Monday, April 4, 2022


I am...

Reading... I am back to Uncanceled by Phil Robertson. I had stepped away and read a couple of other things. Now I need to finish it before I get tempted by something else.

Listening to... the American Idol auditions. I am running behind this year.

Loving...  the longer daylight hours. Yes, I am the weirdo who loves when we turn the clocks back in the fall, but by spring I am just as glad to turn them ahead.

Thinking... about our daughter's brother-in-law. It's his little girl that our daughter and her husband have been helping to care for. His mental state is troubling, but his physical health is the more immediate concern. He has been consistently refusing to see a doctor. 

Today he was supposed to go to the E.R. to get things rolling, but at the last minute the doctor supposedly called and said his insurance won't cover a CT-scan. He could still go to the E.R. and if they found enough wrong they could run all kinds of tests. The other option is to be referred to a specialist and wait for an appointment there. He has opted to wait.

Our daughter is frustrated and she shares that with me. I understand...because I DON'T understand why he is refusing to get help or why his parents refuse to push him. At this point, he can barely walk; can only stand with great effort; and is so full of fluid that he can barely breathe or speak. I know this is TMI, but he spent this past weekend in his parents' garage (it is heated and a family hangout of sorts) sitting in the lift recliner his mom just purchased with a bucket for a toilet because the bathroom is on the second floor. His mother fed him fast food all weekend...the evidence was in the crumpled wrappers on the floor all around him. When our daughter saw him this morning he was slumped over in the chair and she said he looked like a bloated corpse.

Our daughter is so stressed...with worry over him and also worry over what will become of his daughter if something happens to him. I am worried about her. She struggles with anxiety and doesn't handle stress well at all. Her blood pressure is already a bit elevated and I'm sure this is not helping.

Feeling... motivated to be healthier. More water. More exercise. Better food choices.

Celebrating... our son-in-law's birthday this weekend. Also, the Easter season is in full swing. Tomorrow evening I'm helping to fill 1000 plastic eggs at church for the egg hunt on Saturday. I will also be baking either cookies or cupcakes this week for the event and working the registration table on Saturday.

Grateful for... the possibility of a bit of income. I was contacted by the family of one of my clients. They want to pay me themselves to do what I was doing. We're trying to work out details now.

Weather... 42* and cloudy tonight. 62* and cloudy tomorrow (Tuesday).

Enjoying... this season of life.

A quote I want to share...


  1. When I read others issues with insurance, I physically get an ache because I know the frustration of insurance that is so not patient worthy. I still lift up prayers for that whole situation though - I know its tough for you to sit back & see some things you have no control over.
    Keep up that motivation friend.... TO OUR HEALTH!

  2. Love your quote. Never quite thought of it like that.

  3. Goodness on your daughter's brother-in-law. I find it so hard to understand why people won't go to the doctor. We all know that early intervention means a better chance to conquer disease. Keep us posted, and I will be praying! Nice for the employment opportunity!! Hugs!

  4. Somehow I hit the "sign out" button below instead of the Publish button, so I lost my whole long comment. So I'll just say I enjoyed this post and I am praying for your daughter's BIL and his little girl. Also praying for you and the employment possibility, and the Easter Egg Hunt at your church. My first comment said it all so much better, but I frustrated myself by hitting the wrong button. LOL. Have a lovely week. Now, where is that PUBLISH button...? LOL.


Saturday 9: Flowers

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it   here .   1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do ...