Wednesday, April 6, 2022

An Update...

Just a quick update today for those who have been following the story about my son-in-law's brother and praying for the situation.

He did not go to the hospital on Monday. He (as the family came to find out) lied to his parents about the doctor's office calling and saying his insurance would not cover a CT-scan. What they said was his insurance would not cover one at the doctor's office, but would cover one done at the hospital.

When his mother called the office and learned this yesterday morning, his dad laid the facts out to him. He would be going to the ER and he would be going in the ambulance. Well, he cried. He whined. He tried to negotiate. Couldn't he please just have one more day? Why did he have to go in the ambulance? Couldn't they just drive him?

Anyway, he finally arrived at the ER later yesterday afternoon. Tests and scans showed one lung is white and collapsed and fluid is built up and pressing on the other lung and his heart. His liver enzymes are highly elevated. They need to deal with the fluid before they worry about the liver. He was admitted and is listed as being in serious, but stable condition for now. His doctors, as of the wee hours of the morning were not pleased to find out the ER did not insert a shunt to start draining the fluid. The last I heard, the family didn't know if that had been done yet. His parents should be with him now. They couldn't get in until 9:00 and then only one at a time is allowed in. 

So, please keep your prayers coming. He is only 33. If they can get him through this health crisis they need to deal with his mental health and the entire family is of the old school thinking and really brushes it off as either not a real thing or shameful. But there is obviously something going on that made the son allow this to happen to himself and do nothing about it. There are several circumstances in his life, any ONE of which could be overwhelming, that need to be dealt with and our daughter says even her husband now suspects that this may have been the man's plan to commit suicide without actually having to do it. Pray he doesn't suceed.


  1. Oh my goodness... lifting up prayers right now. The whole thing just sounds so heartbreaking. Hopefully he will get some help in there & maybe someone will get his parents on board with more up to date thinking on mental health.

  2. Keeping in sad...


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...