidays. That lift recliner. Sounds great. My mother-in-law had one of those and she loved it! It was very helpful to her. I also love the color of your nails. That's a great color to start the new year with. I am glad that everyone in your family is feeling better after a nasty virus. I am glad that the new year is off to a good start for you. See you again soon!

  2. Gosh, I'm sorry to read about all the sickness you guys had over the holidays. Glad everyone, including your mom's hubby, are over it and back to feeling better! Sounds like the kids had a good time and got everything on their lists. Stacy, wishing you safe travels to work in the bad weather. Hope the trucks are out early to clear the roads for you and all. Be safe.

  3. So sorry y'all have been so ill. Those viruses are not fun. Prayers that you'll keep improving and be 100% all year.
    I would like to see the Nutcracker Ballet some day. At least there are versions of it on YouTube I can watch for free. Maybe that's better anyway.
    Victorious is a good choice. We are just that through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Blessings. ✨

  4. Victory is a good one and I love that verse. Hope all of you are feeling better. Take care!


Sunday Stealing: Countdown From 5

It's good to see Sunday Stealing back again. I've played along off and on for years and while the last few years it's been more...