Monday, March 28, 2022


I am...

Reading...  A Son is a Son Til He Gets a Wife: How Toxic Daughters-in-Law Destroy Families  This is a quick read, but man the emotions it brings to the surface. Many of you know that we are estranged from our son, and therefore, our grandchildren. We did not do anything so wrong that it should warrant such a reaction. We believe his thinking and emotions have been manipulated by his wife. We were close and had a good relationship with our son until she entered the picture. She seemed to be trying to drive a wedge between us from the very first meeting. It went down hill from there. This book really doesn't offer suggestions about how to change the situation. In fact, it suggests that there may be nothing parents can do. What it does offer is a sense of not being alone. It is comforting to know that you are not the only one and that you haven't lost your mind, that some people really are that toxic.

Listening to...  our nightly binge of Blacklist.

Loving...  having nothing to do and just relaxing at home. Yesterday it was go, go, go from beginning to end.

Thinking...  it's about time I'm finally feeling (most of the way) better. Now if  we can just get Tim healthy. He's had whatever this bug is for the last 4 days or so and he sounds way worse than I did and I fought it for over two weeks.

Feeling...  cozy and content. Snuggled up with my furry buddies on the couch after I spent the morning at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh with our daughter and grandchildren. It was the boy's school field trip.

Celebrating...  a friend's birthday tomorrow with lunch at a Mexican restaurant.

Grateful for...  my family and friends.

Weather...  22* and windy.

Enjoying...  my life.

A quote I want to share...


  1. Hi Stacy. I totally get what you are saying about your son. We had much the same going on with our oldest daughter and her husband who she is now divorcing. He was toxic and starting trying to distance us from our daughter early in their marriage. It is all so sad. I am not at all sure how to achieve reconciliation, but I will keep trying. It is good to know that there are many good parents out their in the same boat we are in. I love these "currently" posts. I may join with you a little later. Your trip to the zoo with your daughter looks like it was a lot of fun.

  2. You know I feel your pain. My issue is far more complicated, but estranged is estranged. I don't think I'll ever meet my grandchildren, which sucks. Many giant hugs to you and your hubs. This shit is hard.

  3. So sorry for the estrangement. Life can be so hard sometimes. I love the pictures at the aviary. Everyone looks to be having so much fun. Hope you have a great day!

  4. It's so sad when there is a toxic person or persons in a family. I'm so sorry yours is the Dau.-In-Law. Our toxic person is Steve's brother. He's a walking "wedge" in every conversation or event and now he is banned from all family gatherings. The only recourse I can see that we have if prayer and be patient. I'm sure y'all are doing that already.
    The day looked like fun! Love the photos. So sweet.
    Blessings. xx

  5. That is a great quote, Stacy.I hope that one day your son will try to get in touch with you. Looks like y'all had a great field trip! xo

  6. My heart goes out to you, Stacy, and your whole family. Because everyone is hurt in this situation. Your grandchildren especially as they are missing out on such a wonderful relationship with you and Tim. The only recourse I see is to just keep praying. Pray for your DIL's heart to be changed. Pray for your son to be strong and become the true leader God intends him to be. Pray for God to heal their hearts and yours. "God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think..." Ephesians 3:20 (i think). So glad you could go on the field trip with your daughter and grandson. What fun that was! Praying for Tim's health, and for peace all the way around. God is able. Never give up hope.

  7. 22 degrees... ughhhhhh
    I love a good trip to the zoo. That owl is amazing!


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...