Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tuesday 4: Again and Again

Welcome back!  Thank you so much for joining in with Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

I hope you are enjoying these.

There are some things we just enjoy quite a lot. Let's talk about it okay?

1. Which book could you read over and over again?  The Bible...it has it all...action, adventure, mystery, drama, betrayal, romance, and the greatest love story ever told. My second choice would be Little Women.

2. What movie or TV program could you watch and never tire of watching?  The Big Bang Theory.

3. What meal do you like enough to eat several times a week or several times a month?  Got a recipe to share for it?  I like lots of things to eat them often, but the one that I probably actually do eat that often is pizza. No particular recipe. Call for take out or I like to use a tortilla and put all the pizza fixin's on that. It makes a yummy, thin, crispy crust if you like that.

4. What place do you enjoy so much that you go back again and again? Why do you like it so much?  Barnes & Noble, Chincoteague Island, and several others. The why is simple. They make me happy.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I could live in a bookstore, lol. Have a beautiful day, friend.

  2. You're so right - the Bible has it all! & its like a new story each time you read it.

    I love a bookstore too - I can go in & spend HOURS... & money!

  3. I enjoyed your answers. Love the Bible and Little Women. Any bookstore or library would be favorites of mine. In fact, I need to go to Barnes and Noble as I received a gift card for my retirement from a friend.

  4. The Holy Bible is indeed the best book to read. Hands down. Second for me is Agatha Christie (any of them). Her writings are so insightful.
    One of our favorite recipes is Garlic Chicken Thighs. They are SO YUMMY and inexpensive. Steve does such a good job cooking them. Guess I should share that on my blog. *grin*
    Blessings. xx

  5. I wish we had gotten to Chincoteague when I lived in VA. We went to Smith Island and Tangier Island...both interesting but not like Chincoteague!

  6. Do you still have Barnes & Noble? Our closed years ago. We do still have Books a Million. I enjoyed your answers, Stacy. Have a good week!

  7. Amen on reading the Bible again and again and again. I read it every day and hope to do so every day for the rest of my life! I also completely agree with spending time in bookstores. Fun post. See you again soon!

  8. I love pizza! We had that for dinner tonight. Loved your answers! Happy Tuesday!


  9. I see most of the ladies who posted to this meme love pizza. I would say I only like it and eat only as a last recourse, lol. To each, her own. Like you I like the Big Bang Theory television series. I think the dialogue is quite clever compared to most of the shows on air. I'm gonna have to look up Chincoteague Island. It sounds intriguing. Have a great week!

  10. I know that I need to start reading the Bible. I love The Big Bang Theory. Pizza is my favorite.

  11. I have never read Little Women.. I think I should. I agree about the Big Bang Theory. I really enjoyed it.

  12. I enjoyed your answers. Love a good pizza!! Oh, barnes and Noble...good choice. I remember in school reading a book about the chincoteague ponies and I always wanted to visit there.


Currently...the Baby It's Cold Outside Edition

Wherever you are this evening, I hope it is warmer than it is here and if it's not, then I hope you are snuggled up inside   staying nic...